Chapter 15: Trauma

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T/W! Talks of sexual abuse

The hum of music surrounded Kali and Billy as they stood outside the Hideout. They stood talking to each other for a while, catching up on everything they had missed while they were arguing, "and then I drove over to Eddie's, I didn't know where else to go and I've been staying there ever since" Kali croaked as she told Billy about the last encounter she had with her father, his face dropped as he looked into her eyes "I'm proud of you for standing up to that asshole" a grin appearing on his face "but I'm sorry you had to go through that" his gaze dropped to the floor. He hated himself for not being there when she needed him. All he wanted to do was protect her from assholes like her father but instead he pushed her away, all because she had seen him at his most vulnerable, a side of himself that he never showed anyone.

They were both startled when they heard the back door open. They looked over and saw a very drunk Tammy, stumbling around, "hey Tammy, you okay?" Billy shouted. She looked over at him, sadness filled her eyes but it quickly turned to anger when she saw Kali stood behind him. Kali's eyes widened as Tammy ran up to her, slapping her across the face "that's what you get for stealing my man!" She screamed, sending another slap across Kali's face. Kali grabbed her cheek and turned her head, "who the fuck do you think you are?!" She managed to croak, Billy quickly pulled Kali away, he stood in front of her and held a finger over her lips, she furrowed her brows at him. Billy pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it, taking a long drag as he turned back to face Tammy, a smirk appearing on his face "I am not your man" he started "I was never your man and I will never be your man" Tammy held a hand over her mouth as he spoke "this girl right here is my queen" he pointed at Kali "and you are nothing but a worthless peasant, now get fucking lost" tears streamed down Tammy's face as she walked backwards, "but... you couldn't stop moaning when we were fucking" she folded her arms a smug smile spread across her face, Billy let out a loud laugh "yeah do you know why?" He stepped towards her, his face just inches away from hers "it's because I was imaging Kali underneath me" Kali couldn't help but blush. Even when they were arguing he still thought about her. Tammy ran out of the parking lot, tears still streaming down her face as she ran home. Billy turned to face Kali, who was still blushing at his words, he threw his cigarette on the ground and before Kali could say anything, his lips were on hers. The kiss quickly became aggressive as Billy pushed her against the wall, his hands running down her thighs "jump" Kali wasted no time in wrapping her legs around his waist as he held onto her. Her hand made its way into his hair, pulling on it slightly as Billy let out a soft moan. He trailed kisses along her neck, nibbling on her ear slightly "fuck, I need you Kali" he whispered in her ear. She needed him too and she was desperate to feel him inside of her but suddenly, almost as if from nowhere, she felt a wave of panic rush over her. She opened her eyes and pushed softly on Billy's chest until he broke away from her and placed her back on the ground "what's wrong princess?" Kali couldn't say anything, all she could do was cry.

Kali fell against the wall, tears running down her face as she sat on the floor. She pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her head as she wrapped her arms around her legs. Billy instantly crouched down in front of her, placing a hand on her arm "Kali, what's wrong?" His voice was soft as Kali lifted her head to look at him. In this moment she was reminded of her first encounter with Billy. He did the exact same thing when he saw her crying against her car after Tommy had upset her. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, causing him to fall onto his ass, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her onto his lap as he held her. He softly ran his hand through her hair, shushing her as she cried in his arms. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know why she was so upset but one thing he did know, is that she needed him and he would do absolutely anything for her.

Billy sat with Kali crying on his lap for what felt like hours, he comforted her as best he could as they both sat there on the floor. He turned his head when he noticed a loud group walking out of the bar. The only figure he could make out in the poorly lit parking lot was a guy with shoulder length hair "Eddie!" He shouted, the figure turned his head when he heard his name and quickly ran over to the couple sat on the floor "shit what happened?" Eddie questioned as he sat down opposite them, "I don't know man, we were making out and then she stopped and started crying"

"Shit Kali" Eddie placed his hand on her back "Kali it's me, are you okay?" Kali lifted her tear soaked face and looked at Eddie, she took her arms from around Billy and threw them over Eddie "I panicked Ed's, I just panicked"

"Shh, it's okay" he reassured her as he held her "does Billy know about... you know who?" She didn't answer him, instead she just shook her head. Billy looked at them both confused as he lit another cigarette "know about what?" Eddie looked down at Kali, waiting for her to signal that he could tell him, "Kali what don't I know?" Billy's voice was still soft but a little bit of anger came out as he questioned her. She looked at Eddie before nodding her head slightly. Eddie took a deep breath as Kali buried her head into the nape of his neck, tightening her grip as she waited for him to talk "she was raped by her boyfriend when she was 13" it pained Kali to hear those words out loud. Billy deserved to know what happened to her but she was angry at herself for not being able to tell him herself.

She was raped..... raped.....

Billy couldn't wrap his head around what he had just heard. Was this why she hadn't been with anyone for a long time? Was this why she hated physical touch? He had so many questions he wanted to ask her but he found himself stunned. "Who did it?" He managed to say through gritted teeth. No answer. He stood up, running his hand over his face out of frustration. He was furious. Eddie helped Kali stand up as she turned back to Billy, wrapping her arms around his waist as she rested her head against his chest. She could feel his heart beating like mad. She'd never seen him this angry. She hugged him tighter "I'm sorry" she whispered, she felt his arms wrap around her and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, "I'm so sorry Billy" she looked up at him but could barely make out his expression through her tear soaked lashes. She felt him sigh as he looked down at her, placing a soft kiss on her forehead "you don't need to be sorry" he whispered "it's not your fault, but I need to know who did it"

"It was Josh"

"Josh as in, basketball Josh?" Kali didn't want to answer him, she knew he was angry and she was scared of what he was going to do, "Kali, was it that Josh?" He asked again, holding her face in his hands as he looked into her eyes. Her eyes dropped to the floor as she nodded her head, he gave her another light kiss before removing her arms from around his waist. He smiled at her before he looked over at Eddie "look after her Munson" and with that he walked over to his car. Kali wanted to run after him, she didn't want him to leave her, she needed him. The tears fell again as she called his name "Billy!" He turned to look at her as he opened his door "don't worry Juliet, I'll be back for you".

Her heart sank at his words. What was he about to do? Where was he going? Kali sobbed as she fell into Eddie's arms. She watched as Billy sped out of the parking lot and down the road. Why was he leaving her when she needed him? Eddie held her close as she sobbed into his arms. He knew exactly what Billy was about to do and although he didn't really like the guy, they both cared about Kali and he knew that Billy would do anything to protect her. Even if it meant that he would end up in trouble.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now