Chapter 13

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"Now that everyone is here, I would like to talk about what you are to expect. Every 3 weeks I will be removing someone from the team until we have three riders, and those riders will be chosen to join White ridges team for events, competing, anything like that. I will want every single one of you to put in your best effort, Like I said before I am not here to babysit. I want all of you to be at training before 8:30 am. If you are not, I will be putting you on my list of students I don't think are cut out to do this, because if I can't rely on you being here on time how can I rely on you guys being on time to leave for the bus if you are on the eventing team, do I make myself clear?" 

I heard yes's coming from the students around me. 

"You all may leave" Ava said. 

I hurried out of the room and headed to my dorm but was stopped by a voice coming from behind me. 

"Alexis!" I whipped my head around to be facing Easton. "Alexis, I heard you talking to Ebony. Are you ok?" He looked genuinely concerned. 

"Yes, I am fine I am just nervous" 

"Why are you nervous, you're a good rider" 

"I- when were you going to tell us you got in?" I asked, trying to change the subject. 

"What do you mean 'got in'? Got in what?" I took a deep breath. "I mean you got onto the eventing team" 

"Uhh I was planning on telling you when you got onto the team" 

I glared at him. Thats just a stupid excuse "I am not even going to be on the team, and I don't care much for the 'team' I am just ready to get the damn scholarship and get out of this country and away from my father and his new wife!" I raised my voice, then realized all the people around me were staring. 

He must have noticed because he quickly grabbed my arm pulling me into the tack room with him. "What do you mean 'get out of this country' are you hoping to leave soon?" He stared right into my eyes looking like he was trying to read my thoughts. 

"Yes, yes, I am. I just don't want to be here-" I saw him leaving and quickly grabbed his forearm "Hey! I am not finished!" He shrugged me off, ignoring me and opening the door slamming it behind him making the glass on the table shake. I sighed sitting in the chair. 

What have I done this time?


After I had finished being left alone with my thoughts for what I think was like 10 or 15 minutes. I looked at the clock and realized it was around 9:30. I realized I was there for an hour. I sighed, opening the door and leaving to head to my dorm. 

I looked around realizing how terrifying it was out here on my own. I heard the sound of hoof steps nearby. I looked around to see a boy around my age riding a strawberry roan mare. 

He looked lost so I approached him, "Uhm hello!" I said slightly nervously. He turned his head to the left to look at me. 

"Oh- Hello!" He spoke. 

"Uhm what are you doing out this late?" 

"Oh, I was just lost uhm. Do you mind helping me out with putting Golnar in the stables? I am slightly lost" 

"Oh yes of course. Are you new?" 

"Yes. I realized that my mom bought me later than expected. So, if you could you show me where they have the headmaster office" 

"Uh yea sure here comon"


Once I had shown him where the extra stalls were I had to help him with getting to the headmaster's office. 

"So what's your name?" I asked, trying to make small talk. He must have not heard me, so I moved on to ask him another question. "Uhh if I may ask what sport do you plan on joining" I asked, since my curiosity got the best of me. 

"show jumping" he said boredly.

"Oh, I am in showjumping. Maybe I will see you!" Once we arrived at the hall, I had said goodbye to him. 

"I'll see you around," I said. "Yep!" I hurried back to the dorms with a grin on my face.


"Where were you!" Addie yelled when I opened the door. 

"I was out doing stuff. Why?" 

"It's 2 hours past curfew!" She screamed at me. 

What is up with everyone being angry with me? 

"Alexis don't make me ask you again. Where were you and what were you doing?!" She lowered her voice this time but from her face you could tell she was angry. 

"I was out doing other stuff with Ebony," I lied. 

"Ok fine, was it that hard to answer a simple question?" She said, Who the heck does she think she is? She shouldn't be talking to me like that!  "I heard what happened between you and Easton," She said. I glared at her walking away. 

"Alexis! Get back here!" She shouted. 

"No!" I yelled walking into our bedroom. 

"Fine, don't tell me what's going on!" She screamed.


I don't understand how I fell asleep but I did to all of her screaming, but I did. I did my usual morning routine, changed into my riding clothes, brushed my teeth, and hair. I hurried down to the stables and quickly tacked up Ebony. 

"Hopefully we get to see the boy I saw yesterday, Ebony!" He flicked his ears, shaking the flies off of them. I quickly mounted him hurrying to A2 arena. 

"Ava!" I shouted. Hurrying over to the trainer. "I have a question!" 

"Shoot" she nodded, not looking up from her clipboard she was holding. 

"When do you think, we will get to meet the new boy" She looked up at me with a confused look, 

"What are you talking about? We don't have any new boys or girls joining us Alexis"

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