Chapter twenty-one: interview with Kayla

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This is a late 2k special, hope u enjoy 🫶🏻
You are on the Jimmy Kimmel Late Night Show.

"Kayla, it's so great to have you back on the show!" Jimmy says.

"Yeah, thank you for having me!" I respond, excited to be on the show again.

"So, I've got so many questions for you. Recently you haven't been laying low in the media, have you?" He asks laughing.

"No, I mean, I can't. I need to keep up with the generation that's now on the internet to show everyone who I am, what I do and honestly, it has definitely brought me closer to random meetings with my fans." I say smiling.

"So you want people to really walk over to you to get a picture, an autograph or even just a talk?" He asks.

"Yeah I love that kind of interactions. Unfortunately nowadays it's mostly with cameras, which sometimes makes me a little anxious, I just want to talk without camera's sometimes y'know. You can still remember it if you only have a picture." I say.

"Yeah, that's so true. What would you say is most inspiring you in life right now?" I think.

"Mm I think my fans and my family because they inspire me to go on with what I do and I guess that just really gives me motivation to do so."

"That's great, what makes you smile the most?"

"Uh I think Sebastian and my dog Ruby" I say, smiling as I think about them.

"That's so cute, which movie makes you laugh the hardest?" He reads from a card on his table.

"Uh probably something with The Rock and Kevin Hart as a duo or something with Mark Wahlberg, there are a lot of movies I like that make me laugh." I answer.

"Good choice, what's something you notice about someone when you first meet them?" I think.

"Ooh probably their eye color. For example, when I met Sebastian I noticed his ocean blue eyes in an instant." I answer.

"Are you a window or aisle seat person?" He asks, my response is instant "Window for sure."

"Where was the best vacation you've ever taken?" I think back to all of my vacations.

"Probably Ibiza, because Sebastian and I got engaged there on the most romantic way possible." I say, smiling when I think back to it.

"What's something you always travel with?" "Uh probably my favorite candy, I always buy it at the airport before the plane takes off." Jimmy laughs.

"That's so sweet." He says and I smile "What's heavily played music on your playlist right now?" I check my playlist.

"Uhm so many different artists like Billie Eilish, Adele, AC/DC, Rihanna, Eminem, etcetera. I can name so many more, I've got way too much different music tastes and genres for my various moods." I laugh.

"What's one thing that cheers you up very quick?" I think.

"Uh my German Shepherd Ruby for sure, as weird as it sounds she's one of my best friends." I answer.

"That's so cute, what's your favorite: cocktail or mocktail?" He asks.

"A sex on the beach cocktail for sure, it's the best." I say, now desperate for a cocktail.

"What's one thing you had to learn the hard way?" I think.

"Probably loving myself and accepting myself for who I am because I never did that and I struggle with that." I explain.

"That's though, what's the best piece of advice you've ever received?" He asks.

"Pff I don't know uh.. probably 'true self-care is not bath salts and chocolate cake, it's making the choice to build a life you don't need to escape from' that's the best advice I think."

"Wow that's great advice though, what's your current TV character obsession?" He asks, I laugh.

"Don't tell Sebastian I said this but it's Bucky, so Sebastian in Marvel. I also can't deny Steve, so Chris Evans, doesn't look bad either." I explain, grinning.

Jimmy and the audience laugh at my comment.

"I won't tell him." He assures me, laughing again before moving on.

"Any favorite shows at the moment?" Jimmy asks me.

"Yes, currently Brooklyn 99 and Gilmore Girls." I answer him instantly. "Good choices."

"What's one thing you've always wanted to try but you've been too scared to do?" I laugh.

"I really, like really badly, want to skydive" I say, Jimmy laughs "but?" "But I'm afraid of heights"

Jimmy and the audience laugh again. "Really? You literally want to jump off of a plane that's high in the sky but you're afraid of heights?" I nod. He laughs.

"Okay last question, if your younger self would sit here next to you on the couch, what would you tell them?" He asks.

"I would probably say: chase your dreams, even when people try to drag you down, you can do it, don't worry so much about everything, you'll be alright." He smiles.

"That's great, I guess this is the end then. Thank you for this wonderful interview and I'll see you next time." He says and we share a short hug.

A/N: Thank you for reading <3

This was a late 2k special with Kayla alone because I thought that would be fun, let me know your thoughts!

Requests here please! :)

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