Chapter 18

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I was quickly awoken by the sounds of pounding on the door. I had opened the door to Harper looking annoyed with me, "Get dressed and let go" She ordered and whipped around leaving. 

I nodded and quickly grabbed my breaches, Boots, my sage polo, and black gloves and quickly got dressed.


When I had finished with my morning routine, I hurried to open my door and find Harper and Jess. 

Harper looked really annoyed with me, but I tried my best to ignore it. "Ok well it took you long enough now we'll show you to the headmaster Smiths office. Now come on," she said in a hurry.


Once we were out the door Jess had wanted me on what and what not to say. I thanked her and opened the door to reveal a man maybe in his late 30s, brown hair, green eyes, and a serious look on his face. 

"You must be Alexis?" He said standing up and coming to shake my hand. I shook it quickly and he hurried to get behind his desk. I sat in one of the two black leather seats in his office. 

"So, I had heard that you used to go to White Ridge?" He asked. I nodded without saying anything. "Hmmm, I was just curious. Could you tell me about yourself perhaps?" 

"Uhhh well I am American. I am definitely not from around here. I am 17 years old; my horse's name is Ebony. My father and mother had split me staying with my mother, my father moving here. And so pretty much I signed up for a school in America and I didn't get in due to them not having much space. They sent me here and I moved to White Ridge, they didn't give me the best welcome and I had met Jax and Jax had invited me to stay here. That's pretty much about me" I said. 

He nodded, not looking up at me and continued staring at the sheet of paper in front of me. "So Jax says that you are a good rider, Showjumping is what you're best at. He said if you tried riding Jupiter it went well, I was thinking you could ride her for the finals if you're willing to train with her until then after that you can be off to wherever it is you want to go" he said. I nodded. "So, I was thinking that this school is probably the best choice for you, and I was thinking that you get along well with Jess and Harper. I was thinking you could bunk with them while staying here" I thought about it for a minute. 

Gracie and Addie would be disappointed in me for saying yes... But they kicked you saying you shouldn't be here. "It's a deal" I said, putting my hand out and asking him. 

"Ok then I expect to be seeing you train for finals. I don't expect you to be at any of the events. So don't plan on going. We need you ready for finals. Since you will be our 'Secret weapon' to winning and after that who cares where you go, we don't need you" he said in a harsh tone towards the end. 

Not realizing what he said I thanked him and left. 

"So did you get in?" Jess asked once I opened the door and closed it leaving his office. 

"Yes. yes, I did" I said. 

"Cool," Harper said unamused. 

"OH MY GOSH! We should celebrate!" Jess squealed. I nodded, not really caring. "We can do it in the room where most of us riders that are on the team chill. We can do it tonight! Oh, we can have fancy dresses, oh alcohol! And food and decorat-" 

"ALRIGHT! No, we will be going in our usual attire, Food and alcohol is a yes, decorations are a no" Harper said in a stern tone. 

"Fineeeee. Tonight at 5- no 6- wait no" 

"7 and I will let everyone know we will let everyone on the team know. And Jess calm down, don't scare the poor girl out of this school because of your crazy parties" Harper said side eyeing me. 

I nodded thanking her and going to the stables to train on Jupiter. I had quickly gotten her saddled on and I mounted her. 

Once I was out of the stables, I went to the arena to practice my jumps. I noticed a few were set up but on many. 

They were also really low, so I quickly dismounted Jupiter and tied her to the post. I quickly jogged over to the jumps and set them up quickly. 

Once I was finished, I untied Jupiter and mounted her and quickly kicked her into an easy canter. We did maybe a lap around just to get the hang of her and then I quickly turned her towards the jump. 

I took in a shaky breath and kicked her into a canter. We made it over the jump without a problem, thankfully. Once we were over the jump, I heard the sounds clapping and a "woo" I turned to my right to see Jax leaning on the fence. "Good job. I told you, you two are a fantastic team" he said. I nodded to him, thanking him and finishing up my training for the day. 


Two chapters in one day woo-hoo to me. Have a good night/day

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