Chapter seventeen: interview with Lana Parilla (request)

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You're going to the premiere of "Once upon a time" to support your friend Lana Parilla.

As I arrive, the light flickers in my eyes. I look down to avoid myself from tripping over the red carpet.

Lana texted me she'll be a bit later due to the traffic.

I am taking a few pictures as Lana arrives.

I walk over to the car she's in and help her out. As she steps out the paparazzi starts taking lots of pictures.

"Hi" I say as we hug. "Hey, so when I was driving here, traffic got stuck, so I-" I interrupt.

"It's okay, you don't have to explain" I say.

We walk over the red carpet and stop a few times for a picture. Lana does a few short interviews and I talk with a few other actors, like Josh Dallas.

"Hey Josh, long time no see" I joke. He smiles.

"Yeah that's true" He replies. "So how have you been?" I ask. "I've been good to be honest, thank you, how about you?" He then asks me.

"I've been busy, but I'm good" I say smiling.

Jamie Dornan calls out Josh's name and Josh walks over to greet his friend.

I smile at them as I feel hands on my waist pulling me into a hug from behind. I turn around.

"Oh hey Seb" I say smiling. "Hey babe" he says as he gives me a kiss. Lana walks over to us.

"Hey, I'm sorry I had to do some interviews, hi Sebastian" She says as she and Sebastian share a short hug.

"How have the two of you been?" She asks.

"We've both been busy but I think, if I may speak for the both of us, that we're good" Sebastian answers.

"That's great to hear" She says smiling.

"And you? How have you been?" I ask her.

"Pff as you can see, busy.." She laughs, "but uh I'm good actually, thanks" She smiles.

We take a picture with the three of us.

Lana and Sebastian do an interview together and I stand with them.

"So Sebastian, you've only been on the show for six episodes?" He nods, "how have you experienced your short amount of time on the show?" Sebastian takes a minute to think about it.

"It was fun to meet all these people, and as long as it lasted, it was fun to play with all these people but it was also weird to realize I had to leave after only six episodes" He explains.

"Lana, how was your short time of working with Sebastian?" The interviewer asks.

"It was quite fun to be honest, Sebastian is a really kind human-being and working with him went really well, even though it was a short amount of time" She replies.

"Kayla, even though you're not in the show, you've been seen on set a few times, what's the reason behind that?" He asks.

"I was there to support Lana and Sebastian ofcourse. I also really liked watching everyone in action and I made some friends so it was really fun to visit the set every now and then" I explain.

"Okay, thank you all for your time" He says.

A/N: This story was requested by Justmoiie
I hope you enjoyed it, sorry it's a little short.

Thank you for the request :)

Any other requests can be commented here or in my DM <3

See you in the next chapter ;)

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