Chapter 15

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Pov: Gracie

I kept looking behind me for Alexis but saw nothing. I realized that we were only 5 minutes away so I decided to ask Emma if we should go look for him. "Emma- Alexis isn't back, we should go look for her-" 

Easton quickly cut me off, "Just forget about her, she had a choice if wanted to sacrifice herself or not and she did. So, it's her fault if she gets in trouble. Just drop it and move on '' He must have noticed how I flinched at his harsh tone, he rolled his eyes and glanced at me. "Sorry about me losing it, I am just annoyed she didn't seem to care about being here and making friends" 

Addie looked back, "She'll turn up eventually Gracie just leave it be" The rest of the ride was complete silence besides the clicking of the horse's hooves and sighs from the others.


When we got back, I quickly untacked pepper and said goodbye to Liam and was about to hurry but he grabbed my wrist gently. 

"Wanna hang out at my dorm tonight?" He asked, I shook my head "No, Liam just... Just go back to your dorm. I need to talk to Addie. Alone." He nodded understandingly leaving. I hurried down the corridor to our dorm. 

I opened the door and stepped in to notice that Alexis was standing by the counter with a mug of tea. I sprinted over to her hugging her screaming her name, "I thought something happened!" She patted my back gently, realizing I needed to let go. 

I did as the motion meant releasing her from my grip. "Where were you?!" 

"I just got lost, I found my way back eventually. Sorry!" She spoke. 

"Did you run into them at all!?" She hesitated for a moment then answered "No, but they were on my tail but lost them eventually, now if you don't mind, I am going to bed" she said turning around and heading to her dorm. 

I realized how late it was once I shot a quick glance at the clock. 10:18? jeez that's late for a school night I didn't realize that! 

I hurried to do my usual night routine. Once I had done that I climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of a loud crash coming from the kitchen. I immediately shot up and out of bed hurrying to the bedroom door and heading to the kitchen. I noticed a mug had been dropped and I looked at all the shattered pieces on the floor. 

I looked at Alexis who was the only one in the kitchen "I'm so sorry!" She said quickly. 

"It's fine- are you ok?" She nodded and quickly grabbed her jacked and pulled on her riding boots. 

"I'm going to go to class, I'll see you tonight Gracie" she said, slamming the door leaving me to clean up the class. 

I let out a heavy sigh grabbing the dustpan and broom and throwing the class out when I made sure I got it all. 

I checked to see if Addie was up and saw that she wasn't in her room meaning she probably went to the classes. Speaking of getting to dressage I may as well get ready.

Abigail's POV:

I hurried to tack up Blase and hurried to mount him trying to keep up with Alexis. I noticed she went right past the arena. 

Where is she going? I kept following her and realizing as she was going straight to Haven's academy. I kept following her trying to stay behind.

After what felt like forever, she arrived at their 'arena' which was just a fenced off area with jumps. 

I had found an area in the woods where I could tie Blase to a lower branch and hide watching them. I had crouched down behind a log watching them trying to make as little noise as possible.

Alexis POV:

I had arrived at the arena and greeted Jax, Ryan who was the blonde, Harper who was the brunette and Jessica who was the ginger. 

They were the people that had chased after me. I was instructed by Jax to do the whole course and nodded. Doing as he told me to. 

I let out a sigh as he was giving me a look once I had finished and trotted over. "You need to be quicker on Ebony" He ordered me. 

"I can't go any faster on him-" 

"Well then maybe you need another horse from our stables" he said. 

"Absolutely not!" I snapped at him. What on earth is wrong with him?! How could he even think of me doing that? 

"Then maybe we don't need another rider on our team" he said looking away. 

"Wait ok- I will try out a new horse" I said not even thinking of the words that came out of my mouth.

We went into the stable after we tied Ebony to the post, he ordered a few of the stable hands to saddle up some horses. 

One of the stable hands had brought a mare out, they had handed the lead to Jax. He had started stroking her muzzle and said to me "This is Jupiter, she is a Peruvian paso, she is one of our best horses, So I made sure to get her out for you'' he said with a smile that appeared on his lips. 

I swear, he is so kind when we aren't training. Me and him had hung out after I had been stopped by him and Ryan. That's the reason why I came home so late. 

"Try her out, she's fantastic I am telling you" he said interrupting my thoughts. I quickly nodded, grabbing the reins to pull over her head and mount her.


After I had tried out the other two, I think I had liked Jupiter the best, Major was way too demanding, Noir didn't seem to want to listen. 

"So, which one?" He asked after I dismounted Noir and grave his reins to the stable hand. "I think I like Jupiter the best" 

"I agree, you and her make a fantastic team. I think you two would be unstoppable, especially after seeing you and her work together well at practice" he said leaning his shoulder on the door frame. 

"I'll see you tomorrow I guess" I said. He nodded then turned around heading back to the stable. I quickly hurried over to Ebony, mounting him and heading home.


Lots had happened in this chapter as well as my life, I am going to try to update every week. I don't know if I will get to update every chapter since I have run out of chapters to post and need to think of fillers.

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