Chapter thirty-three: Eric W., Melissa O'N., Nathan F., Alyssa D.& Mekia C.

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You are an extreme big fan of 'The Rookie' so for your birthday Jimmy Fallon surprises you by inviting the cast in the interview.

"Hi Jimmy. It's so weird to be spending my birthday on the show this year." I laugh.

"It's good to see you. And happy birthday!" He gives me a big hug. "Thank you!" I say.

"Have you received a lot of congratulatory messages?" I nod. "Yes, my phone has literally been exploding since this morning." I say.

"It first started with my mom, she FaceTimed me at 12.01pm to congratulate me. The sweetheart she is, she literally stayed up the night to call me. She normally goes to bed around 10, it was so sweet." I smile as I think about it.

"Where was father Miller?" Jimmy asks. I laugh at the nickname.

"Uhm- father Miller, was asleep." I laugh out loud. "My father always falls asleep on the couch when we are watching anything past 9pm. My mother literally showed him, layed back on the couch, snoring super loudly." I laugh as I see it in front of me again.

"I can picture your dad sleeping on call." Jimmy laughs along. "But today, my dear friend, I have something special for you.." He then says.

The drums ruffle and he welcomes the other guests.

"Everyone, please welcome Eric Winter, Melissa O'Neill, Nathan Fillion, Alyssa Diaz and Mekia Cox onto the show!" The crowd cheers and claps loudly. I feel like I'm having a heart attack when he reveals the names.

I panic while standing behind Jimmy, who just stood up from his chair. "I can't do this Jimmy!" I shout as they walk up.

Eric and Nathan are in a suit while Melissa and the other girls have cute dresses on. Melissa is wearing a cute flowered dress. Mekia is wearing a leather dress that goes down to her knees with a black belt. Alyssa is wearing a simple dark blue dress also going down to her knees. The crowd keeps cheering and laughs at my antics.

Jimmy walks away and I keep standing behind the chair, not being able to contain my nerves. He greets them as dear friends while I'm still anxiously behind the chair.

"Jimmy! You can't just jump this on me!" I shout and the cast laughs.

"Come on, Kayla, this is your dream!" Jimmy is clearly excited.

I collect myself and get in front of the desk with careful steps. "Hi." I say when I'm at speaking distance.

"Hi. Can I give you a hug?" Eric asks and the fangirl inside of me is all over the room right now.

"Yes." I speak nervously. He comes up and we share a big hug, him bending down a little so I can put one of my arms over his shoulder while the other hugs him via his side.

"Eric, make space, more people want to meet." Melissa complains. Eric steps aside and I'm just so anxious to meet all of them, my hands are shaking super badly.

"You look so beautiful." Melissa compliments and we also share a big hug. "Thank you so much. You are also stunning." I manage to bring up.

Mekia is smiling brightly as she follows behind Melissa. "Come here, girl, you are so beautiful!" She then pulls me into a hug and I embrace her tightly.

Alyssa follows right up and Mekia hands me over to her. "Hi! I love your outfit!" She compliments. "Thank you. You are so sweet." I reply, hugging her tightly.

Nathan is last, with him I feel more comfortable, he just gives off this calm and familiar vibe.

"And happy birthday." He remembers to say. The rest of the cast then remembers too and they all wish me the same.

They sit down on the couch together while I sit on the single chair besides it. Jimmy has returned to his seat behind the desk and he keeps smiling.

"Jimmy, you- I can't even describe this. This is literally what could set off a panic attack. You can't just throw these people at me like that." I warn him.

"I'm sorry. I beg for mercy." He bows. "You better." We laugh. I can't even look at them so I keep looking in Jimmy's direction. I rub my temple with a shaking hand.

"Welcome to the show, guys!" Jimmy says and once again, the audience cheers.

"Thank you for having us." Nathan says calmly. "For a fact I know Kayla will never be able to say this directly to you but she told me 'The Rookie' is one of her favorite shows ever and she is one of the biggest fans of yours." He reveals. I cover my face in embarrassment.

"Why don't you tell them my life story right away?" I joke. Everyone laughs. "That's great. We are enjoying all of the fans' attention." Eric says and Melissa nods agreeing.

"For her birthday I wanted to invite you today, so here we are. Can we talk about this meeting today? Because I can tell how nervous Kayla still is." Jimmy says. Just when I thought my face couldn't get more red I feel it redden even more.

"Let me get this straight, there's no need to be nervous. We're kind people. Or at least Melissa and I, Eric I will warn you about." Nathan jokes, holding my arm as a reassurance.

"Thank you. But let's clarify something, I'm not afraid of you, it's just that throwing one of your biggest idols right at you without you even expecting it is not something you can just do, Jimmy!" I warn him. Everyone laughs.

"I know I know, it was just the perfect opportunity. Next time I'm bringing someone you love on I will warn you first." I thank him.

"If we ever do another interview together and I'm warned first, we will be able to talk more for sure." I assure them.

"We will discuss that afterwards." Melissa assures me.
A/N: I personally adore this chapter. I think it's super cute. What do you think? :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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