Chapter 13: The Hideout part 1

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Todays the day. Kali's first performance at the Hideout. As she sat down in her final class of the day, she could feel the nerves taking over. What if she didn't sound very good? What if they didn't like the music? What if they hated her original song? She had so many questions running around her head that she couldn't focus on anything that her teacher was saying. She felt a tap on her shoulder and was handed a piece of paper.

She smiled when she saw the front, by the looks of it the band had made flyers during lunch and handed them out around the school, on the back it read "live at the hideout"

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She smiled when she saw the front, by the looks of it the band had made flyers during lunch and handed them out around the school, on the back it read "live at the hideout".

"Hey you're performing tonight?" Tina asked, Kali lifted her head up to look at Tina who was sat next to her "mmhmm" she said with a smile. Tina practically jumped out of her chair in excitement "I'll be there" she shouted, causing the teacher to turn around at the noise. Kali quickly hid the poster under her book. Well, looks like they'll have the whole school cheering them on. The final bell rang and Kali made her way to her car as fast as she could. She was still staying at Eddie's but she needed to run home to get some clean clothes and wanted to avoid her father at all costs. As she reached her car she saw Billy sat against the hood "hey Kali" he grinned "I hear you're performing tonight" he held up the poster, causing Kali to roll her eyes and scoff "yeah, and what?" She secretly wanted him to show up just so he could hear her song but she was still angry at him. She carried on walking towards the drivers side door, she looked over at Billy "why do you care anyway?"

"Kali I-" he was interrupted when someone put their hands around his waist. Kali looked over to see a cheerleader had latched herself onto Billy. She scoffed at them both before climbing into her car. Billy tried to stop her as she started the engine, she rolled her window down slightly sticking her middle finger up at them before smiling sweetly "bye Billy" and with that she drove off, leaving them both stood looking after her, the cheerleader was confused and kept asking Billy why Kali was angry at him. Billy just stood there, his anger rising as he watched her drive away. He knew why she was angry with him, and he couldn't blame her. He was angry with himself.

Kali had pulled over a few houses down from her own. She didn't want her father to see her car in the driveway because knowing him, he'd slash her tires so she couldn't leave again. She ran around the back of the house and climbed in through her bedroom window, which she always left slightly open. She grabbed a few outfits from her closet, along with underwear and a couple of pairs of boots. As she rummaged through the bottom drawer of her dresser, she heard the front door open. Shit. She quickly stuffed her clothes in a bag as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She threw the bag out of the window and jumped down after it. Luckily just as her feet touched the ground she heard her father shouting in her bedroom. He was shouting her name over and over again as she grabbed her bag and ran to her car.

By the time she had gotten back to Eddie's trailer she could feel her heart racing. That was a close one, she thought as she took the key out of the ignition. Kali opened the front door and walked inside, placing her bag down on the living room floor "Ed's I'm back" she shouted as she slumped down on the sofa "hey sweetheart" Eddie shouted back from his bedroom. She wandered over to him and saw him throwing clothes out of a drawer and onto his bedroom floor "what are you doing?" She laughed, folding her arms as Eddie turned to face her, a grin let out on his face "clearing a draw for you"

"Thanks Ed's but you didn't have to do that" she blushed, he was always so nice to her and she honestly felt like she would be lost without him, "if you're gonna be living here then you need your own draw silly" he kissed the top of her forehead "did you get everything you need?" Kali nodded back at him as she turned to get her bag. He quickly took the bag off of her "what did I say about a lady never lifting a finger" he grinned, Kali laughed and rolled her eyes "now why don't I put this away and you go take a shower and get yourself ready for tonight" Kali nodded at him and made her way to the bathroom.

She let the warm water run over her skin as she closed her eyes. "Tonight will be amazing" she whispered to herself over and over again. She turned the shower off and climbed out, she wrapped a fresh towel around herself and made her way to the bedroom. Eddie was still putting her clothes away when she walked in. She walked over to the bed and sat down, her bag was on the floor in front of her. She pulled out a pair of lacy black underwear and a matching bra as she stood to change. She walked over to the draw where Eddie was and pulled out her skin tight, black leather pants, she raised her hand to her chin "what top should I wear Ed's?" He shot her a confused look before looking back at her draw "hmm now that's a good question" he mimicked her moves as he raised his hand to his chin "oh I know!" He shouted as he reached in the draw and pulled out a fishnet top and an iron maiden shirt that Kali had cut the sleeves off of. Kali smiled at his choice, and grabbed the fishnet top off of him, pulling it on. As she went to grab her other top off of him, he pulled it back and looked her up and down "actually maybe forget about this one" he held up the top on his hand, Kali looked at him confused "Ed's I can't just go out like this" she gestured to herself "why not? You look incredible, all you need now is some accessories" he began looking around his room, he grabbed some of his old rings and a couple of his old wristbands and handed them to her "hmm you're missing something" he looked Kali up and down "but I can't work out what it is" he squinted his eyes as he looked lost in thought. Kali looked at herself in the mirror, he was right she did look incredible but there was definitely something missing. Just then she clicked her fingers "I'll be right back" she ran to her car and pulled the boot open and sat there, amongst all the empty cigarette packets and summer dresses she saw her trusty studded belt and necklace. She put them both on before heading back inside. As soon as she stepped inside the door she saw Eddie clapping his hands together "you look so metal" he grinned. He couldn't get over how incredible she looked and he felt himself blushing slightly. He shook his head and reminded himself that she was in love with someone else. Kali ran over to the bathroom and began doing her hair and makeup. Her hair was naturally straight so she didn't really have to do much to it. She applied a small amount of eyeliner and winged it out to give herself a slight cat eye, she then added mascara and some red lipstick. Kali looked at herself in the mirror once more before blowing herself a kiss and heading back to Eddie's room.

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