Chapter sixteen: interview with Stranger Things cast

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You're in an interview with a few members of the stranger things cast.

The members attending: Finn W, Noah S, Millie BB, Sadie S, Caleb M, Gaten M, Priah F, Maya H, Joseph Q, Jamie CB, Joe K and Dacre M.

All of you are doing a puppy interview. You're sitting with Joe K.

"Everybody grab a puppy!" Maya shouts.

The puppies run all over us. A black one and a white with brown spots one run over to me.

I grab them carefully and put them in my lap.

Joe is next to me having the time of his life with a black with white spots puppy.

"I feel like the rest is having a blast too, I don't know" I whisper to Joe. "Joseph will definitely get a cute one, I'm sure of it" He whispers back.

"Wait, why are we whispering?" I ask laughing. "I don't know to be honest" He says laughing too.

Everyone gets the same question.

"Why did you want to play in stranger things?"

"I can hear a few of the others talking" I laugh.

"Alright so I wanted to be in stranger things because I had just finished drama school and I really wanted to play a role. I saw the advert for this role online and I saw a few familiar names" He says pointing at me before going on, "that I had gotten to know trough drama school and I thought, why not? So I auditioned and luckily got the role and I met this awesome person in real life" He says and I smile.

"Aww thanks Joe, you're amazing too" I say.

"Well I was already a little famous because of my music career back then and I actually got asked to play the role because it matched the description of what they were searching for" I say.

"Mhm the queen got asked, she didn't even need to do a good audition it was like: oh you want the role? here you have it" Joe jokes. I laugh.

The black puppy tries to nestle into my lap, but my arms are in the way. "Oh I'm sorry hun, here you go" I say removing my arm so he can get comfortable in my lap. I continue to pet him.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Joe asks laughing.

"I don't know" I say laughing as I pick the puppy up and look at its part. "It's a boy!" I laugh excitedly.

Jamie walks up to us. "What? You're having a boy?" He asks. "Yes" I answer jokingly and he runs up to me excitedly.

"Oh I'm so happy for you darling, how far along are you?" He asks and I laugh.

"Jamie, I'm not pregnant" I say laughing.

"Oh I'm so sorry darling" He says also laughing.

"Oh this one's a boy over here" He says as he picks up the puppy that was in my lap earlier.

"Haha yes that's a boy indeed" I joke. The puppy licks Jamie in his face.

"Yes I know you like my face, I do too" He says.

"Okay so im going to sit here real quick" He says before sitting down next to Joe and I.

He waves at the camera. "Oh hi people" He says.

"I am going to be visiting Joseph then" Joe says.

"Alright" I say as I move to where Joe was sitting before. "Here have my puppy" I say handing Jamie one of the puppies that were sleeping in my lap.

"Let's answer a question" I say petting the remaining puppy that's sleeping in my lap.

"Who do you think your character has the best bonds with? Name at least 3"

"Alright I'll start, uh no one, no one oh and no one" Jamie says laughing. "I scare everyone away" He adds.

"Sorry to hear that hun" I play along, also laughing.

"My character was fine with everyone, but especially with Steve, duh obviously, 'my boyfriend' in the series for the people who didn't know, so uh him and Max as 'my sister' I think and uh probably like robin, 'my bestfriend'. Maybe even Billy, 'my brother' because in the show, when he got abusive, he only listened to me. Sometimes I found him a little scary, for example in the scene where he had to 'fight' Steve and I had to step in was kinda scary to be honest but Dacre comforted me after so that was really nice. Hopper and Joyce who took care of me when I'd been in a fight with Billy or something also." I explain.

"So the next question is: if you would have written stranger things, would you have changed anything about your character?"

At that moment Dacre walks up to us.

"I got bored, mind if I join you guys?" He jokes as I pat a seat next to me for him to sit, I hand him the other dog I had. "Aww thanks Kay" He says.

"So the question.." He thinks for a moment.

"Yes I would. I would've changed Billy. I think he needed someone like Stacy (your character name) to keep comforting him and I think in some scenes he could've been more aggressive and in some scenes a little less, like a bit more balance with his violence" Dacre explains.

"I think for my character there isn't much to say, because my character is obviously well played (🙄), the background story is really good and I don't think it needs any changes" Jamie says and I laugh.

"Well that's good to know. Producers! Psst! Writers! Come quick, Jamie's told me something!" I shout jokingly.

"Anyways.. I think my character is fine as it is but I do think they should've given her her own car, because ofcourse the scenes with Steve are cute and all but c'mon, she's 17. If I wrote the series I would've changed that but that's the only thing because the rest is really well written" I say.

Jamie laughs. "Producers! Come quick, Kayla's told me something really interesting..!" He mimics me.

Dacre and I laugh at his expression when he mimics me.

A/N: and here's a long chapter for y'all !

I'm sorry that I only included a few people, but I still hope you enjoyed it. If you want some other people included, let me know in the comments and I'll do some editing to this chapter or I'll write another interview with that person in it :)

All of the answers are made up, sorry!

I'm sorry the puppies didn't get much of a mention, I guess I maybe was a little (🤏🏻) too excited, oops 😬

Requests here please!

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