Chapter thirty-two: interview with Coldplay (request)

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You and Coldplay are in an interview on the Late Late show with James Corden together after you were a surprise guest at their latest concert.

''Wow, it's really odd to see you, Kayla, here with Coldplay. I mean, we've talked about this being a big goal for you but I didn't expect it to happen so soon!'' James speaks.

''I didn't expect it either.'' I laugh. ''How did this happen?'' James asks.

''They reached out to me! A month ago I woke up to a message from Coldplay asking me to be a surprise guest at one of their shows.'' I reveal.

''Oh really? They asked you!?'' I nod proudly. "We did actually.'' Chris replies.

''I'm curious to why?'' James asks. Jonny is now first to respond. ''We had been planning to get a surprise guest on our show a big while before we asked her. We all agreed to just look around us and think about who we'd like to be our guest.''

Guy proceeds. ''We went trough a big list of celebrities but no-one really stood out yet. Until we saw an advertisement on one of those big screens in the city. We all felt it. We knew straight away it had to be her.''

I smile. ''The internet was going wild about it. I've seen so many videos of the concert. It looked amazing. It was also sold out in less than an hour after the announcement.'' James reads us the statistics. ''Oh really?'' Will asks.

''50 million people were trying to get tickets at the same time while only 1 million could attend. It was literal chaos.'' James says.

''Wow. That's big.'' Chris comments. ''Let's face it now. Everyone wants to know whether you guys are going to make a song together. Or maybe even an album. So, are you?''

''We have definitely talked about it.'' I reveal and the audience cheers. ''But, we have decided not to, yet.'' Chris adds.

''Maybe in the future we might but not right now.'' I say. ''Why not? Wouldn't this be an amazing opportunity?'' James questions.

''It could be but both of us are busy working on music of our own. I'm making an album-'' The audience shouts and claps super loudly. ''And we are also working on new music.'' The audience cheers again.

''Let's talk show then. I've seen videos of people with the caption 'when you secretly film the moment they told you not to film'. Explain this.'' James encourages.

''Well, we have never been a fan of all of those phones in the air, covering peoples faces. We want everyone to just live in the moment. We don't want them to experience the concert by looking through their phone screen.'' Guy explains.

''So, at one point during our concerts we always tell everyone to put their phone away and just sing along while holding their arm with the bracelet on up.'' Will adds.

''What bracelet?'' James asks. ''We have bracelets handed out beforehand that can be controlled by our team so we can create a beautiful moment with everyone holding their arm up with a color. If you've seen the videos you know it creates a magical effect.'' Chris explains.

''I thought it was also pretty awesome seeing it from the stage. Everyone really lives in the moment at that moment.'' I compliment. ''So you forbid everyone to film?'' They nod.

''Kind of. Ofcourse it's everyone's own choice but we would just like to see everyone's beautiful faces since they've made effort to attend.'' Jonny replies.

''The set list is the next topic. Did you discuss the set list with Kayla?'' James asks.

''We did. We had her approve it. Most of them were our songs but one or two songs were from her which made the audience go crazy.'' Chris answers.

''Kayla, how did you experience performing with a whole band?'' James asks me.

''I enjoyed it. I always have my own crew just playing the guitar and drumming and all but I've never really played with an entire other band before so it was a new experience. I loved it though.'' I answer, smiling at the band.
A/N: this was a request from Krazy_Kailynnz , I hope you enjoyed this :)

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