Chapter 28: Broken

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Kali had barely slept, she couldn't help but think about Billy. Why didn't he show? Was he okay? Was he regretting everything? Her mind was filled with a millions questions, she grabbed the sonogram picture from the table beside her and held it up. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at the small blob on the picture, she pulled it down to her lips and kissed the picture, her sadness was replaced with anger as Billy filled her mind once again, "fuck this" she muttered as she climbed out of bed. Kali rummaged through her closest, pulling on one of the dresses she had bought yesterday along with her black converse, she kissed her grandfathers necklace as she placed it around her neck. Kali took one last look in the mirror, smoothing out her hair before the same feeling she had felt every morning came creeping up her throat.

Kali ran into the bathroom, her hand covered her mouth as she lifted the seat up, kneeling on the floor as she spilled her guts, not even noticing the shower running behind her "shit, you okay sweetheart?" Eddie's head peaked out from behind the curtain, his voice filled with concern as he leaned down and pulled her hair from her face. Kali gave him a thumbs up as she slumped back on the floor, resting her back against the bathtub as she flushed the vomit away. A shriek erupted from Eddie as the water turned ice cold causing Kali to laugh, she soon jumped forward when she realised that not only had Eddie seen her throw up but he was also stood behind her, completely naked, she covered her bright red face "shit sorry Ed's" she muttered as she stumbled out of the bathroom. Kali closed the door behind her, letting out a sigh as her heartbeat returned to its normal pace. Kali sat in the living room of the trailer, contemplating what to do. She grabbed the phone and dialled the one number she had memorised over the years "hello?" The voice spoke after a couple of rings "Steve" Kali spoke, her voice cracking as tears filled her eyes "Kali? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Kali sniffled as he spoke to her "I need a favour" she explained her plan to Steve and he was more then happy to help her out.

"Okay, I'll be right here if you need me" Steve turned to face Kali as they pulled up outside the pool where Billy worked. Kali turned back and nodded at him as she nervously stepped out of the car, she let out a loud sigh as she stepped towards the gates. Kali scanned the crowd after noticing that Billy wasn't sat in the lifeguard chair that overlooked the pool, she desperately looked for the blonde haired boy when she finally spotted him, heading into the storage closet. She made her way over, ignoring heathers calls telling her that she couldn't go in there, Kali flipped her off before opening the closet door. It closed softly behind her as she stepped forward to see Billy facing away from her "Billy?" She questioned, growing more concerned when he didn't turn around "what are you doing here?" His words were harsh as he spoke "why didn't you show up last night?" Kali tried to remain calm "you missed our appointment" she reached her hand out and placed it on his shoulder, he quickly turned to face her and that's when she saw it. His usually bright blue eyes were dark and he was drenched in sweat, he looked her up and down, smirking at her "stay away from me Kali" her heart broke at his words, he pushed past her but she grabbed his arm before he could exit the closet, he turned back to face her, his eyes softening slightly when he saw her tear stained face but before he could say anything, something took over his body, his eyes turning dark once again "look how pathetic you are" he hissed "we're done" and with that he left Kali standing in the closet alone.

Kali felt frozen in place, her knees buckled underneath her as she sobbed, clutching her chest as she fell to the floor. It felt like she couldn't breath. They were happy, they were in love and planning their future. What happened? No matter how hard Kali tried to calm herself, she felt like she was drowning, another wave of emotions hit her every time she had calmed down. She stayed frozen to her spot on the floor as the closet door opened "Kali?" A soft voice spoke. Steve looked down to see Kali laid on the floor, her knees pulled up to her chest as she lay in a pool of her own tears, he bent down placing his hands underneath her as he lifted her up "let's get you home" he whispered as he held her broken body in his arms. Kali continued to sob on the drive home, Steve tried talking to her but she couldn't focus on his words, all she could think about was Billy, his words echoed through her mind. We're done.

