Chapter 4: This is love?

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TW- Abuse

After pulling Billy away from the fight, Kali sits with him on the hood of her car. She has never allowed anyone to sit on top of her precious impala but she couldn't find it in her heart to tell Billy to get off. He had made himself comfortable, leaning back against the windshield, arm thrown over his head and cigarette in hand. Kali would never admit it, but she found herself staring at his chiselled body on more then one occasion. She had lit her own cigarette and leaned herself back so that they were practically shoulder to shoulder. They sat there for a while, chatting about random things, the one subject that Billy kept bringing up was to do with the Halloween party that Tina was throwing this weekend.

Kali loved to party, any excuse to get drunk, but she knew that her father would never allow it, "come on, why don't you just come to the party?" Billy had asked her this question about 5 times already and every time he was met with a scoff and an eye roll "there's no way I'd be able to sneak out without my dad noticing" she hated that her father stopped her from enjoying her teenage years but she was too afraid to argue back.
"Is he super strict or something?" Billy looked over to her, pulling his sunglasses down slightly to catch a glimpse of her, she didn't know how to respond so she just nodded her head. He was a little more then strict. "He even makes me come home straight after school, if I'm not home by 4, he..." Kali stops herself before she can finish her sentence as she glances down at her watch. 4:30.

"Shit!" Kali quickly scrambled to the boot of her car, remembering that she still had to change before she could head home. She quickly stubbed her cigarette out and pulled her T-shirt off. She rooted round the boot searching for her dress as she quickly pulled her belt and necklace off. By this point Billy had moved himself off of the bonnet and started to pull his own keys out of his pocket, "I guess I'll..." he stopped himself mid sentence as he reached the back of the impala and noticed that Kali was stood there in just her bra and leather pants, frantically trying to pull a sundress down over her head. He couldn't help but notice how toned she was, the way her body looked in the sunlight. He started biting his lip as he gazed up and down her body, noticing a little skull tattoo that rested just above her waistline "sexy tattoo you got there beautiful" he grinned as Kali pulled her head through the top of the dress, she glanced down and then back at Billy, a smile let out on her face when she noticed him staring and biting his lip, she decided it would be fun to tease "oh you mean this little guy?" She winked as she slowly started pulling the waistband of her pants down. She watched as Billy's eyes widened as she slowly slipped them off.
"Fuck" he whispered as he caught a glance of her slim but tanned legs, he could barely control himself and felt the urge to just take her right here on the back of her car, but he was quickly pulled out of his trance as the boot slammed shut, "like I said before Hargrove" Kali slowly moved closer, "take a picture, it'll last longer" she pulled him in and whispered. He let out a slight moan as he felt her breath against his skin but before he could grab hold of her, she slipped into the drivers side and turned the engine over. "See you around Hargrove" she winked before driving out of the parking lot.

As she pulled up into the driveway, Kali prayed that her father wouldn't be home yet but sure enough there he was sat waiting for her on the porch. She took a deep breath as she pulled the keys out of the ignition and slowly opened her door "hi daddy" she beamed, trying to stop herself from gagging, as her gaze met his, "get your ass inside now" he said through gritted teeth, Kali's stomach sank. She knew what was going to happen as soon as she was behind closed doors.

Kali let out a scream as she was smacked to the floor. Her father climbing on top of her and punching her a couple more times before grabbing her hair and dragging her up the stairs. She tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was no use. Her mother stood in horror at the bottom of the stairs, holding a hand over her mouth to stop herself from crying audibly. Kali watched her stand there as she begged for her to help but all she did was stand and stare. Her fathers grip tightened as he got to the top of the stairs, he dragged her along the carpet, she cried out in pain as the carpet below her began to burn, she knew she would have to try and hide the burns tomorrow.
The door to her bedroom swung open and her father pulled her into the middle of the room before closing the door behind him. He released his grip and watched as his daughter tried to scramble away from him, clutching her knees to her chest so that he couldn't hurt her as much "why do you still continue to disobey me Kali" when she didn't reply he grabbed her by the arm, digging his nails into her fresh carpet burnt arms "answer me!" He screamed. Kali couldn't hold her tears back anymore, she winced and screamed as he dug his nails in deeper and tightened the grip around her arm. He forcefully pushed her onto the bed, "you been hanging out with that Harrington kid again, whore?" He hissed

"No daddy" she whimpered, this is how life had been for Kali ever since she was 5 years old. After trying for another baby, her mother had miscarried and Kali was blamed, she was told that if it wasn't for her being clingy and constantly begging to be held and carried by her mother then she never would have miscarried. Both her mother and Kali knew what the real reason was but they were both too scared to mention it. The truth is, Kali isn't the only one in the O'Donnell family to have felt her fathers wrath. She couldn't understand why her mother stayed with him and whenever she asked she was always met with the same answer "I love him Kali" if that's what love looked like, Kali hoped that she would never fall in love and so far, she hadn't.

After being punched and screamed at a couple more times, her father finally stormed out of her room, slamming the door as he left. Kali curled up in a ball on her bed and sobbed. She hated being in the house with him but she knew she had nowhere else to go. Steve always offered to help her out but he didn't know the whole story about her father and she didn't feel comfortable enough to talk about it. She was scared that if she told the wrong person then they would go to the police and as much as she would love to see her asshole father dragged away in handcuffs, she knew that it would break her mothers heart. No matter how angry she made her, Kali could never break her mothers heart. She knew deep down that her mother was too scared to leave her asshole father because if she did he would come looking for her and wouldn't stop until he had found her, offering empty promises of change to coax her back into his arms before returning back to his usual, abusive self as soon as they got back home.

After sobbing for what felt like hours, Kali managed to pull herself off of her bed and dragged herself to the bathroom. She turned the shower on and headed over to the sink, she placed a cold washcloth to her face to help reduce any swelling, wincing at the pain. She placed the washcloth back on the sink and looked at her reflection. She felt disgusted and ashamed when she saw the cut on her right cheek and the other smaller cut just a above her eyebrow.
She slowly started to pull her dress off, trying to be as careful as possible to avoid hurting her arms anymore. She looked down at her body to check for any other injuries that she would need to cover tomorrow. She noticed another slight burn just below her ass and some slight bruising on her ribs, looks like she won't be able to wear crop tops for a while. She gasped as she entered the shower, the hot water stinging her skin as she slowly stepped underneath it. She could feel her legs becoming weak and slowly and carefully sat herself down as the water ran over her injuries. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs, burying her head in shame as she felt the tears begin to fall again.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now