Chapter 29: The Sauna

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Yesterday was a blur, from having her heart broken by Billy to ending up in bed with Eddie, kissing him and talking to him as they both drifted off to sleep, to then waking up alone. Kali pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind as she got herself ready for the day, she had to head over to Gareth's in a couple of hours for band practice before their gig tomorrow night at the Hideout. The band was doing really well, their crowd was getting bigger and bigger with every performance and Tina even had some T-shirts made up with the bands logo on the front, any cash she made from selling them went straight to Kali "use it to buy things for the baby" Tina's words echoed in Kali's head as she looked around her cramped bedroom. So far she had a cot, some diapers and bottles and her friends had even bought her a few baby clothes. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at the light blue blanket that Billy had bought, she looked down at her hand as she played with the arcade ring he had given her, she thought back to the promise he made,

Kali's eyes widened as she stared at the small silver ring with a little blue jewel in the middle "it's not much, I mean I won it at the arcade but um" he cleared his throat as he held Kali's hand "Kali, one day I will get you a proper ring, one that you deserve but this is a promise" he placed the ring gently over her left ring finger "I promise to never hurt you again, I promise to love you for all eternity and I promise that one day I will ask you to marry me, so will you accept this ring?" Kali smiled at the ring and then looked back at Billy. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his lips, she knew that he was serious while also finding it crazy that Billy Hargrove had just given her a promise ring. She looked back at the ring and then back at Billy who was anxiously awaiting her answer "yes".

Kali was pulled from the memory by a knock at the door, she wiped her tears away and made her way out into the living room. When Kali opened the door she was pushed back slightly by a pair of arms wrapping their way around her body "I'm so glad you're okay" Kali smiled down at the young red head who held her tight, "I might be okay but you're suffocating the baby" Kali laughed as Max quickly pulled back, looking at her belly concerned "sorry" she dropped her head, Kali placed her hands on the red heads shoulders and smiled "I was kidding" Max looked up at her a smiled, playfully slapping her arm "you dick" they both stood laughing before Max dropped her head once again, Kali furrowed her brows "what's wrong?" She asked. Max couldn't even look at her, she just played with the hem of her T-shirt as she spoke "it's Billy" Kali's heart dropped at the mention of his name "I think there's something wrong with him" Max looked over to see Kali clutching her chest, her breathing becoming heavy when her fears had been confirmed. There was no way the Billy she had seen yesterday was her Billy. She looked back over to Max, who gestured for Kali to follow her outside while she grabbed her keys. When Kali stepped out of the trailer she saw the group of kids stood against her car "what's going on?" She looked between them all confused, "we need your help" Max spoke, grabbing Kali's hand and walking her over to the car. Kali wasted no time as she climbed into the drivers seat, the kids all climbing into the back seat and putting their seatbelts on as Kali quickly pulled out of the trailer park.

"He looks pretty normal to me" Max spoke as she watched her brother through binoculars, Kali rolled her eyes "how many times have you seen him with a shirt on?" She scoffed, Max shrugged her shoulders "I mean it's a little weird"

"More then a little" Mike spoke up. The group had made their way over to the pool, Max explaining to Kali that they thought Billy had become a host for something they called a 'mind flayer' on their way over. All of them now hid behind Kali's car, keeping a close eye on Billy as they tried to work out whether their assumption was right. Mike was whispering to Lucas and Will when Kali turned to face them "what are you whispering about?" She hissed, causing the boys to jump "I have an idea. Boys only" Mike spoke as they ran off towards the pool. The girls all looked at each other confused before turning their gaze back to Billy. Could they be right? Had Billy's mind been taken over by something sinister? Kali couldn't keep her eyes off of the young lifeguard as the boys ran back over "okay, we have a plan" Lucas huffed as they all tried to catch their breath. They explained their plan to the girls who all nodded along, this was a good plan, but was it going to work?

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now