Chapter 35: The funeral

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2 months later

"Sweetheart, are you gonna get ready?" Eddie spoke softly as he crouched down at the side of Kali's bed, he stared into her lifeless eyes as she laid cuddled up to Billy's leather jacket. This is how life had been for Kali ever since that night at the mall. All of her friends checked on her everyday and Eddie stayed by her side, helping her with everyday tasks like bathing and eating. Kali had lost her spark the day she lost Billy and it broke her friends hearts to see her that way. Today was the day of his funeral, the day she would say her final goodbye but she didn't want to say goodbye, she wanted him here with her. Despite Kali not really eating much, the baby was healthy and growing well but whenever Kali felt it kick, her heart broke all over again. He should be here, he should experience his child kicking, he should be here to watch it grow up. These were the constant thoughts that Kali had. Eddie walked around Kali's room, grabbing a black dress from her closet and a matching pair of black underwear from her draw, "I know it's hard sweetheart but you'll never forgive yourself if you don't go" Eddie spoke softly as he helped Kali into a sitting position. Eddie didn't know the truth behind what had happened, he had been told that Billy died in the mall fire but it broke his heart when he saw her that day. The night Billy died.

"Eddie! Eddie I need your help!" Steve shouted as he banged on the trailer door "what is it Harrington?" Eddie retorted as he made his way over to the door, he went to say something again but when he opened the door he saw Steve stood at the bottom of the steps with Kali in his arms, she was out cold but her face was stained with tears. Once Steve had placed her sleeping body on the sofa, while Eddie sat down beside her, running his hand gently through her hair. Kali's eyes fluttered open and she bolted upright when she realised that she wasn't inside the mall, her eyes wandered around the room before she turned her head to the boy sitting next to her. As soon as she saw him she climbed into his arms, tears running down her face as she bunched his T-shirt up in her hands "sweetheart what's wrong?" Eddie looked over at Steve who was running his hands through his hair, he looked like he had been in a fight so Eddie assumed that Billy had attacked him again "he's gone Ed's" Kali muttered as she lifted her head to look at him "he's... he's..." Kali could barely get her words out, she didn't want to admit to herself that he was dead. Eddie placed his hands on either side of her face as he slowly wiped the tears from her cheeks "he's dead" Kali shivered at the words that came out of her mouth. Eddie frantically looked over to Steve who nodded at him to confirm that Kali was right, he could've sworn he felt his heart break in two as he looked into her eyes, he pulled her head into his chest as he silently sobbed along with her "it's okay sweetheart, it's gonna be okay"

Eddie slowly undressed Kali and pulled the dress down over her head, he lifted her feet up one by one and placed her favourite boots on each of them. It killed him to see her this way and he had spent many nights after she had fallen asleep, silently crying to himself. She didn't deserve to go through this, nobody did. He gently ran a brush through her hair and placed a small kiss against her forehead once he was finished, "there all done" he smiled at her, "now you wait here while I go and change and then we'll head over to the church okay?" Kali nodded slightly as he walked out of the door.

As Eddie was getting changed he heard the soft sound of a guitar playing, he made his way out of his room and stood in front of Kali's closed bedroom door, he began to tear up when he heard her voice. Over the last couple of months she had barely spoken and now here she was, on the day of the funeral, singing softly as she played her guitar. Maybe this is what she needed to get her spark back. Eddie held his hand to his mouth to cover his sobs as she sang, even after crying for days at a time, she still sounded beautiful. As she finished the song, he made his way back inside his room and finished getting ready. Shit, this was going to be an emotional day.

Everyone in the church looked up in shock as they saw Kali walking down the main aisle. Other then her friends, nobody had seen her for months, her face had sunken in and even with her pregnant belly, they could tell she had lost a lot of weight, her eyes seemed darker then usual, as if all the light had been drained from her soul, this wasn't Kali. As Eddie escorted her towards the front of the church, Susan ran over and pulled Kali into a tight hug "oh darling, I'm so so sorry" she sobbed as she held Kali close. They stayed like this for a while before Susan pulled away, she held Kali's hand in hers as they walked towards the front seats. Kali sat herself down between Susan and Max while Eddie sat behind her, his hand never shifting from her shoulder as the service began.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now