Chapter 19: Demo-dogs

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The next morning Billy woke up to find himself in Kali's bed, alone. He looked around the room, his eyes adjusting to the sunlight that was beaming through the blinds, he noticed a small note with his name on, sat on her bedside table. As he grabbed the note he rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up:


Thank you for last night, I loved every second of it. I'm sorry that you've had to wake up alone but Steve needed my help with something.

Don't forget about our date tonight, see you at 8.

Love Kali x

He smiled to himself as he read the note. He'd never been in love before, he usually just slept with a girl for a couple of days until he got bored and then moved onto the next but Kali was different. He wanted to protect her, wake up next to her and hell, even spend the rest of his life with her. After a couple of minutes he got dressed, lit a cigarette and made his way out of the trailer, saying a quick goodbye to the remaining group as he closed the door behind him.

"So tell me again what we're doing" Kali said as she looked over to Steve. They pulled up outside a familiar house and waited a few minutes "it's hard to explain but basically, Dustin needs our help finding dart, you know, the thing he locked in his cellar?" Steve tapped his hand on the steering wheel and kept looking over at his watch. About five minutes later, Dustin climbed into the back of the car "hey guys" they both turned to look at him "let's go already" Dustin clapped. Steve put the car in drive and headed towards the old junkyard. Apparently they had come up with a plan to trap Dart and the junkyard was the best place as no one ever went there. Kali looked out the window as they drove, her mind wandered to Billy, she wondered what they were going to do on their date and she couldn't wait to see his face when he saw her outfit. Since she found it hard to sleep at night due to the nightmares she decided to unpack a few of her boxes and inside one of them was a beautiful dark, red dress with thin straps. She remembered buying it a couple of years ago for a party she never got a chance to go to, she loved the way it clung to her body, it stopped about halfway down her thighs and showed off just enough cleavage to be considered sexy but not so much that she was afraid of falling out of it. She knew Billy would love it. Kali was pulled from her thoughts as Steve turned the engine off "okay, does everyone know the plan?".

As they stepped out of the car, Steve placed his hands on his hips "oh yeah this will do" he patted Dustin on the shoulder before dumping a bucket of meat on the floor "I thought I said medium-well!" they all turned around to see another boy around Dustin's age and a red haired girl who Kali had seen climb out of Billy's car at school "who's that?" The red haired girl asked "you told her?!" Dustin shouted back at them. He seemed shocked that the red haired girl was there but Kali couldn't work out why. They made their way over, the young boy looked at Kali nervously "hi I'm Lucas" he smiled "hi Lucas, I'm Kali" she smiled back at him. The red haired girls eyes widened as Kali spoke "wait you're Kali?" she nodded her head at the young girl "Kali? As in the same Kali that's dating my brother?" Kali smiled to herself "yup that's me and you must be max" she held her hand but max pulled her into a hug causing Kali to furrow her brows before hugging her back "thank you" she whispered, before Kali could ask her why she thanked her, Max had ran off to help Steve while Dustin had pulled Lucas to the side for a chat. Kali shook her head and sighed as she ran over to help Steve and Max.

"She didn't believe me anyway" Kali overheard Lucas say. The boys had been arguing with each other for a couple of minutes and Steve was starting to get annoyed "hey dickheads!" He shouted causing the boys to jump at his voice "how come the only ones helping me out are Kali and this random girl?" He pointed at Max before pointing to his watch "we loose light in 40 minutes. Let's go" the boys didn't move so Steve clapped his hands together "let's go I said!" The boys quickly scrambled to their feet and ran over just as we were putting the finishing touches to the run down school bus. Max had put a ladder inside the bus in case they needed a quick escape. Kali, Steve, Max and Dustin all sat inside the bus while Lucas sat on the roof keeping his eye out for dart, "why are you even here if you don't believe us?" Dustin directed his question towards Max who looked taken back by the tone of his voice "geesh someone's cranky" she walked towards Dustin "past your bedtime?" She grinned as she headed up the ladder to join Lucas. Kali could hear Max talking about her brother, it broke her heart hearing about how awful he had been to max "it wasn't until Kali came along that he actually started acting like my brother, instead of just screaming at me everyday" that's why she thanked me, Kali thought to herself. It's true, Billy's attitude had completely changed after that night at the hideout but she never realised that it was because of her.

