Chapter 11: Daddy Dearest

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TW!: abuse

Kali laid on her bed, the sun was just starting to peak through her curtains, she had barely slept. Her mind kept racing, she couldn't stop thinking about Billy and their last interaction but she also couldn't stop thinking about what her and Steve had found in Dustin's cellar. Thankfully it was the weekend now and she wouldn't have to deal with seeing Billy at school, she wasn't ready for another confrontation. She looked over at the clock that sat on her bedside table, 6:45, she groaned as she threw a pillow over her head.

After deciding to give up on trying to sleep and get up, Kali grabbed some clean clothes and made her way to the bathroom. Her parents wouldn't be up for a little while and she was hoping to be out of the house before they were. She jumped in the shower and threw her head back as she let the warm water run down her skin. She stood there for a while, just enjoying the peace and quiet.
After a little while she got out and dried herself off. She put her underwear on and slid on her black leather skirt along with a Def Leopard shirt that she had made into a muscle tee. She knew her father wouldn't like her choice of clothing but she also knew that he wouldn't be out of bed for at least another hour. She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror as she brushed her long black hair. The cut on her cheek was barely noticeable anymore. She applied a little bit of eyeliner and some mascara before fluffing her hair slightly.

She opened the bathroom door and made her way back to her bedroom. She grabbed her guitar and placed it gently into its case, she was so thankful that the guys had gifted her another guitar, a small smile spread across her face as she was reminded of the fact that she had her brothers back. She slid on her white docs and grabbed her leather jacket from the back of her chair. As she made her way down the stairs she was stopped in her tracks when she heard an unsettling voice behind her "where do you think you're going?" She turned to see her father stood against the banister, rubbing his eyes. Shit. He had clearly just woken up "I said where the fuck do you think you're going?" He started making his way down the stairs. He stopped a couple of steps above Kali as he looked her up and down, "whoring yourself around again?" He scoffed, Kali felt frozen in place. She didn't expect him to wake up but now here he was, she knew what was coming, "I'm just going for a drive daddy"

"Oh and where are you driving to?" He stepped closer, grabbing hold of her arm "I was just going to go to the lake and practice some guitar" she lifted her guitar up to show him "I didn't want to wake you-"

"You're going to lovers lake?!" The anger in his voice rose, his grip tightening around her arm as he pulled her back upstairs "daddy you're hurting me" she winced, she tried to break free of his grip but he started digging his nails into her arm. He dragged her back to her bedroom and threw her against the wall, pinning her in place with his arm. She tried to hold back the tears as his arm pushed against her throat, causing her to drop her guitar. He looked her up and down again before releasing his grip, sending a slap across her face "look at the fucking state of you" he slapped her again causing her to fall to the floor, he climbed on top of her and pinned her down "dressed like a fucking whore, practically begging a man to touch you" she struggled to get him off, her legs flailing around underneath him. Her head hit the floor with a thud as he punched her, he didn't let up and kept punching her, blood falling against the carpet. Although she was in pain she still tried to break free. Eventually she managed to move her arm out from under him and without thinking she punched him as hard as she could in the nuts. He rolled off of her groaning in pain "you're going to fucking regret that" he screamed through gritted teeth. Kali pulled herself up and stood over her asshole father as he flailed around on the floor. She picked her guitar up and turned back to him, spitting blood in his face "fuck you asshole" she ran as fast as she could down the stairs and out the front door. She scrambled for her car keys and jumped into the drivers side, turning the engine over as she clicked her seatbelt in place. She took one last glance at the house, seeing her father rip the front door open as he ran towards her. She quickly sped out of the driveway and drove away without turning back.

After driving around town for a while, Kali thought about where she could go. She still had blood dripping from her face but she couldn't go to the hospital. She also knew she couldn't run to Billy after what had happened the previous day. Before she knew it she was pulling into the trailer park.
Kali pulled up outside Eddie's trailer, thank god his van was still there, she pulled up beside it and turned the engine off. Kali's hands gripped the steering wheel tighter as she thought about what her father had done. She closed her eyes and began to sob. She couldn't go back there. Suddenly there was a knock on the window which startled her, she turned her head to see Wayne Munson staring back at her. He pulled her car door open and grabbed hold of her as she tried to step out "oh my god Kali, what happened?" He hadn't seen her in years, the last time being when the band decided to practice at Eddie's one night back in middle school, right before she started dating Josh. Eddies uncle had always treated her like one of his own, he didn't know about her father but he had told her that she was always welcome if she needed a place to stay. Looking up at his face now, the concern in his eyes, Kali found herself lost for words "I'm sorry... I didn't know where else to go" she began to sob again as Wayne pulled her in for a hug, she wanted to pull away from him but she didn't have the strength to move. As he held her he screamed for Eddie, and it didn't take long before he appeared in the doorway "what's going on?" He rubbed his eyes "Eddie help me bring her inside" Wayne turned to him. As Kali looked up to see him stood in the doorway, she let out a little chuckle, he was stood there still in his pyjama bottoms, his hair was a mess and sticking up all over the place. He was still rubbing his eyes but opened them wide when he saw Kali sat in her car, her face all bloody and beaten "shit Kali" he ran over to her "what happened?" He questioned, cupping her face in his hands. She let a smile spread across her face as she looked at him "I did it Eddie, I finally stood up to him" he knew what she meant but didn't say anything when he noticed Wayne looking at them both, confused, "I'll go put on some coffee while you help her inside" Eddie nodded at his uncle as he helped Kali stand up "come on sweetheart, let's get you cleaned up".

Kali sat on the couch as Eddie gently cleaned the blood off of her face with a washcloth, "right I've got to head out for a bit" Wayne said as he placed a coffee in Kali's hand, she looked at him and smiled "if you need to stay over Kali..."

"I'm always welcome?" She grinned back as she took a sip of her coffee, Wayne smiled down at her "you got it kid" he placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly, before grabbing his keys and heading out the door. She put her coffee down on the table and pulled her boots off. She let out a sigh as she relaxed back into the sofa "Kali what happened?" She looked over at Eddie who was rinsing the washcloth out in the kitchen sink "I tried to leave before he woke up" she began, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks "but he caught me" she looked down at the floor as she continued telling Eddie what happened, "I ran Eddie, I ran as fast as I could and just got in my car and drove" she began sobbing again, she couldn't stop. Eddie ran over to her and pulled her into a hug "I didn't know where to go Ed's, I just kept driving and then I remembered your uncles words from years ago" Eddie pulled her back and wiped the tears from her eyes, she looked awful. The cut on her cheek had been forced open again, she had bruising around her eye and dried blood around her nose, Eddie did his best to clean her up but she still looked awful. "You can stay here as long as you need okay?" Eddie said, staring into her eyes, she felt the tears fall again as she buried her head into his shoulder "I can't go back there Ed's, he'll kill me if I do"

"You're not going anywhere sweetheart" he placed a light kiss on her forehead "I've got you" Kali smiled at her brothers words. She was safe.

Authors notes: don't worry guys, this is still a Billy fanfic but I just had to get in a couple of cute
moments with Eddie before we dive back into the storyline for season 2. I'm already planning on doing a second book that will still follow on from this storyline but I'm going to be keeping it quiet for now.
Let me know what you think of the story so far, I'd really appreciate any feedback you guys have and thank you for reading.

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