Chapter fifteen: interview with Dwayne Johnson

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You and The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) are on a movie premiere of a new movie you both star in. You get interviewed by paparazzi.

"Over here" The paparazzi shouts as I step out of the car. I get blinded by the flashing lights.

They take a lot of pictures of me.

After, I walk away. I see Dwayne standing on the red carpet also taking some pictures.

"Hey Kayla! Get over here!" He shouts at me as I walk over to where he's standing.

"Hi Dwayne" I say as we hug. "Hi, it's so good to see you, you look really good tonight" Dwayne compliments.

"Thank you, I look so small compared to you" I joke as we laugh. We take a couple of pictures before getting onto another red carpet where there are also a lot of interviewers.

A man, which I think is in his early 20's, has a mini mic. I walk over to him and he smiles brightly.

"Hi!" I greet him.

"Omg hi! It's so nice to see you, so I have a few questions about your character Gina" He explains.

"Okay go on" I encourage him smiling.

"Why do you think Gina is the bravest character and not Jack ('Dwayne's character')?" He asks and I think for a moment.

"This mini mic is so cute, sorry I had to say it." I laugh, "I think it's because she's badass and I think Jack is badass too, but just not as cool as Gina. I think if you know Gina's story, it's really brave how she got out of her home and just left everything behind to get a life." I say.

"Interesting. So what was it like to play someone who has such a story?" He asks.

"I must confess that sometimes it was really hard, because you also have to try to imagine their feelings. It was hard but sometimes it was also easy because in like the badass scenes it was really fun to play her" I explain into the mini mic.

"Okay thank you for your answers." He replies.

I walk over to where Dwayne is getting interviewed.

"Yeah I mean.. oh hi! See this beautiful woman? Look how great she looks tonight, I think she deserves more of the attention than I do, so-" I interrupt.

"No you were answering here, go on" I encourage him.

"Okay so yeah I mean i think even though we don't see each other a lot, I think we have some sort of bound" He explains.

"What's this about?" I ask, curious as I am.

"They asked me about our relationship and how it was to play together" He explains.

"I think your answer was great and explains it enough." I say smiling.

We take a few more pictures together. As a last thing, we do a short interview together.

"So how did you feel about playing a sort of opposite in the movie?" They ask.

"Sometimes it was a little tough because when we aren't shooting we talk a lot and we have really good talks." Dwayne responds instantly.

"I agree, but I've got to say it was really funny when you had to lift me up, we did that again like a hundred times because I couldn't stop laughing" I say as I laugh again. "Yeah that was fun" He answers, also laughing.

"Okay, thank you so much" The interviewer says.

A/N: Alright, here's a somewhat shorter chapter, but I still hope you enjoyed!

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Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter when it's out <3

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