Chapter 10: Fuck you!

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When Kali opens her eyes the next morning, she is greeted by the suns harsh rays through the blinds. She squints and sits up slightly, holding onto her head, she glances around the room and notices that it's not a room she's familiar with. Just then she feels something touch her thigh, she looks down and see's Billy fast asleep next to her. She smiles to herself as she moves one his curls behind his ear, he looks so peaceful and she couldn't help but stare at him. She was quickly pulled out of her trance when she heard loud footsteps coming towards the door. She jumped out of bed and ran over to the bathroom, closing the door behind her, she presses her ear up against the door as she hears Billy's bedroom door slam open "why the fuck are you still in bed? You're supposed to be taking Maxine to the arcade" an unfamiliar voices shouts. She jumps when she hears a loud thud against the wall.

"I asked you a question!" Billy's dad screamed as he held him against the wall by his throat, "what did we talk about?"

"Respect and responsibility" He muttered, he didn't know where Kali was but he was glad she wasn't there to see this. He fell to the floor with a thud as his dad slapped him across the face, he touched his cheek and felt something wet. Susan was stood in the doorway begging her husband to stop but he wouldn't let up, he kept punching, kicking and slapping Billy as he lay on the floor. After a little while his father finally left and Billy had managed to shift himself so he was sat against the wall. He was in so much pain. He saw the bathroom door open slightly and he looked up to see Kali walking towards him with tears in her eyes, "are you okay?" She asked as she crouched down in front of him. She gently moved his hair out of his face before placing her hand on the side of his face. He didn't know what to say to her, he didn't want her to see him like this. He grabbed her wrist and pushed her away, he didn't mean to push her as hard as he did but she fell down onto the floor in front of him "what the fuck Billy?!"

"What are you still doing here?" Kali looked at him confused, she'd seen his anger before but it had never been directed at her "what do you mean?" She knew he was the one that bought her back her and cuddled up next to her as they slept. Billy scoffed at her before standing up. He was still a little dazed but he slowly made his way over to Kali, "Get out" he whispered, leaning down next to her to get his shirt, "what?" She asked trying to sit back up "I said get the fuck out!" He screamed, shoving her towards the door. She felt her eyes well up as she grabbed her shoes and her jacket, she opened his door and turned back to him, waiting for him to change his mind, but he didn't. Instead he pushed her out the door and slammed it shut behind her "fuck you Hargrove!" She screamed as she ran out of the house.

As she started to walk down the street, Kali's mind began to wander. What had she done wrong? Why was he so angry with her? She couldn't understand what had happened to the kind, caring boy that she thought Billy was. It was like he had flipped a switch and turned into an asshole. She cursed herself for kissing him, and even more so for starting to fall for him. She heard a car pull up at the side of her "hey O'Donnell, need a ride?" She turned to see Steve, she was so relieved that he had pulled up next to her. She jumped in the passenger seat and noticed a bunch of flowers sitting next to her "uh oh, what did you do?" She folded her arms and looked over to him, he just shook his head. Turns out when Kali had seen him and Nancy going upstairs, they were going to talk. Steve filled her in on what was said "and then she said our relationship was bullshit"

"So we're on our way there now, so that you can try and win her back?" He nodded back to her as they pulled up outside Nancy's house. He took a deep breath and started practicing his speech as he grabbed the flowers "just wait here okay?" Kali nodded at him as she watched him walk towards the front door. Before he even reached the front steps he was pulled away by a curly haired little boy. They stood talking for a little while before the boy ran towards the car. He threw himself onto the backseat as Steve climbed into the drivers side, Kali shot Steve a confused look "you sure you still have the bat?" The curly haired boy asked, Steve let out a sigh and rolled his eyes "yes Dustin, I still have the bat" Kali didn't know what was going on but the boy explained to her that he needed Steve's help killing some kind of animal.

They pulled up outside Dustin's house. Kali slowly climbed out of the passenger seat as Dustin and Steve ran to the boot. When she turned to follow them she saw Steve stood holding a bat with nails sticking out of the top "what the actual fuck Steve?" She jumped back, she had never known Steve to be the violent type, yeah he'd been in a few fights but he never managed to get in more then one punch before he was knocked out. He grabbed Kali's hand and pulled her around the back of the house where Dustin had locked the creature in the storm cellar .

"I swear to god man, it's just some little lizard" Steve says as he walks towards the cellar doors "it's not a lizard" Dustin argues back,

"How do you know?" Kali chimes in, Dustin looks down for a second before looking back at Kali "because his face opened up and he ate my cat" he had tears in his eyes. "This better not be some kind of Halloween prank" Kali sighed as she picked up a shovel that had been left near the cellar, she looked at Steve and they both nodded to each other as they pulled the doors open. Nothing happened. "He must be further down there" Kali and Steve turned back to see Dustin stood at the other end of the garden, they both let out a sigh before they started walking down the stairs. As they reached the bottom Steve reached up and pulled the chord to turn the light on. They looked around for a while, Dart was nowhere in sight, as Kali stepped forward Steve pulled her back and pointed to the floor "what's going on down there guys?" Dustin called "get down here" Steve shouted back.

As Dustin came down the stairs, Steve and Kali stepped aside to show him the skin and slime that was on the floor "oh shit" Dustin rubbed his hand on his neck. Dart had shed his skin and grown in size and now he was nowhere to be found. They all continued looking around the cellar for any more signs of dart. Kali walked up to the wall and called the guys over, they don't know how they didn't see it earlier but there was a Dart shaped hole in the wall "shit shit shit" Steve stood up and started pacing, running his hand through his hair "we've got to find him" Dustin begged, Steve placed a hand on his shoulder "we will".

Authors notes: I know this chapter is a little shorter but I wanted to get into the storyline for season 2. I hope you guys are still enjoying the story and thank you for reading so far, I'll try and update as much as I can.

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