Chapter 11

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I am running out of ideas to put as the photo so I am putting random photos from my Camera roll o some will just be weird

I had woken up the next morning and looked to see Addie wasn't in her bed, so I quickly got up changing out of my previous attire, into tan breeches, looping my belt into my belt loops, and slipping into a white polo. 

I heard banging on the door as I started to brush my hair out, "Alexis hurry up! You're going to be late; you have to choose sport you're doing!" I finished brushing out my hair and grabbed my socks and sat on the mattress rushing to pull them on. 

Once I finished grabbing my black riding boots, jumping on one foot struggling to get to the door as I put my boots on. I finished opening the door as someone grabbed my arm dragging me out of the dorm and down the hall to the entrance, she released my arm. 

"Come on you take forever! I need to show you the headmaster's office so you can talk to my dad about choosing class" 

"Ok ok- I already know what I want to do anyway" 

"Good now let's go" she grabbed my arm again yanking me down the hall. We arrived at a room that had a label that said, Headmaster white. Addie banged on the door "DADDY ALEXIS IS HERE" The door opened to be met by a man with similar hair, and eye color as Easton does. 

I found it funny how Addie looked nothing like her father but had the same Raven hair as him but had grey eyes and not blue like her brother or fathers. 

"Hello Addie and Alexis, come in I want talk to you about the activities we have" I entered right after Addie and sat down in the chair ready for him to explain what sports they have, "We do several different sports here at this school and we will do competing after we get our eventing team members chosen, but we like to see what our students are best at before we chose who gets offered a place on the team" He handed me a paper and pencil, "Here you have till the end of the week to choose what sport you're doing then when you're finished you may return the papers to me, now ladies I have some work to get done so I ask kindly for you both to leave. But Alexis before you go, I want to let you know feel free to join in on some classes during the week if you aren't sure what to choose" I nodded and thanked him looking down at the paper. 

"So, what do you think you'll do?" Addie asked, curiosity danced in her eyes.  

"Not sure I think I will go to the cafeteria and look at the paper" 

"Do you want me to come with you?" 

"No no" I shook my head, "You have classes to get to, but I will talk to you tonight" 

Addie nodded and waved goodbye hurrying down the corridor to get her class.


Once I arrived at the cafeteria, I found an empty table for two to sit at and read through the choices.

-Show jumping



-Cross country



-Barrel racing

-Team chasing


I had immediately crossed out Endurance, team chasing, Barrel racing, Cutting, steeple chases and reining. Since anything that involved western was something I had no clue how to do. 

Endurance and Team chasing weren't something I thought I would enjoy. 

I was stuck between Dressage and showjumping, now Show Jumping was something I enjoyed but wasn't the best at, and Dressage I just felt was something too pristine and I wasn't the best at it especially when Ebony would never listen. 

I looked at it for another moment then heard the sound of a voice behind me "What are you doing here?" I knew exactly whose voice that was, Emma's. 

"I am choosing what I am going to do at this school" Emma rolled her eyes, "Well you better not choose show jumping" she glared. 

I thought for a moment, then answered "I won't don't worry" 

"Well good" she whipped around and walked away quickly. 

Now I am definitely doing show jumping. I thought with a smile on my face.


The end of the week came by quickly. I hurried down the corridor and stopped once I reached Headmaster Whites office. 

I knocked on his door and heard a faint "Come in". I opened the door and handed Headmaster white the paper. 

"I hope you made your decision wisely," he said when I was about to leave. 

I nodded handing him the paper "I chose a sport I am good at" 

He smiled "Good we need more riders for Show jumping" 

"Yea well I have had some experience with it" He nodded and continued looking through the papers scattered on my desk. 

I turned around and left, well this is going to be an eventful day. I hurried to the stables to get Ebony


I haven't updated in a month since I kind of got sidetracked with school, and classes. So, my updates will be probably when I feel or once a week. I am currently very overwhelmed with a lot of things going on in my life, so I may not update in a few weeks.

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