Chapter 18: Home

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The day had finally arrived. Kali had been stuck in this hospital for two weeks and boy was she ready to go home. Wayne, Eddie and Billy had spent the last couple of days getting everything ready for her at the trailer. Since she'd been staying at Eddie's anyway she already had quite a few clothes there but Billy had agreed to take her to her old house to pack up the rest of her stuff and move it to the trailer. Her fathers trial was only a few days away and Kali was asked to speak up against him. She was reluctant at first but Billy had persuaded her to take the stand. Kali finished packing her bag as the door to her room opened, she turned to see who it was and a smile let out on her face. Billy was walking towards her with a bunch of flowers in one hand and an envelope in the other. He kissed her forehead "ready to go home Juliet?" She couldn't stop smiling as he handed her the flowers, nobody had ever bought her flowers before. A tear ran down her cheek as she looked back at Billy, she held his face in her hand as she found herself gazing into his ocean blue eyes "I love you" she whispered as she kissed his lips lightly. He took the flowers out of her hand and placed them gently onto the bed as he wrapped his arms around her waist, Kali let out a giggle as he picked her up and spun her around before planting her feet back on the ground, he leaned forward and kissed her forehead "and I love you Juliet".

After the discharge papers were signed Kali was free, her head was healing well although they had to shave part of her head, absolutely butchering it in the process, but with a little bit of help from Eddie, she was now rocking a side shave. The rest of her face had almost completely healed too, and she was glad to be back to looking like her usual self. Billy opened the passenger side door to his Camaro for her before placing her bag in the back seat and getting into the drivers side. He glanced over at Kali, who was staring out of the window at the hospital, "so, old house first?" She looked over at him and smiled placing her hand on top of his, squeezing it lightly. He pulled her hand towards his face, placing a light kiss on her knuckles before starting the engine.

They pulled into the driveway of Kali's parents house. As they looked at the house, Kali sighed, she could tell that nobody had been home in a while. The mail had piled up outside the mailbox, the grass was overgrown and the porch swing was covered in dirt. She slowly stepped out of the car and began walking towards the front door. She pulled the key out of her pocket and opened the front door, covering her nose quickly as the smell of rotten food hit her "let's not spend too long in this shithole" she laughed as she turned to face Billy who was also holding his nose as he nodded back to her. They made their way up to her room, as she opened her door she was shocked at what she found. Her room had been flipped upside down. There were clothes everywhere, all of her picture frames had been smashed and most of the pictures were ripped or damaged, her mirror had been smashed to pieces and all of her drawers had been pulled out. She held a hand over her mouth as she began to cry. Billy quickly pulled her into a hug, holding her head against his chest as she sobbed "why don't you wait in the car, I'll box all your things for you" Kali couldn't speak, she nodded at him and made her way back downstairs.

After about an hour, Billy made his way downstairs with the final box. Kali was leaning against the hood of his car with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. He put the box in the boot and closed it as he walked over to her, grabbing the cigarette from her mouth and taking a long drag, "wow you've got a lot of crap" he laughed, earning him a slap on the chest from Kali as she laughed with him. She was thankful that he packed everything away for her and she was definitely going to show him how much she appreciated it when they got home. She knew that both Wayne and Eddie would be at work so they had the place to themselves. She looked back at the house as she opened the car door, she let out a sigh and stuck her middle finger up, laughter erupted from Billy as he did the same and with that they got in the car and sped off towards Kali's new home.

Billy shut off the engine as they pulled up outside the trailer, Kali wasted no time in climbing over to him, straddling him and kissing him passionately. He slowly opened his door and carried Kali out with him, placing her on the ground as he turned to lock his car "guess we can unpack later" he smirked, Kali threw her arms around his neck and pulled his keys from his hands "you're gonna stay tonight right?" She bit her lip as she spoke to him, not only did she want to thank him for earlier but she also didn't want to be on her own tonight. She'd still been having nightmares about her father and even though she knew he had been sent away, she was terrified that he'd show up and finish what he started. She pulled Billy in for another kiss and he picked her up, carrying her towards the front door "your castle awaits my queen" he smiled down at her as she excitedly unlocked the door but before she opened it, she turned back to Billy and started kissing him passionately again, one hand on the back of his neck while the other opened the door. The kiss between them was starting to heat up, their tongues were fighting for dominance as they walked into the trailer. Billy closed the door with his foot and pushed her against the wall as he reached for the light, causing her to moan against his mouth.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now