Chapter 4

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The flight attendant had woken me up once we had landed, I had thanked her and walked out and had grabbed my bag waiting outside the airport. A black truck had pulled in front of me and the driver had rolled their windows down. It was Justin or my father. 

I shot daggers at him, "Hey kiddo Long-" 

"Long? You mean 10 years?" I snapped at him. I know it wasn't right to snap at him, but I was just very angry for what he did and not thinking. "Right... How about we start new?" He asked. 

I glared at him then muttered only so he was able to hear. "Fine, but I will not forgive you for what you did" 

"Got it kiddo, throw your stuff in the back seat" I nodded, opening the back and throwing my bags inside and climbing into the back with my bags. The ride would have been silent if he didn't have the radio on. 

Once we arrived at his house which had a chicken coop, a pasture with some cows, and had one horse. It was a stallion, with gray dapples. "You can stay here for the night, and leave for the Academy in the morning, your mother told me that you can choose to stay in a dorm or stay with me. Your choice, I don't really care" he said before he closed the door to the truck. 

I sat staring out the window at the house, when I studied the house carefully, I grabbed my bags and walked inside. 

When I entered, I saw a living room then the stairs that went upstairs, through the living room was an entryway to what had to be the kitchen or the dining room. 

I grabbed my stuff and made my way upstairs; I looked through each room until I had found the guest bedroom. I had placed my things on the bed and walked out of the bedroom to go downstairs to the kitchen. 

When I entered, I saw a woman who had to be about the same age as my father standing by the stove cooking.

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