Chapter 8: The party

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It was finally Saturday night. Kali and the boys spent hours yesterday practising, laughing and joking around. She was happy to have her brothers back in her life but knew she had to try and keep it a secret from her dad. She made the band promise that they wouldn't show up at her house or ring her just in case he was home. She didn't care if she got a beating for it, but she wanted to protect them and would die before anyone hurt a hair on any of their heads.

She dressed herself in a long white dress with matching white sandals and pulled her hair up into a messy bun, but in her 'sleepover' bag she had packed her black leather pants, white dr martens and a low cut white cropped Iron Maiden shirt, along with her studded belt and necklace from her grandfather. She knew Billy's jaw would drop when he saw her outfit. Thankfully her top was still long enough to cover the bruising on her side and although her arms weren't as red she was still a little concerned about people seeing them so she grabbed her leather jacket just in case. She had hidden her guitar in a bush just to the side of the house earlier in the day so that her father wouldn't ask any questions.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs she saw her parents laid on the sofa watching TV. For a moment they actually looked happy but it wouldn't last "I'm off to Nancy's house now, I'll see you guys tomorrow" she waved to her parents as she opened the front door. She grabbed her guitar and made her way down the street where Steve was waiting for her. When she reached his car, she noticed that Nancy wasn't with him "hey Herrington, where's the mrs?" She joked, throwing her stuff onto the back seat, Steve rolled his eyes "I'm picking her up later"

"Fair enough, mind if I get changed while you drive?" Steve's eyes widened, he had noticed that she wasn't in her usual clothing but because it was Halloween he didn't think twice about it "wait you mean you're not going dressed as my nana's ghost?" They both let out a loud laugh "no way in hell am I staying in this god awful dress any longer then I need to" she climbed into the back seat as Steve started the car "hey no peeking Harrington" she warned him with a stern finger, he held his hands up in surrender and swore he wouldn't look. She quickly changed out of her dress and pulled on her real outfit, turns out putting on tight leather pants in a moving car is quite the workout.
Once she had finished getting changed she climbed back into the front passenger seat and rolled the window down, just before she could light her cigarette Steve pulled it out of her mouth, she shot him a death glare "no smoking in my car O'Donnell!" Kali scoffed and pulled the window back up, "you gonna tell me what happened to your ribs?" Dammit Steve "thought you said you weren't going to look?"

"I wasn't but I saw them briefly when I checked my rear view mirror" Kali rolled her eyes and grabbed the cigarette Steve had took off of her and lit it "hey I said no smoking in-"

"If you want me to tell you then I'm gonna need this smoke" she gave him a stern face and he nodded back at her. She filled him in on what happened with her dad. Steve had known about her dad for a while but every time she came to school with a new injury it still shocked him, "I'm sorry Kali"

"It's not your fault Steve"

"Yeah but, if we weren't friends then-"

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence. You know I love having you in my life and you know that I trust you but you have to promise me you won't say anything to anyone, not even Nancy" Steve sat and thought about it for a moments before nodding his head. He knew he had to do something to protect her but at the same time he didn't want to upset her. The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet, the only other conversations they had were about school or Nancy. They pulled up to Tina's house and Kali saw that Eddie and the boys were already there, hauling all of their instruments inside while Tina just stood in the doorway jumping for joy. She looked over at Steve and they both burst out laughing "okay I'll be back later on with Nancy, don't get into any trouble while I'm away"

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now