Chapter 3: Assholes

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Kali slowly made her way to her final class of the day, Math, thankfully she had Steve with her in this class and she knew he was going to spend the whole time trying to apologise to her for ditching her at lunch to hang out with his 'perfect' girlfriend. As Kali walked into the room she glanced around looking for Steve but unfortunately the seat next to him had already been filled. Steve looked up and noticed her, mouthing a 'sorry' as he shrugged his shoulders, Kali just rolled her eyes, let out a fake smile and flipped him off as she wandered over to the only empty seat left. The one seat she really didn't want to take. "Hey um, is it okay if I sit here?" She tapped the chair lightly, "yeah no problem, slut" Tommy grinned. As soon as he opened his mouth she knew she was going to regret her decision but before she could change her mind, the teacher walked in signalling for everyone to sit down and pay attention.

Kali tried her best to focus on what the teacher was saying, despite Tommy's best efforts to distract her. She started chewing on her pen and shaking her leg, her anxiety getting the better of her as she struggled to survive the final hour of school. Just one more hour, she thought to herself, one more hour and then I can run away from this asshole, she let out a sigh as she slumped back in her chair "so you fucked the new kid yet, slut?" Kali closed her eyes out of frustration, she knew this was going to happen and there was nothing she could do to stop it "hey slut" Tommy said as he nudged her shoulder, he kept pushing her and pushing her until she finally opened her eyes, letting out a sigh as she said "what Tommy?"

"I said, have you fucked the new guy yet slut?"

"No Tommy, I haven't fucked the new guy"

"Yeah but you want to, we all know what you do to the new guys at this school" he leaned in a little closer and pressed his hand on her thigh, gripping it slightly, "you fuck them and then cry rape" his hand slowly moved up her thigh "cause you're such a fucking slut" he hissed, Kali felt like she couldn't breath, she felt frozen in place. This is why she hated school, constant abuse from assholes like Tommy "aw don't go shy on me now slut, you know you want it" his face brushed against hers and she could feel her breathing getting heavier and heavier, she closed her eyes and screamed "get the fuck off me Tommy!" Before the teacher could scold her, she grabbed her bag and ran out of class, tears filling her eyes.

She ran outside to her car and slammed her hands on the bonnet, her tears started falling as soon as she was alone. She continued slamming her hands on the bonnet, forming fists as her anger rose before she fell to her knees. She was so angry that all she could do was cry, she let out another scream as she punched the front of her precious car. She turned around, leaning her back against the car as she pulled her knees to her chest, sobbing into them as she wrapped her arms tightly around her legs. She could hear heavy footsteps running over to her but she didn't care, she just wanted to be left alone "go away Steve" she managed to whimper, not even looking up to see who was stood in front of her, she felt a hand rest on her arms as someone crouched down in front of her "I said, go away Steve!" She shouted but as she looked up, it wasn't Steve that was staring back at her but instead she found herself gazing into a pair of ocean blue eyes "oh sorry billy, I thought you were Steve" she didn't even care that he was touching her, she rested her head back into her knees and began sobbing again.

Billy didn't leave her side, he knew that she needed someone, even though she kept saying she wanted to be left alone, he stayed there crouched down in front of her waiting to get a glimpse of her beautiful face again. Even with smudged makeup, messy hair and messed up knuckles he still found himself taken back by her beauty.
She finally lifted her head back up and looked at Billy. She opened her mouth to say something but before she could, he shoved a lit cigarette in her mouth. She looked at him confused before taking a very long drag "you look like you need that more then I do" he laughed, moving her slightly damp hair away from her face. She blew the smoke out, moving her head back as she did "yeah I really did" she laughed, she took another drag and then handed it back to Billy who just put his hand up and shook his head "like I said, you need it more" she let out a faint smile, she couldn't believe how kind he was being towards her and she hadn't even noticed that his hand was still resting on her arm, she looked down at it and smiled again, "oh shit" he said as he pulled his hand back "sorry I forgot you don't like physical contact" he rubbed the back of his neck before sitting down next to her.

