Who are you?

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'What's your name?'

Arya stood up quickly hearing that it was Sera, from the temple but Arya was smacked in the face she stumbled back before stepping forward. Blindly she tried to find Sera, her own walking stick at the ready. She listened.

'what is your name?' sera asked again. Arya turned back and forth as Sera moved around her but she could not see she had a walking stick in her hand as she tried to look tried to hear the woman see where she was.

'I am no one.' Arya told her and sera shook her head disappointed still.

'I don't believe that.' Sera whacked her again, 'you don't believe that.' another whack Arya jabbed but she fell off the stairs but again she got back up every hit she got back up. Hit after hit after hit fall after fall after fall she screamed and shouted twisting and turning thrashing in circles swinging mercilessly at no one and nothing until Jaqen grabbed her staff freezing her in mid swing.

'Who are you?' he asked calmly

'No one.' Arya answered

'If a Girl says her name a man will let her sleep under a roof tonight.' Jaqen bargained

'A girl is no name.'

'If the girl says her name a girl will feed her tonight.' Jaqen counter arya had been a beggar for too long and sera hated to see her so broken but this was part of the process.

'A girl is no name.' arya said persistently

'If a girl says her name a man will give her, her eyes back she.' had to think about that for a moment, her eyes. But what if he was lying. No. she was no one. She had to be.

'A girl is no name.' arya told him. Jaqen released her staff for walking away.

'Come.' he said simply and carefully she followed after him she went for her bowl her beggar bowl to which she had collected only a few coins but Jaqen told her to leave it that she was not a beggar anymore so she followed after his footsteps. Sera helped her into the boat and they made their way back to the temple.


Arya returned to the house of black and white with a new mission hoping that Jaqen would return her site and Arya was training with Sera daily hours upon hours upon hours. Sera took it upon herself to make her ready just as Jaqen is done with her.

'A girl is ready.' Jaqen noted it had been moons but without her sight she was a force, a true force of power. With her sight, no one would be able to stop her.

'A girl is ready.' Sera agreed

'If a girl tells me her name I will give her eyes back.' jaqen bargained

'A girl has no name.' arya told him

'Come.' he told her she had gotten used to not seeing at first it was hard but she had gotten used to feeling around the temple, Jaqen gave her some water and she brought it to her lips smelling it before lowering it. This was the fountain, he was going to kill her and use her face. Arya heard seras footsteps approaching and sera sat behind arya a hand on her back.

'If a girl is truly no one, a girl has nothing to fear.' Jaqen told her.

'I believe you are no one and so do you.' Sera reminded her. Arya thought about it for a moment this could kill her but she drank it anyways she waited for death but instead she opened her eyes able to see again.

'Who are you?' Sera questioned a smirk on her lips.

'No one.' Arya answered confidently finally able to see

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