Nameless Introspection

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"What once has been lost, can never be replaced."

That much is true, yes, but what most don't know

Is that memories of what is precious and dear to us,

Will always be there, even if faded by ages passed.

You can look back at those emotions, those thoughts, those dreams

And wish to return to the good ol' days of childhood, the Golden Days.

But you must know, what's done is done, the past is set in stone forever.

Yet, the future morphs, changing, every single second lived in the present.

Yes, there will always be regrets, there will be those best left forgotten,

And there will be pain and tears, things locked away and silenced...

Let them scream and shout, don't let it all bottle up inside yourself.

If you hold it all in, it'll explode too soon, breaking you from the inside out.

So cheer up, please, it's okay to cry, let it all out, my Dear,

I am here to encourage you, here to comfort you, my friend.

Do not fret your actions if you think them right,

So, please, don't let the sparkling in your orbs ever fade away.

Look up towards the sky above and grin from ear to ear,

Because I know that the stars in the night kiss you goodnight

And the Moon sings her Lunar Lullaby just for only you.

Please do not be dragged down by and fly with the dreams.

Float through the atmosphere while dancing with Supernovas,

Watch the Earth with the Constellations above,

Walk down the Milky Way with me, hand in hand.

Your tears are Asteroids, falling through the ambiance,

But your smiles are even brighter than the most brilliant Nebula.

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