What's a Crush, Mama?

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"What is a crush?" asks a child

To their mother, a sparkle in

Their young, innocent orbs.

"What is a crush, you ask?"

Replies the mother. "Well...

Sometimes it happens as

Fast as lightning, here then

gone in a flash! So bright and

mesmerizing, amazingly sad

All at once, you never know...

Other times it happens like

In the movies, strange, and

Exciting, and funny, and so

Sudden, you don't realize

Until you're already in deep.

It can even happen like a

Fairytale... Mysterious and

hypnotizing, drawing you in

To one scene after another,

From ballroom, to blue sea.

Though sometimes it can be

As sour as a lemon if you

Aren't careful enough with

How you treat what you feel,

Growing in time, don't let it wilt.

Maybe it'll be just as sweet

As a whole candy shop put in

One sweet kiss. But be careful,

Because it can become too

Sweet, and give you a cavity.

Sometimes a crush is just that-

Something that crushes your

Heart. Or, a crush can be so

Wonderful and magical, that

Something small and unnoticed

Can turn into a love of a lifetime."

Orbs shining, the child stares at

Their mother, and giggles lightly.

"So Mama and Papa had crushes

On each other, before they fell in

Love...?" Their Mama smiles. "Yes."

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