Pain is part of the process

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Arya was sweeping once again, she was not going to complain this time she's going to do what she was told and Jaqen was going to teach her. Jaqen grabbed onto her shoulder leading her way through a corridor filled with light flickering in stone pots. Arya saw a body on a table like an altar. The bitchy woman showed Arya how to clean the bodies of the dead. Arya glanced back at sera standing at the door. She nodded to arya and arya grabbed a wet cloth dragging it over the corpse. Jaqen leaves them be knowing this is part of the process and that once she succeeds at the next step he would come back.

'she is going to do amazing.' Sera told him that night. 'I know it.'

'someone seems awfully invested in a girl.' Jaqen noted a hand around her waist.

'perhaps... you were invested in me. you trained me. taught me, I want to do that for Arya.' Sera told him, rolling onto her stomach resting her chin on his chest. 'let me be that for a girl.' He nodded, pressing a kiss to her head.


Arya was asleep when Jaqen came to her again.

'Who are you?' he asked slowly she opened her eyes turning to him, 'who are you?' She sat up in bed looking at him.

'Arya.' she answered

'And where did you come from?' Jaqen questioned

'Westeros.' She answered 'My family home is from Winterfell I'm the youngest daughter of a great Lord Eddard Stark he died in battle,' he whipped at her. arya looked to sera in the doorway she gave her a single nod.

'You lie.' he told her simply but she kept going, turning her focus back to Jaqen.

'After he was executed I fled the capital, I had to kill a stable boy drove my sword though his back,' he whipped her again.

'Liar.' Jaqen hissed.

'I stabbed him in the gut. I tried to find my mother and brother but never did they were murdered by Walder Frey and then a man kidnapped me a man called Polliver-' he whipped her again 'a man called the hound, Sandor Clegane, he tried to sell me but was wounded in a fight. He begged to me to kill him but I wouldn't. I left him in the mountains to die I left him to suffer I hated him.' he whipped Arya again. 'I hate him!' arya repeated again another whip 'I hate him. That's not a lie.' she told him again he whipped at arya's arm she turned furious eyes to a very calm sera at the door.

'a girl lies to me, to a woman,' he nodded to sera, 'to the many faced God... to her self.' Jaqen told her. 'does she truly want to be no one?'

'Yes.' she hissed but again he whipped her and she fell to her knees.

'I'm not playing the stupid game anymore' arya shouted.

'You never stop playing.' he told her calmly before walking out past sera.

'you did good.' Sera told her.

'good?' she questioned incredulously. 'he whipped me again and again!' arya shouted.

'pain is part of the process.' Sera told her heading out as well. 

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