She knows your face

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'Company!' sera called from the window. 'Arya.' She whispered seeing her step off the boat.

'stay.' Jaqen told her.

'I hate when you change faces and don't tell me.' Sera said glancing at a large black man.

'yet you knew it was me.' he told her.

'I know you. You can change your face all you like, I would recognize you.' Sera told him confidently. He smirked moving to the door.

Arya knocked at the door of the temple, one black one white she knocked in the middle an older black man entered.

'Hello.' she said but he said nothing just stared at her. 'valar morghulis.' Arya tried handing out the coin Jaqen has given her. 'Jaqen H'ghar gave this to me.' she told him

'No one here by that name.' the man said closing the door

'Please.' she begged and he turned back to her. 'I have crossed the narrow sea and I have nowhere else to go.' Arya begged, sera listened from behind the door. She wanted to help arya, she wanted to let her in but she knew sending her away was part of his plan, to see if she had the strength to keep fighting.

'You have everywhere else to go.' the man told her

'But wait!' she said as he closed the door on her she was stuck in bravvos alone.

'do you think she will be okay?' sera asked looking out the window. Arya sat on the steps and then walked back and forth in front of the temple for hours and hours. 'you know I go swimming out there every night.' Sera reminded him.

'a girl is fine.' Jaqen assured her pressing a kiss to her head. It felt like an eternity, Jaqen kept a closer eye on Sera, knowing with almost complete certainty that she would not let Arya in but a woman kept a closer eye on Sera. Wanting her to fail. When arya finally got a boat away from the temple Jaqen requested sera go diving for the coin Arya threw into the water. Obediently sera plunged into the water she searched the sandy floor before her fingers ran across the coin. Coming to the surface she grinned tossing it up to him, he offered her a hand pulling her up.


'she knows your face. Wear a new one.' Jaqen told her, sera nodded, she wasn't a fan of this still. She had done this a hundred times but every time she became someone else it felt wrong, like she was intruding in something that wasn't hers. She assumed that as time passed it would become more like a second skin. It felt fine on her face but knowing that it wasn't her, she also had to act, which Tyrion had always told her she would make a good actress but then he would say only because she was so dramatic. If only her brother and father could see her now. they made their way to the free cities, Jaqen knew where to find, sera still had so much to learn she followed along.

'Nothing is worth anything to dead men!' arya said, the boys threatening her ran away she turned around and see what they were afraid of, it was the man from the temple and a woman blonde hair wrapped up in a braided bun on top of her head, her eyes followed arya before they turned and arya followed after them.

'Who are you!' she demanded 'why were they scared of you?'

'You lost this.' he said tossing her back the coin she had thrown it into the waters it's sunk deep down below how did he get it? He pulled off his mask revealing his face it was Jaqen h'ghar.

'You said there was no Jaqen H'Ghar here!' arya said outraged.

'There isn't a Jaqen h'ghar, a man is not Jaqen H'ghar.' he told her heading inside

'Who are you then?' she countered arya's eyes drifted to the woman she didn't recognize her face but her eyes, there was something familiar.

'No one and that is what a girl must become.' Jaqen told her entering the temple once more this time he motioned for her to join him hesitantly she stepped forward walking up the steps.

Faceless // Jaqen H'gharWhere stories live. Discover now