Chapter 7: The Truth

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!TW! Talks of SA

As Kali sat down for dinner, she noticed that her father seemed to be in a particularly good mood. She decided that now would be the best time to ask about 'the sleepover'

"Um.. daddy?" She looked up at her father as he let out a sigh "yes Kali?"

"Would it be okay if I went for a sleepover on Saturday at my friend Nancy's house?"

"Nancy? You've never mentioned a Nancy before"

"Nancy Wheeler. She's a new friend that I made, we're in the same English class" liar "and she asked me if I wanted to come over so that we could work on a project together" Her father looked at her and raised his eyebrows, she had never seen this look before. She knew what all of his looks meant, but right now, looking at his shocked reaction, she didn't know what to do. She shuffled in her chair slightly and broke eye contact "I don't see why not, but I would like to speak to Nancy's parents first" shit

"Of course daddy, let me write the number down for you" shit, shit, shit. Kali hoped and prayed that Nancy had spoken to her parents but the panic had set in and the only word running around in her head was shit. Kali stayed in the kitchen to clear the dinner plates so that she could eavesdrop on the conversation.
It wasn't long before her father had put the phone down, she turned to face him, awaiting his answer. "I have spoken to Mr and Mrs Wheeler, as well as Nancy and..." Kali crossed her fingers behind her back "the answer is yes" she ran over to her father and kissed his cheek, "thank you daddy" she turned on her heal and ran up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Fuck!" Kali had arrived early to the music room the following day. She wanted a little extra time to practise her surprise for Billy. So far she had the riff perfected but was struggling with the solo. She was more of a rhythm guitarist than a lead guitarist but she was determined to show off her skills and be in the spotlight for a change. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" No matter how hard she tried she kept missing notes or fumbling over her own fingers. She stopped playing, took a deep breath and stretched her hand out a little bit. She was determined, she needed to perfect this solo. She led herself in before trying the solo again.

She got it.

Just as the rest of the band arrived to witness it, she finally nailed the solo. "Damn, someone's been practising" she turned to see Eddie running over to her, his hand in the air waiting for her to high five, "I've been practising since last night and I wouldn't stop until I nailed the solo" she grinned, playing it perfectly as she carried on talking to the guys. "So shall we have a run through now everyone's here?" The guys all nodded their heads and ran to their instruments. The first play through was rough, I mean they hadn't played together in 4 years, but it only took a couple of run throughs before they were back in sync with each other. They practised a couple of other songs before taking a break, happy with their progress so far.

"You guys have definitely got a lot better" Kali joked. When they first started playing together they were all fairly new and didn't really know what they were doing. Except for Eddie. "Yeah you've improved to Kal" Gareth grinned, he'd always seen Kali as his little sister, no matter how much time had passed, it was as if nothing had changed. They sat there for a while just catching up, laughing about the old times and how silly they all used to look "oh my god, remember Eddie's buzz cut!" Kali laughed, it felt like old times until Eddie piped up "so, are you gonna tell us what happened Kali? I mean, you just kinda vanished on us and then when we tried to talk to you, it's as if we didn't exist" Kali's eyes shifted to the ground. She didn't know what to say but she knew she owed them an explanation, they were her brothers after all. She took a deep breath "you're right and I'm really sorry for how I treated you.. it wasn't fair to you guys..." she could feel the tears burning her eyes but she fought through them "you remember my ex josh?" They all nodded "well, I know you heard the rumour that I begged him for sex after only two weeks of dating" the boys all shared sideways glances, they'd heard the rumour but didn't know whether to believe it or not "it's not true before you ask" she didn't mean for it to come out so bitchy "so what is the truth Kali?" Gareth spoke softly, he could see the pain in her eyes as she tried to open up to them and then just like word vomit she said "he raped me".

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now