Chapter twenty-five: interview with Tom Holland

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You and Tom are in an interview together. You recently appeared on the screen of the spider man movies as a surprise act. You're being questioned on it by Jimmy Kimmel.

"Tom! Kayla! I'm so glad I get to see you today, I haven't seen you together in such a long time!" Jimmy says.

"That's true, we haven't been in any interview together for a long time now." I reply.

"So, let's talk Spider-Man." Jimmy says. "Kayla, you've appeared in the latest movie as a surprise act, tell us more!" Jimmy says.

"Uhm, so yes, I've appeared as a surprise act. It was so much fun to see everyone's reaction as they really hadn't excepted it." I laugh.

"Had it been planned earlier already or was it like 'Kayla, we want you to be in a Spider-Man movie' and then you got in?" Jimmy asks.

"To be honest, it was already planned out for a long time." I say. "Yeah already before the first movie." Tom adds.

"So it was always a final destination for you to be in the movie?" Jimmy asks, now fully curious.

"Yes, it was. I'm surprised Tom didn't spoil it before it could've even happened." I say, laughing as I roast Tom. He laughs along with me.

"I was actually quite good at hiding that, even though I almost spoiled it once. If Benedict hadn't been in that interview it would've been out for the media to enjoy already." Tom explains.

"Kayla, are you also in with the roasting Sebastian and Anthony do to Tom?" Jimmy asks.

"Uhm, not really. I love seeing this thing they have together, and clearly, it's a joke they both participate in. Yes, sometimes I roast Tom too, but they're on a heavier level of it." I laugh.

"Anthony and I are besties though, he hasn't admitted it yet but we're besties." Tom says and I laugh at him. "Keep on dreaming bud." I encourage him sarcastically.

"How is the dynamic between the two of you?" Jimmy asks, pointing between the two of us.

I sign for Tom to answer. "I think we have a quite odd relationship. We can definitely laugh, but she's also like a big sister to me because on set of the Spider-Man movies she's always supported me like a big sister would, only when she roasts me she's annoying." Tom explains and I smile at him.

"He's my British little brother I never knew I needed." I add and we both laugh.

"In the movie you are 'enemies', how do you play that kind of scenes if you have a good dynamic off-screen?" Jimmy asks.

"It's our job." I reply and the audience applauds shortly.

"We did so many takes on the same scene, but it's important to have a little fun on set also." Tom explains.

"Yes ofcourse, if you don't feel comfortable to have  fun then there's definitely something wrong." I add.

"If a new Spider-Man movie comes out, will you be in it again?" Jimmy asks, because he knows Tom might accidentally spoil it.

I put my hand in front of Tom's mouth. "Don't say anything Tom, let me handle this one." I say.

The audience and I laugh. Then Tom licks my hand.

"Ew Tom" I joke as I pull away my hand. He laughs.

"He just licked my hand" I clarify, making the audience laugh.

"Back to the question. I don't know, I don't know anything at all." I say, keeping a poker face.

"Let's just go on, otherwise I might accidentally spoil something." Tom says and I laugh.

"So, in general, are you going to be in any more marvel movies?" Jimmy says, again trying to get Tom spoiling.

"Well, the producers are saying yes, I even got my script-" He then puts his hand in front of his mouth.

"I'm not gonna get fired right?" He panics. I shake my head as I laugh.

"So Tom, you are going to be in another marvel movie?!" Jimmy asks laughing.

"No no no, this was all a joke" He says, trying to play it off.

A/N: Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed !

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