Chapter 12

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Once I had gotten Ebony brushed and tacked up, I had mounted him giving him a light kick in the side for him to go. He went into an easy trot as we pushed through the body of students and their horses. I had realized I didn't know where the A2 outdoor arena was. 

I sighed looking around for a familiar face. I had noticed Easton hanging out with other students. I pulled on Ebony's reins to make him go left in the direction he was in. 

"Easton, when were you going to tell us that you had been chosen for Eventing!" A tall brunette shrieked. 

"Hey calm down Carter! I was going to tell you guys, but I chose to wai- Oh hey Alexis" He turned around once he heard Ebony's hoof steps. 

I gave a cheerful smile and waved. "Hello Easton" 

"Is there something you need?" He tilted his head slightly. 

"Yes... uhm but it seems you are busy so-" 

"Nonsense Alexis, what is it?" 

"Uh do you know where A2 Arena is?" 

He nodded "Yes, I am actually heading there now, would you like for me to show you?" 

"Yes please, I am kind of lost and I need to know where my 'club' is" I said. 

"Carter, Liam lets go, we have class to get to" he ordered the two boys to follow him. 

The other boys he had been talking to mounted their horses and hurried off into the opposite direction. 

Easton had mounted his bay stallion, which I had learned from his sister, was named Chex. The other boys (who were I think named Carter and Liam) quickly mounted their horses as well. I followed the three boys. I quickly hurried Ebony ahead to fall into sync with Chex. 

"So have you done Show Jumping in the past?" He asked. 

"Um yes, I have. I wasn't very good at it but from what I had to choose from, show jumping was the only one that I could do well in" I heard a 'Hmm' as a response, which kinda annoyed me. I hated it whenever someone would just respond to me with a 'Hmm' or a 'Ok'.


Once we arrived, I had realized there were only 7 people including me, Easton, Liam, and the Carter boy. All eyes landed on me once I had entered the arena, my heart started to pound in my head. I wasn't used to so much attention on me. 

"Welcome Alexis!" The woman with blonde hair in a braid who I had assumed was the trainer. 

I waved trying to be polite "Hello- Uhh I never got your name" 

"You can call me Ava" She nodded. 

She clasped her hand "Ok ladies and gentlemen I want all of you doing your best, pushing yourselves farther than before, we have 3 months to train for eventing and I want everyone pushing themselves I am not here to babysit so if you don't want to do Show Jumping then the door is to your left" She motioned to the direction of the door. "I am expecting all of you to know how to jump properly without falling off your horse, Emma goes first, then Maddie, Carter, Liam, Easton, Jasmine, then last will be Alexis. Now GO!" She raised her voice. 

We had all done well except Jasmine. She had pulled Jasmine aside to ask her about if she knew anything about this Sport. Once she was finished, she looked at me and nodded. It was only 3 feet, not even that high. 

I kicked Ebony into a canter. Putting all my weight on the balls of my feet and raising myself just a bit in the saddle. I had closed my eyes just slightly out of instinct and also just being afraid. I felt my stomach clench when Ebony had jumped the prop. 

Once he had landed on all four of his hoofs, I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't fall off this time. I heard some claps from the students behind me. 

"Good job Alexis!" Ava said, "Now Ladies and Gentlemen I will be having you all be meeting me in the tack room we will all be talking about what to expect from me and what I need to expect from you" We all nodded heading back to the stables to get ready


I had returned to the stable untacking Ebony, brushing him, "Ebony it's not that I don't trust you I am just a nervous wreck, I haven't jumped something like that since what happened to us... Just, please bear with me, we don't even need to try as long as we can get that scholarship we can get out of this country and go back to America! Don't worry" Ebony had let out a snort turning his head to look at me. 

I placed the brush back on the shelf, closing the stall door saying my farewells and leaving for the tack room. 

I arrived at the tack room realizing I was late. "Finally, Alexis you have arrived" Emma snorted. I shot a glare at her ignoring her standing with the students. 

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