When they arrived back at the trailer Steve helped Kali inside. She felt betrayed by her body as she struggled to stand causing Steve to pick her up bridal style before setting her down on the sofa. Kali laid down and pulled her knees to her chest again, she had cried so much that now there were no more tears, she just laid there, staring off into the distance as Steve ran to Eddie's room. They both stepped back into the living room, Eddie running over and crouching down in front of Kali, moving her hair out of her face as she held her body close to her "what happened?" Eddie turned to face Steve, his eyes full of concern "I have no idea, I took her to the pool so she could confront Billy and then I found her on the floor of the storage closet like this" Steve gestured over to the broken girl laying on the sofa "we're done" Kali muttered causing Eddie's head to snap back to her, he ran a hand lightly over her face as she looked into his eyes "we're done" she muttered Billy's words again as she watched Eddie's eyes that were once filled with concern, be taken over by rage. Eddie kissed her forehead lightly before standing up and facing Steve "you better find Hargrove and see what's going on" he hissed causing Steve to jump back slightly "Harrington I swear to god, you better find that asshole because if I end up finding him first, I'm gonna kill him" Steve nodded at his words before running out to his car. Eddie turned back to Kali, she hadn't moved an inch and was still laid staring off into space. He ran a hand over his face before heading over to the bathroom, he turned the water on and waited for it to fill the bathtub. He shut the water off and headed back out to the living room, "come on sweetheart" he spoke softly as he helped her to her feet. They walked into the bathroom, Kali still felt frozen in place, unable to move as Eddie turned back to face her, he helped her take her shoes off and held the hem of her dress in his hands as he stood back up "can I take this off?" Kali nodded to him, unable to form any words and gasping slightly as the cold air hit her naked body, she pulled her arms over her chest, trying to cover herself up as Eddie helped her into the bath. Kali instantly relaxed as the warm water washed over her, she closed her eyes and laid back as Eddie crouched down next to her "thank you Ed's" she managed to croak, her voice hoarse from all the crying, Eddie shook his head and took her hand in his "anytime sweetheart" he smiled, pulling her hand up to his face and kissing her knuckles. Eddie helped her bathe, running his soapy hands over her body before washing her hair. Kali knew that Eddie cared for her but she didn't realise just how much until now. The way he cared for her was the way you'd care for someone you love. Kali brushed the thought from her mind, as she tried to climb out of the bath, her legs once again failing her as her knees buckled beneath her, she closed her eyes and embraced herself for the fall but was caught by Eddie's arms. Kali could feel her heartbeat rising as she opened her eyes, blushing at the fact that she now laid on top of him as they both sat on the floor. Eddie looked down at her, pulling her hair from her face as her eyes met his, she quickly looked away when her face started heating up. Eddie smiled at her, lifting her chin with his hand so she was looking at him again "oh look at that sweetheart, you're all wet" he smirked, Kali slapped his arm lightly as she laughed, she crossed her arms over her chest as she sat back "you gonna help me up or not" she huffed as she tried to stand, Eddie quickly jumped up and grabbed hold of her, helping her stand.

After he had helped Kali dry off, Eddie wrapped the towel around her body and walked with her to her bedroom, his hand never moving from her waist. He set her down on the bed and ran over to her closet, pulling out a pair of gym shorts and a baggy top. He threw the clothes on the bed and made his way over to her underwear draw, his face turning red as he was met with an array of colourful panties, "you've seen me naked and yet my underwear makes you blush" Kali scoffed as she leaned back on her elbows, Eddie shook his head and grabbed a pair of panties before shutting the draw. Once she was dressed, Kali climbed under the comforter, she was exhausted and could feel herself drifting off to sleep as she rested her head against the pillow. Eddie waited until he knew she was sleeping before slowly creeping out of the room "don't go" he heard her whisper, turning to face her, his heart broke when he saw her glassy eyes, he dropped his head and smiled "anything for you sweetheart" he pulled his shirt and jeans off before climbing into bed next to her, wearing nothing but his boxers. Kali rested her head against his shoulder, wrapping her leg around his waist as she traced small circles around his chest tattoo. Eddie wrapped his arm around her as he pulled her closer, the smell of lavender invading his nose as he kissed her forehead. Kali looked up at the metal head laid next to her, her heart beating a million beats a minute as butterflies filled her stomach, she placed a hand on the side of his face before placing her lips against his. Kali didn't know why she was kissing him, maybe it was because she was mad at Billy or maybe it was because Eddie always made her feel safe but right now, feeling his lips gently against hers, she felt her heart swell. Was it possible to be in love with two people at the same time?

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now