Chapter twenty-six: interview with Robert Downey Jr.

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You and Robert are on the Jimmy Fallon late night show. You're answering questions about the new movie that has came out starring the two of you.

"It's so great to have you here!" Jimmy says as he hugs Robert and I.

"Yeah it's great to be back." Robert replies.

"I think we can get straight into the questions now because I have a lot of them!" Jimmy says.

"Surprise us." I encourage him.

"So the movie is about Jane and Cole, they have a relationship but have to keep it hidden for Luke, what was it that actually motivated you that this was a good movie for you?" Jimmy asks.

"Uhm I think that this role was a good choice for me because back when my father was still alive and I was about 17, he wouldn't let me date so I hid my relationship from him for about a month." I explain.

"And working with me was obviously a big plus." Robert jokes. I laugh. "Yes, that was the main reason I picked this role." I tease, he laughs at me.

"For me it was because I got a new opportunity to work with an amazing actress and I would never turn down an opportunity to work with her." He says and I look at him with a grateful spark in my eyes.

"Thank you." I whisper, only loud enough for him to hear. "I love you, okay?" He whispers back to me. "I love you too."

Jimmy gets teary eyes overhearing our conversation.

"I love both of you guys!" He playfully shouts, we laugh at him. "And we love you." I then add.

"As much as I love this beautiful moment, I also have lots of questions left." Jimmy says.

"You seem to have a great connection, does it help you when filming or does it bug you when you have to film a hard scene?" He asks us.

Robert, as the gentlemen he is, signs for me to answer first.

"It doesn't really bug me to be honest. It's always fun to work with Robert and we have very good days on set. I feel like, if you off-camera have a good connection with someone, the movie will seem more realistic. When you go off-script and someone doesn't know you, you have more chance that you have to redo the scene than when you know someone." I explain.

"Yeah what she said, but let me just add.. when there are hard scenes you can always talk to each other when you know each other. I haven't had a fight with Kayla ever, so looking at the characters situation, we can talk everything out." Robert adds.

"That's a good thing to add." Jimmy says. "In the movie there are multiple scenes where I thought how do they do this?!, and every time I was watching those scenes my mind just wandered off to how it would've been going on set filming it." Jimmy explains himself, preparing us for the next question.

"So, obviously, Luke was introduced as a drunk dad who was never really interested in his daughter's life. What was it like to play such a character?" He asks Robert.

"It was really different from other characters I've played. As Tony Stark I also had to play drunk sometimes but it always feels different. Now I also had to play a character who didn't care at first and trough character development started caring too much." Robert explains.

"Luke was definitely the character with the most character development in the movie." I comment.

"I have to say, both your acting was amazing and the movie is so good, I love it. Thank you for your wonderful performances. Now, I would like to know how you prepare for a hard scene? Because I've spoken to other actors and they all have different kind of ways." Jimmy says.

I sign at Robert for him to answer, like he did to me earlier. He smiles brightly at me before answering.

"Thank you Jimmy, I am thrilled to know you've seen it. So, for the question. What I do is a lot of talking. You can also get very anxious for the scene, but I think it won't help anything by getting anxious. If you get anxious, the scene will result worse than when you stay calm and talk about it. So that's what I do." He explains, then signs for me to answer.

"Thank you Robert. And Jimmy, I'm so happy to be going to sleep tonight knowing you've watched the movie and loved it. I prepare by talking too, what Robert says, but I tend to get a little nervous before such a scene. I've found myself pacing around my dressing room while fidgeting with my fingers or whatever I have in my hands. If you are nervous it's very nice to know that someone you know very well is around to talk to." I explain.

"Thank you both so much for your time and answers. Unfortunately, we have to wrap it up here, but I would love to see the two of you here again soon." Jimmy says as he walks over to hug us and whisper some things to us off-mic.

A/N: Hi lovelies!! :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I've been working on it quite a while now. I'm sorry for the wait, I was very busy the last few months.

Also, thank you so so so much for the 5k, I'm amazed by how many people have read my book and been with me since the beginning of my journey, I love you <3

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