Chapter 26: Graduation

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"Kali... Kali" Billy said in a sweet tone as he tried to wake Kali, her eyes fluttered open "come on princess, you've gotta get to band practice" Kali groaned at his words and pulled the comforter up over her head causing Billy to giggle. He stood and rubbed the back of his neck as he exited the room "she won't get up" he whispered to Eddie who was stood in the kitchen "fuck" Eddie threw his head back in frustration, he grabbed a mug out of the cupboard and poured coffee into it "let's see if this helps" he smiled over to Billy as he sauntered into Kali's room, kneeling down at the side of the bed and wafting his hand over the coffee. The comforter moved slightly as Kali peeled out of the top "come on sweetheart, if you get out of bed you can have some" she groaned at the metal head in front of her before pulling the comforter back up "fine more coffee for me" he grinned as he slowly lifted to mug to his lips. Kali threw the comforter back and grabbed the mug out of his hands before bringing it to her own lips, mumbling a 'mmm' as the liquid ran down her throat, Billy and Eddie burst out in laughter as her eyes darted over to them, Eddie jumped up and walked out of the room, patting Billy on the shoulder and leaning in to his ear "works every time" he whispered as he stepped out of the room.

They pulled up outside Gareth's house and Kali grabbed her guitar before running over and hugging the boys who had just finished setting everything up. Billy and Eddie eventually made their way over with the rest of the equipment before sitting down on the floor. Kali grabbed her guitar out of its case and began tuning it up, Billy couldn't help but admire her beauty as he watched her play some random notes, her hand running up and down the fret board at an incredible speed, "okay so, graduation is in two days and we still don't know what song to play" she stated. They'd been throwing ideas around since they were first asked to play but none of the songs they had come up with seemed good enough. They bounced a few more ideas back and forth "what about some sabbath?" Jeff put forward, "hmm good suggestion but nah" Kali started before she was interrupted "why don't you play what Higgins wanted?" Billy was met with death stares as he spoke, he threw his hands up and started shaking them violently "no, no, wait, hear me out" he explained his plan to the band who looked at each other before nodding in agreement "now that's a good plan" Kali smiled "okay so how about we.." she threw her hand to her mouth and quickly ran to the bathroom leaving Gareth and Jeff confused. So far only Billy, Eddie, Steve and Wayne knew that she was pregnant and now that she was just under two months along, morning sickness had become a real bitch. Eddie and Billy shared a concerned look as Kali slowly made her back to her spot on the floor "you okay princess?" Billy asked as he pulled her between his legs, his hands resting on top of her belly. Although she wasn't showing properly yet, but she did have a small bump on her stomach that could be mistaken for bloating after eating a big meal. Kali rested against Billy's chest, letting out a sigh "yeah just morning sickness" she smiled up at him "wait what?!" Gareth and Jeff shouted at the same time causing Kali's eyes to widen, shit, she thought to herself, she looked between Eddie and Billy with panic in her eyes "why don't you just tell them sweetheart?" Eddie smiled over to her. Kali stood to her feet and let out a sigh "guys, you're gonna be uncles" she lifted her shirt up slightly to reveal the small bump she had. Gareth and Jeff looked at each other before looking over to Eddie and Billy who both had massive grins on their faces and then finally shifting their gaze back to Kali. They jumped up and ran over to her, pulling her into a hug "that's amazing Kal" Gareth said as tears filled his eyes "yeah, I thought you were just getting fat" Jeff laughed as he stepped back, Kali quickly slapped his arm causing him to wince as she laughed along with him "so how far along are you?"

"Just under two months" she smiled, looking down at her growing stomach. It was still so surreal but she was excited about the life growing inside of her. Gareth shuffled over to her and knelt down, "can I?" He gestured his hands over her stomach, asking for permission to touch her belly, she smiled down at him and nodded her head, grabbing his hands and placing them on her belly "hey little dude" Gareth smiled "I'm your uncle Gareth and I know you probably can't hear me but I can't wait to meet you" Kali felt her eyes welling up as she watched Gareth show his softer side, a side that no one ever really saw. It was in this moment that she realised, just how loved this baby was already.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now