Chapter twenty-two: interview with Scarlett Johansson

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You and Scarlett are on the James Corden late late night show.

"Scarlett, Kayla, good to see you both again!" James says.

"Yes I'm happy to be here again." I say.

"Okay we are going to play a game. You are both getting a 'true/false' plate, I will be showing you pictures and give you a prescription of what you can see on the picture. You will say if the description is true or false, if you get it right you get a point, who has the most points in the end will get a surprise." He explains.

"Okay, sounds like fun." Scarlett says.

"Okay first a photo of Kayla" He projects a photo of me in a bikini in the middle of a city holding a cup of tea. "Kayla was in Poland here and it was 85 degrees outside, so she walked around in a bikini. She stopped at a shop to get a rare tea, so that's in her cup."James gives as prescription.

Scarlett looks at me.

"No! No! Don't look at each other." James shouts.

I quickly look away from Scarlett.

"I think it's false, because Kayla would never walk around in a bikini besides when she's at a pool or beach. And she's always cold, so it can't be true." Scarlett holds up the "false" plate.

"Okay Kayla, reveal the answer." James says.

"It's false." I reply and Scarlett cheers. "I've never even been in Poland, but I did walk around a city in a bikini. This photo was taken in Italy actually, I was on my way to the beach." I explain.

"1 point for Scarlett." James writes it down.

Then a photo of Scarlett pops up on the screen. It shows Scarlett, clearly drunk, holding a cup.

"Okay on this photo Scarlett had just been on a premier and after, she went to search for her friend, but instead, she got drunk." James reads.

I cover my face to avoid myself looking at Scarlett.

"I think it's true, I could see her do that." I laugh as I hold up the "true" plate.

Scarlett scoffs at my answer. "I can't believe you would say that!" She says.

"Okay Scarlett, reveal the answer." James says.

"Okay. It's true." She laughs as I cheer. "But like, it really wasn't like that. I did find my friend before I got drunk, we got drunk together." She explains.

"Mhm" I tease.

Then a photo of me pops up on the screen again.

This time, I'm wearing a black coat with dark-tinted sunglasses which you can't see my eyes trough.
I'm holding something that looks like a cigarette.

"Okay on this picture Kayla was waiting on Sebastian, she was a little bit nervous so she smoked a quick cigarette before they met up." James explains.

"As far as I know, Kayla doesn't smoke, so it has to be false." Scarlett answers.

"Kayla, reveal the answer." James says.

"It's false." Scarlett cheers again. "I wasn't smoking, it's a pencil. I was dressed like this so I wouldn't be recognized, unfortunately I got recognized by a few young girls after all and they all wanted me to sign their posters, but then I forgot to return their pencil, I wasn't waiting on Sebastian." I explain them.

"Okay, another point for Scarlett." James writes it down again.

Then a photo of Scarlett pops up on the screen again, this time she's wearing a nice black glitter dress, her hair is up and her make-up is done.

"On this picture, Scarlett was going to a premiere with Chris, who was supposed to pick her up but got stuck in traffic, so she ended up missing the premiere." James says.

"I suppose that's a common thing to happen." I comment as I hold up the "true" plate.

"Scarlett, reveal your answer." She giggles.

"Uh, it's false. I was supposed to go watch a movie with Chris, but he didn't show up because he then remembered he had to go to the vet with Dodger, which he forgot when he had asked me to go for a movie." Scarlett explains.

"That's so Chris." I comment as we laugh.

"That was that, Scarlett won. Here comes your prize." He announces.

A crew member walks in, just out of sight from the camera. He has a package in his hands, which he hands to James. James unpacks the package and keeps us waiting for his 'surprise'.

When he opens the box, he mischievously grins at us. He then holds up a pillow with his head printed on both sides. "Surprise!" He shouts excitedly.

Scarlett and I both laugh. James excitedly hands Scarlett the pillow.

"Thank you James." Scarlett says in between her laughter.

A/N: Hi, after long I finally posted again! I don't know where the pillow-thing came from, it just popped up in my head.

I have a picture of the pillow:

I have a picture of the pillow:

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Who wouldn't want this?!?

Anyways, thank you for reading, cya in the next chapter!! <3

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