"so you wanna tell me what happened?" He turned his head towards her. She sat there for a minute contemplating whether or not to open up to him, she let out a sigh before looking over at him "Tommy was being an ass"

"Tommy? As in Tommy H?"

"That's the one" she said as she pointed her finger at him, signalling that he'd got the right answer "what did he do?" Billy questioned, slightly raising his eyebrow at her, she looked away from him again and took another drag of her cigarette which was practically down at the filter by now. She stubbed it out and looked up at the sky "he was just saying horrible things and..." she cut herself off, she could feel a lump in her throat and her eyes had started to well up again "he um.... He kept touching my thigh and he was moving it further and further up and leaning in super close to my face to the point where I could feel his breath on my skin" tears started falling down her face again as she pulled her knees back up to her chest, she glanced over at Billy and could see the rage in his eyes. He slowly stood back up and held his hand out to Kali, she grabbed hold of him and pulled herself up, dusting herself off as she did. He raised his hand to take hold of her cheek as she flinched, he stopped and pulled his hand back for a second before slowly reaching down again. She felt his soft hand rest on her cheek, she opened her eyes and looked at him, she was scared that he was going to hurt her and tell her that it was her fault just liked everyone else usually did but as soon as she caught his gaze, she could see that the anger had been replaced with sympathy and care. She relaxed into his hand a little as he started to wipe away her tears, removing the smudged makeup as best he could. He placed his hands on her hair and tried to smooth it out, Kali stood there and let him help her, it felt nice to have someone look after her in such a caring way. Yeah, Steve always helped clean her up and looked after her but there was something about Billy, it's almost like he knew how she was feeling and understood what she needed in that moment.

"There, all better" he said as he wiped the last tear from her face, she smiled softly at him, "you didn't have to do that y'know" she whispered as she pressed her head to his chest, she felt him quiver slightly before he wrapped his hands around her waist "I know but I wanted to" he whispered back, placing a light kiss on the top of her head. She looked up at Billy, who smiled slightly when she did, she felt the butterflies in her stomach again as her eyes met his. She placed one hand on the side of his face and slowly pulled his lips towards hers, but before they could touch, she heard the roar of teenagers come out of the school. She pulled herself back and rested against the hood of her car, grabbing and lighting a cigarette as she did. Billy stood looking at her confused for a second before standing next to her and grabbing her lighter to light his own cigarette. She scowled at him and all he did was grin back at her.

They stood there for a little while just smoking their cigarettes and smiling over at each other, playfully nudging each other every now and then and that's when she heard it. Tommy had come strolling out of school and saw them stood together, a grin let out on his face "knew it wouldn't take you long slut!" He shouted from across the parking lot, Billy's head shot over to meet Tommy's gaze, rage building up inside him. He threw his cigarette on the floor and began stomping over to him "hey you!" He screamed as he pointed at Tommy, he grabbed hold of his shirt and threw him down to the floor "what the fuck is your problem?" Billy stood over him, screaming, the rage building up inside him more and more. He hated seeing this beautiful girl be broken by a pathetic high schooler, "I said what is your problem asshole?" He grabbed hold of Tommy's shirt again pulling him up slightly before sending him back down to the floor with a punch.
"You like picking on innocent girls you fucking pervert"

"She's far from innocent bro" Tommy smirked, blood dripping down his face, Billy went to hit him again before he felt a hand grab hold of his arm "Billy, leave it, please" he turned his head slightly to see Kali, her eyes welling up again as she pleaded for him to stop. He let out a sigh and stepped away from the boy that laid on the floor in front of him "if you ever, say anything or touch her or even fucking look at her again, I will end you" he hissed before turning and walking away.

Kali couldn't believe what she had just witnessed, once they were back at her car she noticed Billy wince in pain as he looked down at his knuckles. She took his hand and pulled it up to her face, kissing his bruised knuckles lightly before looking up at him and placing a hand on the side of his face "thank you" she whispered. She found herself staring into his eyes again as she smiled at him, she had only known him for a few hours but she knew that there was something special about the boy stood in front of her. She could feel herself slowly falling for him, faster then she ever thought she would.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now