Chapter 19

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I landed on my bed face first with a sigh. I had finally finished everything on my list of what I needed. 

"Alexis!" Jess yelled from outside my door. I got up and opened the door to see Jess and Harper standing there. 

"We're going to a meeting about the event. Now we can't be late" Harper said. 

I had followed them to the stables. They opened a door to reveal two couches, 3 chairs, and a round table in the back that could sit 4 people. There were already 4 people here including Jax and Ryan. Ryan was talking to the boy next to him. He had dark hair, olive skin, and dark eyes, he had to be around 18. 

He looked up to us three who walked in and stood up immediately. "Now that everyone is here. We can start the meeting," he said. "Alexis will be the last rider that will be jumping. And we need to think of a way to stop White ridge from winning because from what I've heard they are much better than last time. And we need to win even if that means sabotaging them. I was thinking maybe we could do something to one of their horses. I know Emma Miller had a good horse, her horse is very quick and that's exactly what they need to win" he said. "Sooo I was thinking maybe they would 'leave' the trailer door 'accidently' open" he said with a sick grin on his face. 

"I think Alexis could probably get close to the trailer with how much she knows White Ridge," the other boy in the room said. "By the way, I am Ari," he said. 

I nodded, feeling slightly uncomfortable on how he put me on the spot right there. "That's a smart choice" the dark-haired boy said. 

"Are you ok with that?" Jax asked. I nodded, "I need to hear words" 

"Yes, I am ok with that, and I am not even friends with them anymore" I said. 

"Ok good. Now is this meeting settled?" Ari asked. 

"Yes, it is," the dark-haired boy said. I quickly rushed back to my dorm knowing tomorrow was going to be just chaotic. 

Once I entered my dorm, I ran to the room I was staying in and just planned on how I was going to get to Emma's trailer. 

I could just walk up to her trailer... and maybe just open it and hope that her horse runs off. I thought that could work not even caring anymore at his point.


Quick filler chapter the next chapter will be very long. I promise. Have a good Night/day.

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