Chapter 14: The Hideout part 2

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A/N: I know the song attached to this chapter is originally by Britney Spears but for the purpose of this story please imagine it as an original song.

"You ready to go?" Eddie asked as he put his guitar in its case, kissing it before he closed the lid, Kali giggled to herself "yeah, ready as I'll ever be I guess" she was really nervous about tonight. Eddie knew that she was nervous, not only was this going to be her debut as the front woman for Corroded Coffin but she was also going to be performing her first original song, he kissed her forehead and then looked into her eyes "you're going to be amazing. Your outfit is amazing. Your song is amazing. You are amazing Kali O'Donnell and don't you dare forget it" Kali felt herself blush, she took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she did, and then she looked back at Eddie "let's do this" they both jumped up and down out of excitement before running out to Eddie's van.

When they arrived at the Hideout, Kali noticed that there wasn't many cars in the parking lot, she let out a sigh of relief. Maybe it would just be the usual crowd of five drunks. As Eddie took the key out of the ignition he turned to Kali and held her hand, squeezing it slightly, they looked at each other and smiled. They sat there for a little while as Kali tried to calm her nerves, she needed some kind of liquid courage. As Eddie climbed out and walked round to the back of the van, Kali quickly scanned around for any form of alcohol. It didn't take long before she found a small bottle of whisky, it had the tiniest amount left in it, Kali shrugged her shoulders and chugged what was left. She felt a warm sensation wash over her as her body relaxed, she closed her eyes and repeated Eddie's words back to herself. You are amazing. A smile let out on her face as she climbed out of the van and ran to help Eddie with the rest of the equipment.

Once they had met up with Gareth and Jeff they finished setting everything up, and they all decided to grab a beer and chill before they went up on stage, "right guys" Gareth said as he held his beer in the air "tonight is gonna kick ass" the rest of the band cheered "we've got a kick ass lead singer, a kick ass lead guitarist, a kick ass bassist and not to toot my own horn" he grinned "but a kick ass drummer" the group let out a laugh as he bowed to them "and now Corroded Coffin is gonna blow the roof off this place!" They all cheered and stomped their feet as they chugged back their beers "let's do this!" Gareth shouted as they made their way to the stage.

As usual, Eddie introduced them before kicking things off with Highway to Hell. As the night went on, the Hideout got busier, it looked like a lot of kids from school had shown up. As Kali carried on singing she saw Steve and Robin out the corner of her eye, both of them waving to her and nodding their heads to the music. After playing a couple of other songs, Kali set her guitar down and stepped up to the mic ready to sing Call me. As soon as the opening riff started, all of the kids from school began cheering. Kali couldn't help but smile and engage the crowd as she sang. She was loving every minute of this, she couldn't understand why she had been so nervous, this was the best feeling in the world.

As Billy was driving himself and Tammy back to his place, he could hear loud music coming from a dingy bar. For some reason he was drawn towards the music and he pulled into the parking lot, "Billy why are we here?" Tammy called as he stepped out to light a cigarette "I told the team I'd stop by since they're all hanging out here tonight" he grinned. As he waited for Tammy to get out he heard that same angelic voice he had heard at Tina's party. Kali. He forgot that she was playing here tonight. He quickly made his way inside, leaving Tammy behind. When he opened the door, he turned his attention to the stage. There she was. He'd never seen her so happy. She was jumping around and dancing along as she sang. Billy made his way over to Tina and the basketball team, not taking his eyes off of Kali once. He could hear Tammy shouting from behind him but he didn't care, all of his attention was on Kali and in that moment, nobody else mattered.

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