Chapter twenty-three: interview with Chris Evans (2)

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You and Chris are at the Jimmy Kimmel Live.
You're being asked questions about a movie you and him play in together that's now worldwide watchable in cinemas. You're sitting on a couch together.

"Kayla, Chris, it's so good having you on the show, how have you been?!" Jimmy asks.

"I'm good, thanks Jimmy." Chris responds.

"I'm also good, thank you." I answer.

"Okay great, let's just dive into the questions. First of, what made you want a role in this movie?" He asks.

"Well.." Chris smirks. "Obviously the money, duh." He jokes. The audience laughs at him.

"For me it was knowing that he would be in it." I genuinely answer.

"Aw that's so cute, c'mere." He pulls me in for a playful hug as he laughs. I laugh with him.

"Can I still change my answer?" He asks, pointing his finger in the air. Jimmy nods for him to go on.

"..well then. I wanted this role because.. we got free lunch everyday when we were on set." He says, obviously joking again.

"Ouch." I joke as I playfully hit him on his arm.

"No, I'll be real. I wanted it because Kayla and I had been talking for a while and decided we wanted to be in a movie together and this was the perfect opportunity." He explains. We flash each other a smile.

He squeezes my thigh softly. "That's sweet. What was it like to work with each other then?" He asks.

"So annoying, he couldn't stop laughing. Every scene has been taken 10 times before it went well. No, I'm kidding. The thing with the scenes is true, but it was really fun to do." I look at Chris and he's smiling brightly.

"Don't only blame me though" He jokes. "We were both joking around a lot." He adds. "Yeah okay." I agree.

"So you have a kissing scene in the movie, how do you feel about that?" He asks.

"It was weird, I admit. He's been mine and Sebastian's best friend for a long time now so it was a little weird but I think we pulled it off pretty good and everyone was happy with our performance in the end." I answer.

"It was weird, because I constantly thought about Seb like, what will he think when he sees it?, but Kay made Seb call me and he told me it was fine so I could relax a little more when he told me that." Chris explains.

"Is Kayla a good kisser?" Jimmy asks.

Chris grins. "I'm just going to be honest, Seb please don't kill me. Yes, she's a very good kisser." He admits. I laugh. "I'm thinking Seb will want to kill you for around 75%." I joke.

"But now is the question, is Chris a good kisser?" Chris squeezes his thighs with his hands as he patiently waits for my answer.

"Well if we're all being honest then, yes he is, but I'm sticking to the guy I'm with now." Chris laughs.

"Good to know." Chris speaks.

"How did you feel after you read the script?" Jimmy then asks.

"I 100% knew it was going to be fun." Chris replies immediately.

"I also knew it would be fun, but in the back of my head I was like what am I starting on? Because I knew that Chris and I couldn't stop joking around in the scenes that were scripted." I explain. Chris and I then laugh.

"How long did the movie take to film?" Jimmy asks and I count the months on my fingers.

"About 10 months." I answer. The audience eyes' go wide. "It's a very long time, but I had concerts all over America in the meantime so I wasn't always available and we had to take most of the scenes again a lot of times because we either laughed or the directors wanted to change the scene a little."

"We also had a huge script change right in the middle so the scenes we had already done had to be taken again the next day. That means you're constantly rescheduling the scenes that were planned for the previous days and then it'll take longer." Chris adds.

"Do you plan working on any shows in the near future?" Jimmy now asks.

"I don't. I am going on a short 4-day vacation to Spain next week and when I get back I am going on a music tour trough Europe with a few other artists. After all that, I'll be working on a movie again I think." I explain.

"I'm also not, I'm going on a short vacation too but when I get back I will work on another movie, yes." Chris explains.

"Okay, nice. Thank you for taking your time to answer the questions. I'll see you guys soon!" Jimmy says and we hug while the audience cheers and applauds.

A/N: Hi lovelies! I'm sorry I took a long time before posting again, I am working on my other books a lot. I hope you liked this chapter!

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