Chapter 17

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I opened the door to Addie and Gracie standing there, Gracie with tears streaming down her face and Alexis's shooting dagger at me. "How could you!" Gracie shrieked. 

"W-what? What are you talking about?" 

"Your stuff is all packed up in your room. You can go get it and leave. How could you leave us for Havens?" Addie hissed. I then had just realized what they were talking about, how do they know I show jumping for havens? 

"I needed a team that cared for me and didn't judge me for being American. '' I then turned around and grabbed my bag. I then quickly took my phone out of my pocket to text Jax


Hey Jax, could you maybe get the trailer and pick

Me up my roommate's kind of kicked me out and I

need a place to stay since they are mad that I now

ride for havens and now White ridge

Sure thing, I can let our headmaster know

you'll be wanting to ride for us know I will be there

in 15 minutes

I quickly grabbed my suitcase and hurried out the door slamming it shut, letting Gracie and Addie know I am mad and most likely not coming back. I had gotten down to the stables and grabbed Ebony's tack and tacked him up. 

Throwing his gear in the duffle bag I had brought for him. I had pulled Ebony out of his lead and rolled my suitcase along and had the duffle bag thrown across my shoulder. I went to the end of the driveway and waited patiently for Jax. 

It had been 10 minutes until a white truck pulling along a trailer marked 'Haven's riding school' Jax had opened the door taking Ebony's lead and pulling him into the trailer. I had thrown my bags into the bed of the truck and was about to climb into the passenger seat but opened the door to a slim brunette, I shot glares at her. 

What is Harper doing here?! 

"Hey Lex," she said in a sweet tone. 

"Hey Harper," I said with my mouth in a thin line. 

"You could ride in the back," she said with a sick grin on her face. 

I nodded, opening the door to the back seats and jumping in with an annoyed look on my face. 

"What's wrong toots?" Harper said once Jax had climbed in. I ignored her, looking down at my phone. 

"Hey, Lexi I was thinking you could stay with Jess and Harper here when we get you accepted in'' He explained. 

"Or if" Harper scoffed. 

"Yea cool," I said in a monotone voice ignoring Harper's snarky comment. 

He nodded, putting the keys in his truck and heading back to havens. I quickly glanced at my phone to see my mum had messaged me, I ignored it since it was so late making her think I was already in bed because of the time difference.


Then we had arrived at the academy, I had nearly forgotten about how I was going to have to bunk with Jess and Harper when we talked to the headmaster. 

"I'll show you Headmaster Smith's office tomorrow since it is so late, and he wouldn't appreciate us coming to his office at this hour" I nodded heading off with Harper. 

"Just to let you know I want you to keep your eyes off Jax, our families have decided we were 'meant' for each other, and I would like for it to stay that way" I nodded not caring, since I had no interests in Jax. 

"Did you hear me?" She snapped at me. 

"Yes, I heard you" 

"Then will you stay away from him?" She raised her brow. 

"Yes, I will. Ok?" I seethed. 

"Good. Then we should get along great," she said. I had quickly followed Harper up to the dorm, as I opened the door I was greeted by Jessica. 

"Hi!" She said, "Hello" I said quietly, not feeling like talking to either of them. 

"Ok soooo we thought about you taking the spare room, and when Headmaster Smith says everything is all good, we'll get you all your supplies. Unless you have everything?" 

"I have everything, thanks Jessica," I said, waiting for them to show me my room. Jessica had waved me over to a door, when she had opened it there revealed a bed, with two brown bedside tables, across from that a desk, and to the right of the bed a closet door. 

I thanked Jessica for showing me and closed the door behind me when I entered. I quickly started to unpack and throw some stuff onto the table. 


Shorter chapter I know I am seriously running out of ideas of what to right. I currently have the needing planned out so I might just jump to the end after the next chapter not sure yet.

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