They were all pulled out of their conversations when Lucas shouted down to them "I've got eyes, ten'o'clock!" Kali, Steve and Dustin quickly rushed to the side of the bus to peak out the window. Kali couldn't see anything but fog, she squinted her eyes at the pile of meat before seeing something move out of the corner of her eye "there" she whispered as she pointed to dart "what's he doing?" Dustin asked "I don't know" Kali replied, "he's not taking the bait" she turned to Steve "why isn't he taking the bait?" She asked concerned "maybe he's sick of cow" Steve answered as he grabbed his bat and made his way to the door "Steve what are you doing?" Dustin asked with panic in his eyes, Steve let out a heavy sigh as he threw his lighter at Kali "just be ready" and with that he headed out the door. Kali and Dustin shuffled back over to the window as they watched Steve swing his bat around "what's he doing?" Lucas shouted through the hole in the roof, Kali and Dustin looked at each other before looking back at Lucas "he's expanding the menu" they both exclaimed. They turned their heads back towards Steve who was still trying to entice Dart towards him "Steve watch out!" Lucas shouted as he spotted another dog-like creature "little busy here"

"Three'o'clock! Three'o'clock!" Steve quickly turned his head to see another creature creeping towards him. Kali and Dustin ran towards the door, pulling it open "Steve! Abort! Abort!" Dustin screamed as his friend ran back towards the bus, he clambered inside, closing the door behind him and placing a sheet of metal over the door. Max and Lucas had made their way back inside the bus as the creatures starting ramming themselves against the side of the bus. They all looked to the roof when they heard a loud thud, Max looked up through the hole in the roof and screamed as one of the creatures growled at her, "out of the way!" Kali screamed as she pushed Max behind her, Steve wasn't far behind and he stood in front of Kali, protecting them both as he swung his bat at the monster staring down at him. The team were scared when they heard a load screech, they looked around and then watched as the monsters disappeared into the distance "what happened?" Dustin asked trembling from the back of the bus "Steve scared them off?" Kali said with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood, Steve shot her a look as he made his way towards the door "they're going somewhere else" he gestured for everyone to follow quietly behind him.

As they quietly made their way through the forest Kali and Max were at the back, Kali placed her arm round Max's shoulder as they walked "hey you okay?" Max gave her a weak smile "yeah just what we're those things?" Kali shrugged her shoulders "I have no idea but I guess we're going to find out" they walked in silence the rest of the way, Kali's arm stayed around Max's shoulder as they reached the edge of the forest. When the boys lowered their flashlights they found Nancy and Jonathon stood in front of them "Steve?" They both asked as they looked back at each other, confused as to why Steve and the kids were in the woods "what are you doing here?" Nancy asked, Steve scoffed at her "what are you doing here?"

"We're looking for Will and Mike"

"They're not in there, are they?" Kali asked as she stepped forward and pointed at the lab that stood in front of them. They all rushed over to the gate, Jonathon tried pushing the button to open the gate but nothing happened "let me try" Dustin exclaimed as if he had some kind of magic touch. No matter how many times they pressed the button the gate didn't budge, they were just about to give up when the gate buzzed and slowly began opening "hey! I got it!" Dustin threw his hands in the air, they started walking through the gate but were startled when they heard monsters screeching. Just then a car pulled up at the side of them, Kali recognised the driver as Police Chief Hopper, he threw the car door open "come on let's go!" He shouted as everyone scrambled inside, as soon as everyone was inside they sped off into the night.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now