Chapter 23: Birthday Part 1

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1 month later

Since El had closed the gate, everything had gone back to normal, well as normal as things can get in Hawkins. Corroded Coffin had been performing every Tuesday and Thursday down at the Hideout, they'd even started to get their own little group of fans who were at every performance. Kali and Billy had spent almost everyday together, although there were days where Billy would come round with bruises on his face or body, he would never take his frustration out on Kali. So far, he had kept his promise.

It was the final day of school before Summer vacation and the young couple had made plans to get summer jobs so that they could save up and travel down to California for a few days. Kali was making her way down the hall towards her locker. Just as she opened it she was greeted by a small bunch of flowers that almost fell out, she quickly grabbed them before they hit the floor, bringing them to her nose. There was a small card amongst the flowers,

Happy birthday Juliet

Love, Romeo

A smile let out on Kali's face, Billy had become quite the romantic over the past month and Kali was definitely not complaining, she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist "Happy birthday beautiful" Kali turned around to see her beautiful blonde boyfriend stood behind her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss "thank you my dear sweet Romeo" she grinned. She turned back around to close her locker when she heard an announcement over the speakers,

Kali O'Donnell please report to the principals office.

She furrowed her brows "someone's been naughty" Billy smirked as he nuzzled his head into Kali's neck, nipping her neck gently, causing her to slap his arm lightly as she giggled "come on Romeo, you need to get to class and I need to see Higgins" she kissed him hard before pulling away "I'll see you after school" she kissed his cheek and made her way towards the principals office, she glanced back to see Billy smiling as he turned towards his final class.

When Kali arrived at the office she was greeted by the rest of Corroded Coffin "what are you guys doing here?" She furrowed her brows as she looked down at the band, they all shrugged their shoulders and before any of them could talk the principal had called them all inside. Kali stood alongside her band mates, all of them confused as to what they had done wrong "now it has been bought to my attention that you four, are in a band?" Principal Higgins started, they all nodded back at him "we need someone to perform a couple of songs at the end of graduation and everyone has been raving about your performances at the Hideout" the band all looked between each other, they were more confused now then when they first entered the office. Yes they were in a band and yes they had quite a few fans at school but they weren't exactly the type of band to play at school events, "so what do you say?" Higgins sat back in his chair as he awaited their answer, "sir with all due respect, I don't think we're the type of band you're looking for" Gareth started "we're a.." he was cut off by the principal raising his hand "I know what kind of music you play and although it is a little more 'edgy'-" the band winced as he air quoted the word edgy "-then we usually have, I think it would be an excellent opportunity" he was now leaning forward "as long as you refrain from using any profanity and as long as you don't play anything too heavy, then I think, everyone will enjoy seeing you perform" he grinned at the group who were all trying to stifle their laughs. They looked between each other and as Eddie went to speak Kali pressed a hand against his shoulder "we'd love to perform at graduation" she beamed causing Eddie to shoot her a confused look. Higgins clapped his hands before dismissing the group "oh Edward, can you stay behind please, I'd like a word" Eddie dropped his head before turning back into the office "I'll catch up with you guys later" he closed the door softly behind him. Kali wanted to stay and wait for him, she knew exactly what the conversation was about. She made her way out of the office and headed outside towards her car with Gareth and Jeff. Kali greeted her car as she sat on the hood, waiting for both Eddie and Billy to emerge from the school. She lit a cigarette and settled back against the windshield, Gareth and Jeff were whispering between themselves "what are you two whispering about?" Kali asked as she took a long drag, Gareth and Jeff jumped slightly before turning to face her "why did you tell Higgins we'd perform at graduation?" Kali let out a small laugh when Gareth spoke "yeah he basically asked a metal band to not perform any metal" Jeff scoffed as he leaned back against the hood, Kali's laugh had become a little bit louder "oh yeah? And how's he gonna stop us?" Gareth and Jeff turned to look at her, their eyebrows furrowed but it didn't take long before they were both laughing along with her.

Eddie was the first one out of school, his head hung low and he kept his hands in his pockets as he walked over to the group "shit this doesn't look good" Kali whispered to the guys as she jumped off the car. She ran over to Eddie and wrapped her arms around him, it took him a second before he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head in her shoulder. Soft sobs could be heard as Kali held him, she pulled back slightly and lifted his head with her hands, she wiped the tears from his face and he smiled weakly at her, she returned his smile as she placed a cigarette between his lips. Kali grabbed hold of his hand as he took a well needed drag before they walked towards the car. Eddie lent up against the hood, his head still hung low. Gareth nudged Kali and tilted his head towards Eddie "what's wrong Ed's?" She asked sweetly, a sigh escaped his lips "looks like I'm repeating my senior year for the third time" he took another drag as he felt tears prick his eyes, Kali pulled him in for another hug, this time they both held on a little tighter "I'm so sorry Ed's" she whispered as she gently stroked his hair "at least I'll be around to help you study" Eddie pulled back from the hug and looked down at Kali, if anyone could help him graduate it was her. Just as he was about to say something he was distracted by a loud voice shouting across the parking lot "hope you're not trying to steal my girl Munson" Kali turned to see Billy laughing to himself "that's one fight I'd definitely loose Hargrove" he laughed as he moved his arms from around Kali, she ran towards Billy and jumped into his arms as he spun her around "you'd still try though" Gareth whispered, laughing slightly as he nudged Eddie's arm, he quickly turned his head and gave Gareth a death glare as the couple made their way back over to the group.

They all stood against Kali's car smoking while they watched everyone leave the school. Senior year was over and Kali and Billy were one step closer to their plans of going away to California for a few days. Kali found herself thinking about what it was like, she'd never left Hawkins and was excited to see where Billy had grown up, "so what did Higgins want?" Kali was pulled from her thoughts as the blonde boy spoke "he wants us to perform at graduation" Eddie scoffed "it's such bullshit though, we're not even allowed to perform our usual stuff because it's deemed too heavy" he rolled his eyes. Kali, Jeff and Gareth were all trying to hold back their laughter as Eddie and Billy talked, "yeah but like I told these two" Kali gestured to Gareth and Jeff "how is he going to stop us?" Billy and Eddie looked at each other confused before looking back at Kali, they all burst out laughing. It was true, there was no way he could stop them. As the laughter died down the group all went in their separate directions, Kali and Billy were now the only two left in the parking lot "so what time should I pick you up tonight princess?" He snaked his arms around her waist and placed a kiss on her forehead, what Kali didn't know was that Billy and Eddie had planned a surprise party for her with the help of Tina who Kali had become friends with over the last couple of weeks. Tina was always showing up to the Hideout to watch the band perform and always made sure that she went backstage to congratulate them and since then, her and Kali found themselves becoming unlikely friends.

Kali stood thinking for a while, she didn't know what Billy had planned but they talked about going out for dinner and then watching a movie at home, she wanted it to just be them because she had something she wanted to tell him. Something that nobody else knew about and something that she was afraid to tell him, mainly because she didn't know how he'd react but also because she, herself, was scared of the news. After thinking for a little while, she wrapped her arms around Billy's neck, placed a light kiss on his lips and looked into his ocean blue eyes before saying "pick me up at 6".

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now