Chapter 14

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I am back

I stood there in utter shock, who was that boy then!?  

"I- I met a boy last night and- and he said he was a new studen-" 

I was cut short by Emma opening the doors and screaming "THE LETTER FOR THE SHOW IN DURHAM ARE GONE!" Everyone turned to face her. 

I stood there frozen. I helped a boy get away with stealing. Oh, my gods I am such a bad person! What have I done? 

"Alexis! Who was the boy you met last night? '' Jasmine said. 

Oh, now I am so screwed! 

"Boy?! What boy!" Emma snapped her head to my direction. 

"I- I met a boy last night. He said he was new and arrived later than expected, I think he may have lied. I didn't think much of it so-" 

"Alexis, you're helping us get back that letter" she snapped. 

I looked to see where Ava was, but she was nowhere to be seen. She must have left once Emma came and started screaming at me.  "But-" 

"You are and you can't change it. Easton you as well!" Emma snapped.

 Easton had shot me daggers and I shrunk under his gaze following them both out on horseback "Carter! Liam you're coming as well" he said over his shoulder and the boys quickly hurried to mount. 

"I will go get Gracie and Addie" he said, cantering away on Chex to where I presumed was the dressage arena.


He arrived back with his sister and Gracie 10 minutes after. "I know the quickest way to Haven's riding school," Gracie said. And quickly cantered off, I followed but chose to stay behind knowing that Emma would tell everyone how I lost our chances of even being able to go to nationals. 

"She said she met a boy last night and she claimed he was 'New' and was just 'late', pretty sure I am certain who it is" Emma spat, her accent getting thicker as she spoke. 

"Alexis, did the boy say what his name was?" Liam asked. 

I shook my head "When I asked him who he was, he didn't seem to hear me, but he had Raven hair, gray eyes-" 

"I am going to call it already, it's Jax. The one your sister was saying was 'Very attractive' and 'kinda hot' last year at that place in Durham, He was the one riding that black trakehner" Emma said. 

"Oh yes him, that sly, manipulative, cocky, little bi-" 

"Ok we get it Easton calm down" Carter said before he could finish his sentence. 

I mean Addie wasn't wrong, he was kinda cute when I saw him last night- "Hey Alexis are you ok?" Gracie asked. "I heard you and Addie fighting last night and I was worried" 

"Yes, were fine" I said quicker than expected. "Oh look, we're here" I said trying to end the conversation quickly looking up at the school. I was shocked to see how nice it looked. Compared to our school, our school looked like a dump. 

"You all stay here and call us if anything goes wrong, me and Gracie will go inside and try to find the papers" Addie said. 

I nodded, staying with Carter, Liam, Emma, and Easton. I didn't bother looking at any of them being too ashamed of what I had done. "Alexis, how could you let someone from the other school sneak in!" Easton said, breaking the silence between all of us. 

"Well, I am sorry I didn't know who he was, he seemed like he didn't know what he was doing!" I said, trying to defend myself. He glared at me then snapped. "Maybe pay attention to the signs that he was lying! Like why anyone would show up in the middle of the night claiming they got here 'Later' than expected!" 

"Guys we got the papers! Let's go-" 

"HEY!" A boy with blonde hair yelled. I then noticed there was the boy I saw last night, and two girls with him. They were all on horseback coming right in our direction. 

"Go I will see if I can get them off our trail just get back to the Academy" I quickly not even thinking just doing. I turned kicking Ebony into a gallop looking behind me to see if any were following me. I noticed the raven-haired boy, and the two girls were following me. 

I wondered where the blonde was but just shrugged it off knowing I did well enough just to get three riders on my back. I noticed I would have to jump a white wooden fence knowing I had hit the end of the property. 

I quickly pushed all the weight onto the balls of my feet and leaned forward. I made the jump, pulling back on Ebonys reins to see that the 2 girls were gone, but the raven-haired boy was still there. 

"Good job- uh I never got your name?" He asked. 

"I'm Alexis. Alexis Davis" 

"I'm Jax. By the way you should pay attention to your surroundings more" He had a grin plastered on his face. 

I looked behind me to see the blonde standing right there. I muttered a few curses under my breath, I am so stupid! 

"Have you ever thought of leaving White ridge to join Havens?" The blonde asked. What kind of question is that? Of course not!  

"It's just a thought but I noticed that they were arguing with you earlier when you first arrived. How long have you been at White ridge?" Jax asked. 

"Uh 3 weeks. I got into an argument about being here in the U.K. I was supposed to be at a boarding school in the U.S., but they put me here since they had run out of space in the school I had wanted to go to" I said. 

"Well, we could use a rider like you on our team" 

"I... They didn't seem to care much if I were to stay there or not, especially... Easton... and Addie. Gracie wouldn't mind if I would stay or not, she would like me to be happy" 

"So will you join us or not?" Jax repeated again. 


Got my idea for this chapter from 'free rein' season 2. Anyway hello hope yall are doing good because I sure am

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