Chapter 20: The plan

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Billy was in his bedroom getting ready for his date with Kali. He had his music turned up loud as he pulled on his red shirt, Kali's favourite, he lit his cigarette and did a few of the buttons up before looking at himself in the mirror, he was startled by a knock on his door. When he opened the door he found his father and step-mother stood on the other side "we can't find Maxine" Susan exclaimed, her eyes filled with worry "and her windows open"

"Where is she?" His father hissed "I don't know" Billy replied as he looked down at the floor. He was so focussed on seeing Kali that he had completely forgotten to check on Max "I'm sure she's just at the arcade or something" he looked back at his father "you were supposed to watch her" he hissed through gritted teeth causing Billy to look at the floor again "I know it's just" Billy looked at Susan and then back at his father "it's just you guys were three hours late and well, I have a date" he sighed "I'm sorry okay?" He prayed that saying sorry would mean he would avoid a beating but next thing he knew his father had him pinned against the wall "what did we talk about?!" He shouted in Billy's face "respect and responsibility" he mumbled back, he could barely get his words out as tears filled his eyes "now apologise to Susan"

"I'm sorry Susan" Billy looked over at the woman in the doorway with pleading eyes "it's okay Neil really.." she was cut off by her husband "no, it's not okay. Nothing about his behaviour is okay" he turned back to face billy "but he's gonna make up for it" a smirk appearing on his face "he's gonna call whatever whore he's seeing tonight and cancel their date and then he's gonna go look for his sister, isn't that right Billy?" Billy could feel his rage growing, he felt pain radiate across his face as his fathers hand collided with his cheek "isn't that right!" He screamed "yes sir" Billy mumbled, his father threw him on the floor and stormed towards the door "find Max" he screamed as he slammed the door, causing one of Billy's picture frames to fall off of the wall. Billy pulled his knees up to his chest and sobbed, he had to find Max but he didn't want to disappoint Kali. He wiped his eyes and grabbed his keys from his desk and rushed out to his car, he wasted no time and drove off as fast as he could, his first stop would be the trailer.

Kali flopped down onto the sofa at the Byers house. She was exhausted, she didn't even realise that she'd missed her date with Billy until she arrived at the house. After being attacked by a Demo-Dog and saved by a young girl who she later learned was called El, the group had split up into three teams. Joyce, Jonathon and Nancy had taken Will to Hoppers cabin to try and get the Mind Flayer out of him. Hopper and El had gone back to the lab to try and close the gate. That left Steve and Kali to babysit the remaining kids, long story short, they had been benched. Mike had come up with a plan to distract the demo-dogs so that El could get to the gate without any problems but Steve wasn't having any of it. They argued back and forth for what felt like forever "I promised I'd keep you shitheads safe and that's exactly what I plan on doing" Steve rested his hands on his hips "we're staying here on the bench. Does everybody understand?" The group all nodded their heads as Steve let out a sigh.

Max made her way over to Kali and sat down on the sofa next to her, Kali smiled down at the young girl who had rested her head on Kali's shoulder. She'd always wanted a younger sister but with the way her father was, she was glad that she'd never had one, but there was something about Max that brought out Kali's protective side. She would protect Max from the world, and that included her brother. They both jumped up and looked at each other in terror when they heard an engine revving outside. Max grabbed hold of Kali's hand "it's my brother" Kali looked down at the petrified young girl who was clinging onto her "he can't know I'm here, he'll kill me" she shook her head "he'll kill us" Kali was no stranger to Billy's anger, "okay Max I need you to go and hide in one of the back rooms with the boys, Steve and I will handle Billy" she pushed the kids back towards one of the bedrooms "do not come out" she closed the door and turned to find that Steve had already walked outside. Kali quietly walked over to the window and saw Billy stepping out of his car.

"What are you doing here, amigo?" Billy asked as he took a drag of his cigarette, Steve stepped a little closer to him "I could ask you the same thing.... Amigo" Billy scoffed at his answer "looking for my girlfriend and my stepsister. A little birdie told me they were here"

"Huh, well I don't know who your stepsister is but Kali isn't here" Steve could see Kali peeking through the window to his side and although he was friendly with Billy, he didn't trust him. Billy stepped towards Steve, looking him up and down "you know, I don't know" he clicked his tongue "this whole situation Harrington, I don't know, it's giving me the heebie-jeebies" Steve looked at him confused "my 13 year old sister and my girlfriend go missing all day and then I find them with you at a strangers house and you lie to me about it" he pokes Steve's chest causing him shuffle backwards slightly, Steve shrugged his shoulders "like I said, they're not here"

"Oh yeah? Then who's that?" Billy grinned as he pointed towards the window. Kali's eyes widened as her gaze met Billy's, she quickly dropped to the floor "shit, shit, shit" she whispered to herself as she scrambled towards the bedroom where Max and the boys were hiding. Just then the front door flew open "honey I'm home" Billy joked, Kali turned around and slowly walked over to him, placing a kiss on his cheek "hey Romeo" she smiled, truth is, she was scared of him when he was in this kind of mood. She went to pull away from him but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer "where's my sister?" He said softly as he moved a piece of her hair behind her ear "Billy you're hurting me" Kali pulled at his hand as his grip tightened "I said where is my sister" he shouted. Kali's eyes widened when he raised his voice, in this moment, she was reminded of her father. Steve came running up behind them, his fist colliding with Billy's ribs, causing him to release Kali from his grip. He turned to face Steve with a smile on his face "looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh?" Steve landed another hit, this time on Billy's face as he stumbled backwards.

It didn't take long before the two were in a heated fight, Steve had landed a few good hits but Billy was soon on top of him "Billy stop!" Kali screamed, she tried to pull him off but he threw her backwards, she didn't even notice Max running past her and shoving a needle into Billy's neck, injecting him with whatever was inside. He stood up and wobbled towards Max, pulling the needle from his neck "you little shit, what did you do?" He fell to the floor as Max towered over him "from here on out, you leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?" Billy laughed at her, there was no way he was going to leave them alone after this. Max grabbed Steve's bat and swung it at her brother, it landed just inches away from his crotch causing Billy to look up in shock at how close it was "say you understand. Say it!" Max shouted, Billy looked at Kali and then back at Max "I understand" he managed to mumble before he fell unconscious. Max grabbed the keys from his pocket "let's get out of here" Kali sat on the floor, her gaze shifting between Billy and Steve. How could he do that? How could he hurt Steve? She looked down at her wrist to see a small bruise forming, she looked back at Max "take Steve and go help El and Hopper" she slowly stood to her feet "me and your brother are going to have words when he wakes up" Max nodded at her as the boys helped Steve into the back of Billy's car. The house fell silent and Kali made her way over to Billy, she grabbed the bat from between his legs and sat on the sofa opposite him, waiting for him to wake up.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now