Chapter 3

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Y/N pov

Yesterday was amazing, watching Wanda graduate at the top of her class and how she slayed her speech. I have never been so proud of her. After our time yesterday, we wanted to spend the rest of the day relaxing since we spent a few hours driving here. Well I drove while Wanda admired the scenery. We had our dinner before we fell asleep in each other's arms. So when I woke up this morning, I got up without disturbing the sleeping beauty beside me to make us both some breakfast. I got myself some shorts and a vest top out of my bag before heading to the kitchen since I don't really fancy burning my junk. I decided on cooking some pancakes and bacon and eggs for breakfast with a freshly brewed pot of coffee. As I was just finishing the last batch of pancakes I felt a pair of lips on my cheek making me smile instantly.

"How did you sleep my love?" I asked her as I turned around to face her.

"Amazingly thank you." She said as she sipped on her coffee. My eyes drunk in the sight before me as she was just wearing my shirt which went mid thigh and she had a few of the top buttons open.

"Well breakfast is ready princess." I told her as I placed the food on the table as she grabbed both of our cups before we sat side by side. "So what is next for you now?" I asked her softly.

"Well, I have applied for a few teaching positions in nearby schools hopefully will hear something soon." She shrugged as we ate together.

"You will get the job you want princess. I know it." I told her with a soft smile which she returned.

"Thank you baby." She said with a light blush coating her cheeks.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked her.

"How about we go on a little walk. Take in the scenery just the two of us." She told me with a smile.

"That sounds absolutely perfect." I said as I kissed her hand before I started to clean up as Wanda went to get ready. I quickly looked at my phone and messaged Nat quickly.


Hey, you're picking up the ring today yeah?


Of course I am bonehead. It's about time you finally popped the question.


Thank you Nat, you're a life saver.


I know I am

I couldn't help but chuckle at the last text she sent. After I had finished cleaning, I went to get a quick shower before heading to get changed for a day with my hopefully soon to be fiance. I am so nervous about what I am going to do for the proposal but I am doing it in a few weeks time on our anniversary. I want it to be special and one for her to remember. When I walked back out into the bedroom Wanda was already dressed and sat putting on her boots as she wore my hoodie with blue jeans. I instantly smiled as I took in well just the sight of her. The most ethereal woman on the planet who I am happy to call mine. I decided to get dressed myself before we both walked out hand in hand. I made sure that I grabbed my phone and wallet.

"It is so beautiful out here." Wanda breathed out as we walked along the trail.

"Yeah it is." I whispered as we walked hand in hand. I loved the way Wanda wanted to have some of our skin touching in some way. She is the most loveable person you can ever come across. She is the total opposite of myself and she just makes me so happy.

"So how are things with the task force?" She asked as we walked.

"It's going great. We are trying our best to clear the small gangs off the streets." I told her with a smile. "It feels amazing to be able to do something more. You'd be surprised how many children they try to take off the streets to become runners."

"That is how you started out wasn't it?" She asked me sadly.

"Yeah it was. Because I was small and fast the police wouldn't think to stop a 10 year old girl so I was their best at the time." I said as we took a seat on a nearby bench. "But the day you spoke to me in the three years you had been in the school was the day I knew that I wanted to be more than just what my father made me to be. You gave me the hope and courage I needed to get out."

"Well I am more than happy that we have made it this far." She said as she kissed me softly. "And I am so proud of  who you have become." She smiled tenderly at me. I couldn't help but return her smile before we decided to head back. On our walk back it had started to rain and neither of us were dressed for it.

"Dance with me?" I asked her as she just smiled and nodded at my request. I pulled her flushed against my front as our clothes continued to get soaked in the heavy down pour as we swayed back and forth. I spun her out making her giggle at the action before spinning her back in and pressing a kiss to her nose. I admired how the water droplets from the rain balanced on her eyelashes and her wet hair framed her beautiful face before I pulled her in for a meaningful kiss as she cupped my face in her hands as my own held her hips as we kissed in the rain. I was sure that I was in heaven or a constant dream from when I was a kid afraid to wake up from this bliss.


A nice little fluffy chapter for you guys. Let me know what you guys think. I'm also going to put in some flashbacks as well from the two years they were on a break and the three years after they got back together if that is something that you guys would want. Let me know

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