Chapter eight: RDJ, Chris.E, Chris.H, Sebastian S. and Scarlett J.

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You're on the Jimmy Fallon Tonight show with a few people of the marvel cast. You're talking and making jokes.

"No way! You didn't!" I shout excitedly smiling at RDJ. "I really did, honey." He says with a smirk displayed on his face, making the audience cheer and applaud.

"So when she showed up, you tripped over the red carpet?!" Jimmy repeats for clarification as he laughs about it. RDJ doesn't respond.

"Yeah that happened like 3-4 years ago, we don't talk about it anymore." Chris. H says jokingly as he rolls his eyes.

We laugh. "But why were you so excited to see me?" I ask laughing as I smile. "Well you know, we hadn't seen each other in such a long time and everything." He explains.

"I was on a little vacation through Italy with Sebastian." I say, smiling when thinking back to it.

"Yeah I missed you and I didn't even know you would be there on the premier, that's why I was excited when people were calling out your name." He explains.

"I didn't even know that you tripped!" Chris. E shouts out dying of laughter.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry.. I just really wish I had been there to see it." Chris. E says wiping his tears of laughing away while giggling.

"Scarlett, you have been away for a while too, where to?" Jimmy asks. "I've been to France but I actually wanted to go to Romania." She explains.

"Wait what?! How did you end up in France then?" Jimmy asks laughing. "Jeremy was in France and I really wanted to see him." She says laughing.

"My next stop is Romania though" She adds with he pointer finger in the air. "Sebastian how do you feel about your "tour" trough Italy with Kayla?" He asks. I look up to him smiling.

"I honestly feel really good, I'm not going to tell much details because we also want to keep some things private.." He thinks for a moment.

"But uh yeah I feel really good." He then adds. At first he looks very serious but when he looks at me he starts smiling.

"I can see your smile brighten when looking at her." RDJ says laughing softly as he squeezing Sebastians shoulders softly.

"So I've got a question for Kayla, because I had seen a video on Instagram.." Jimmy starts, already laughing.

"Oh no I already know what this is about.." I say laughing while looking down to cover my face of embarrassment.

"I want to show you the video, can I?" He asks, trying to hold his laughter.

"Uhh I don't know about that." I say jokingly. The rest of the cast is now pushing Jimmy to show them. "Okay okay show them the video." I say covering my eyes.

*The video is you dancing in the kitchen without music, the next moment you trip over something*

"Omg no this is the worst." I say laughing.

"You tripped and you stood back up immediately, how?" Scarlett comments laughing. Chris. E can't stop laughing again, as always.

"I was accidentally filming, I had just made the table and put the eggs I cooked on it and the next moment I was on the ground because I tripped while dancing. Seb helped me back up and I got straight back to whatever I was doing." I explain laughing.

"I don't know how." I add. "Did it hurt?" RDJ asks me. "A little. I had a bruise afterwards." I say. "Where was I?" Seb asks, inspecting the video.

"If you watch the video a little longer you can see you running down the stairs and like pause, because the video ended." I say laughing.

"Jimmy, would you please be so kind to play the video a little longer?" Chris. H asks and Jimmy nods.

He plays it longer and it goes exactly as I say. Seb is blurred in a running position. I laugh.

"Now I remember! I was taking a nap and I heard like a really loud bang, it was almost like an earthquake." He jokes as he laughs, making me scoff at him,

"no I'm just kidding, I heard a hard bang so ran downstairs immediately as fast as I could."

"You were so worried." I say laughing while smiling at him. "Aww how cute." RDJ jokes.

We laugh. "So Chris. E, you and Sebastian were spotted in Manhattan together, how is that possible?" Jimmy asks.

"Uhh.." Chris. E starts laughing as he grabs his left boob. "We uh we were like going to the city." Seb shakes his head laughing.

"We went to the McDonalds and Chris wanted to buy a dress." Seb laughs. We all laugh. "But why? For me?" Scarlett jokes. "No for me ofcourse." RDJ jokes making the audience laugh.

"Very funny." Chris. E says sarcasticly joking. "It was actually for himself." Seb comments laughing. "Yeah it was!" Chris shouts smiling.

Jimmy laughs. "But why for yourself though?" He asks. "I'm gonna be honest, it was for my new movie." The audience cheers loudly.

"He thought he was gonna be princess." Chris. H jokes, playfully nudging Chris. E. We all laugh. "Now I'm excited to see this movie though. Text me once it's out." I joke.

"Next, Chris. E, Kayla, Chris. H and Anthony, you photobombed everyone at the premier, it was so funny to see, who's idea was that?!" Jimmy asks laughing while showing us a few of the photobombed pictures.

"Oh yeah we did that! It was Anthony's idea ofcourse." Chris. E shouts. I laugh.

"Most people didn't even notice." I add.
A/N: Thank you for all the reads! The book now on the 4th place in #interviews, please help me to get it to the top 3 :)

I really want to write some requests, so do you mind dropping one? Thank you! <3

See you in the next chapter ;)

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