Chapter 25: The reaction

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The party had started to die down, everyone was either passed out or still chatting and drinking away, the music was no longer blaring out of the speakers and Kali felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest. The boy she loved was sat opposite her with his face buried in his hands and he had been sat like that, in silence, since she had told him the news. That was about an hour ago and Kali was getting fed up with waiting, she slowly stood up and placed a hand on Billy's shoulder "I'm sorry Billy" she whimpered as she held back her tears "I understand if you want nothing to do with me or the baby" she couldn't hold the tears back any longer "I'm just.... I'm just gonna go, I'll see you around" before he could say anything Kali sprinted away.

It felt like she had been running for miles, her legs were hurting and she could barely breathe. Kali stopped and bent over trying to catch her breath as she rested her hands against her knees, tears were still streaming down her face as she looked around. She'd ran so far from Tina's house that now, she had no idea where she was. Once she had finally managed to catch her breath, she wiped the remaining tears from her eyes and slowly started walking, pulling her arms to her chest in an attempt to keep warm. It may have been summer time in Hawkins but the nights were still chilly. Kali continued walking down the unknown street and picked up her pace a little when she heard a car pull up next to her, she was pretty convinced that she was about to be kidnapped, that was until she heard a familiar voice "where you going sweetheart?" Kali turned to see Eddie sitting in his van, with his head sticking out of the drivers side window. As soon as she saw him, the tears began to flow again, "shit" Eddie shouted as he stumbled out of his van, running over to her and engulfing her in a hug. Kali could feel her chest tightening as she clutched on to his T-shirt, bunching it up in her hands as she sobbed into his chest, she looked up at the concerned boy stood in front of her, "come on sweetheart, let's get you home" he smiled softly at her as he helped her into the van before driving off into the night.

Eddie had managed to help Kali into the trailer, carrying her bridal style to her bedroom and gently placing her down on the bed. He removed her shoes and helped her get comfy in bed before turning and walking back towards the door "please don't go" Eddie paused as he reached for the door, Kali's soft broken voice making him stop in his tracks, he slowly turned to face her. Kali was now sat up in bed with one arm stretched out, she really didn't want to be alone tonight. After a couple of minutes, Eddie removed his shoes and climbed into the bed next to her. Kali rested her head against his chest as he slowly stroked his hand up and down her back, she sobbed softly against him, "what's wrong sweetheart?" Eddie spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, Kali took a deep breath as she prepared herself for what she was about to say "I'm pregnant Ed's" she clutched on to his T-shirt once more as she waited for his response. She could tell that he was shocked, his hand had stopped moving and now rested against the bottom of her back and his heart rate had increased, she sat up slightly, looking into his eyes, Eddie sighed as he shifted himself up on the bed "I'm guessing Billy didn't take the news well?" Kali gaze fell as she thought about how he had reacted, she shook her head, tears pricking her eyes once more. She was getting tired of crying. Eddie didn't know what to say, he found himself at a loss for words "well, it's not going to be easy" he finally managed to speak, Kali looked at him with furrowed brows "I mean, you're a single mom whose fresh out of high school. You don't have a job or any kind of income-"

"Great pep talk Ed's" Kali scoffed as she moved onto her knees, one hand resting on her stomach as she thought about the life growing inside of her "no, I mean... what I mean is.." Eddie shook his head before moving closer to Kali, resting his hand on top of hers and looking at her stomach, he smiled softly as he looked back into her eyes "what I mean is, you have so many people around you that love you and we will always be here to support you" Kali smiled at his words. It's true, she knew that her friends would support her and help her out with whatever she needed but what she wanted, more then anything, was Billy's support. She knew it wasn't an ideal situation, but she thought that somehow they would make it work.

Kali and Eddie sat up for a little while, trying to figure out a plan of what to do if Billy didn't come round to the idea of his girlfriend being pregnant "oh I know!" Eddie shouted as he clapped his hands together "I'll be the babies dad" Kali chuckled at his words, she thought it was sweet of him to step up like that but she didn't want him to throw his life away because of her, she placed a hand on his cheek and shook her head "I can't ask you to do that Ed's" she pulled him into a hug, cradling his head in her arms as she gently stroked his hair. Their conversation was cut short when they heard a knock on the door, both of them jumping up and looking at each other confused, "who the hell is knocking on the door at 3 in the morning?" Kali whispered, Eddie shrugged his shoulders in response before standing up and heading over to the door "I'll go check", Kali sat back against the bed as she waited for Eddie to return.

When Eddie opened the front door he expected to see an angry neighbour or maybe even Wayne but instead his gaze fell upon a set of blonde curls "what are you doing here Billy" he folded his arms across his chest as he rested against the frame of the door, "I just wanted to talk to her" Billy mumbled causing Eddie to sigh in response "I don't think she wants to see you right now" Billy's anger was rising, he knew he should have chased after her when she left the party but he felt frozen in place and not out of fear, "please Eddie, I need to see her" he looked up at the metal head stood in front of him. Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed "fine, come in" he moved from his spot against the door and allowed Billy to come inside, closing the door behind him. They slowly walked over to Kali's room "I'll give you guys some privacy" Eddie whispered as he made his way over to his own bedroom. Billy felt nervous as he slowly entered Kali's room, he made his way inside, his gaze instantly falling on Kali. Not long after Eddie had left the room, she had fallen asleep. Billy's eyes softened as he knelt down at the side of her bed, gently moving a piece of hair out of her face as a few small snores left her mouth, he smiled to himself as his gaze wandered over her body, stopping at her stomach. Butterflies filled his stomach as he placed his hand on top of her belly, trying not to wake her as leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss just above her belly button. Kali eyes fluttered open as she glanced down "Billy" she whispered, a smile breaking out on her face as he looked up at her, his hand still resting on her stomach "hey princess" she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head against his shoulder, his arms wrapping around her waist as he held her tight.

Billy removed his shoes and jacket as he climbed into Kali's bed, pulling her against his chest as he settled in against the pillows. He gently stroked her hair as she wrapped her arm around him "I thought I'd ruined everything" she quietly sobbed causing Billy to squeeze her tighter "you haven't ruined anything princess" he lifted her head so he could look at her, placing a small kiss on her forehead "I love you Kali" he started, taking a deep breath "and I promise that I will look after you" he stopped and looked down at her stomach before smiling up at her "both of you" Kali pulled him in for another kiss, she couldn't contain her smile as their lips met. This is the reaction she was hoping for.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now