Chapter 16: Safe at last

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TW! Abuse

It had been 3 days since Kali last spoke to Billy. She tried to focus her attention on school and the band but his words kept repeating in her head. I'll be back for you. What did that even mean? Where had he gone? What was he doing? Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knock on the trailer door, "I'll get it" Wayne shouted, shifting from his spot on the sofa with a groan. She heard some muffled chatter as she continued playing her guitar "Kali it's for you" she turned her head to the side, who would be here for me?, she questioned as she set her guitar down. As she entered the living room she heard a familiar voice "hi Kali" she crossed her arms over the chest "hello father".

Kali stood between her father and Wayne, who looked at the two of them confused "I'm gonna go in the other room while you two talk" he patted Kali on the shoulder as he made his way to his bedroom. Kali waited for the door to close before speaking "why are you here?"

"I think it's time for you to come home" Kali scoffed at his words, "you call that a home?" She scoffed again. She looked her father up and down before rolling her eyes "I'm not going anywhere with you" that was all it took for her father to grab hold of her arm, his grip tightening as he pulled her towards him "you are coming home" he said through gritted teeth, "who the fuck do you think you are?" A slap landed across her face "you're nothing but a filthy whore" and another slap "staying with your freak boyfriend just so you can whore yourself around" Kali tried to speak but every time she opened her mouth another slap spread across her face, he pushed her to the floor before climbing on top of her. He didn't care that Wayne was in the next room, his daughter needed to learn her lesson. He raised his fist as Kali closed her eyes, bracing herself for what was about to happen. She tried to scream as her fathers fist met her nose but nothing came out. He landed punch after punch, with each hit Kali felt like it was the end. She knew he was pissed at her for running away but she couldn't even fight back. Her limbs when limp as another punch landed, knocking her head back into the floor. Suddenly the hits stopped, Kali opened her eyes as best she could to see what was going on "get the fuck off of her you piece of shit" everything was a blur, the only thing she could make out was a shotgun barrel pointed at her fathers head, "I said get off of her" she couldn't work out who had save her, but she was thankful. Somebody had finally caught him. Somebody had finally saved her. The last thing she remembered was seeing her father stand up, spitting in her face as he did.

When Kali awoke she was met with a bright light. She squinted her eyes, letting them adjust to the light as she looked around. As her eyes adjusted everything came into focus. She was in a hospital room. She tried to sit up but a soft hand held her down "Kali, try not to move" as she laid back down she turned her head to see a man in a white lab coat stood next to her, "you've suffered a head trauma, you need to rest" she reached her hand up and felt a bandage around her head, "where am I?" She asked, the doctor smiled down at her "you're at Hawkins central hospital" she felt herself relax a little, at least she was still in Hawkins, but panic soon set in when she remembered what happened "where's my father?" The doctor noticed the terror in her eyes, he held her hand lightly "don't worry, you're safe now, he'll be going away for a long time" she smiled back at him as she rested back against the bed "oh and this one has refused to leave your side" he pointed over to the sofa in the corner of the room, Kali followed his hand with her eyes and there, fast asleep on the sofa was the beautiful blonde haired boy who she had fallen in love with. A smile let out on her face as she saw him, he came back for her.

After the doctor had left the room, Kali tried to get up, she really needed to pee but didn't want to ask the doctor for help. She sat on the edge of the bed, holding her head as it pounded against her skull. She winced at the pain before looking back at Billy. She didn't want to wake him, he looked like he hadn't slept in days, he had dark circles under his eyes and his usually tamed hair was all over the place. She grabbed onto the frame of the bed as she stood, her legs were a little wobbly but she slowly managed to make her way to the bathroom.
She washed her hands and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her father had really done a number on her this time. Both of her eyes were black, she had a large cut running over her nose and another smaller cut on her chin. Not to mention the bandage that was wrapped around her head, "still beautiful" she heard a voice say. She turned to see Billy stood in the doorway, she smiled at him as she felt tears prick her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her as the tears began to fall "hey its okay, you're safe now" he held one hand on her back while the other hand stroked her hair, she sobbed against his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist "you came back for me" she whimpered causing Billy to chuckle "told you I'd be back for you" he held her shoulders as he pulled her back from the hug, looking into her eyes "I will always come back for you Juliet" he smiled at her as her gaze met his. She pulled him back into a hug as she nuzzled her head against his chest "I love you" she whispered. She felt him tense up against her. Shit I shouldn't have said that, she thought to herself as she cautiously looked up at him. To her surprise he was smiling down at her, he placed a light kiss on her lips before looking back at her "I love you too" a wide smile spread across Kali's face, she pulled Billy in for another kiss, but he pulled away quickly causing Kali to furrow her brows "I thought you were dead Kali" his eyes started to well up "I thought I'd lost you for good" she pulled him into a tight hug, holding him in her arms as he sobbed "hey it's okay, I'm okay" she reassured him as she ran her fingers through his hair "I'm in a lot of pain, but I'm okay" she laughed, Billy's gaze quickly shot back up to her. She could barely stand, her legs shaking from being stood up for too long. He picked her up bridal style and carried her over to the bed, placing her down gently and pulling the blanket over her legs as he sat down in the chair beside her. He held her hand close to his lips "I'm sorry I wasn't there" Kali's eyes met Billy's, she could see the guilt in his eyes as he looked at her, she rested her hand on his cheek "it's not your fault Billy" she smiled at him "but if I was there I could've protected you" he had a small amount of anger in his voice as he spoke. Kali shook her head before smiling at him again "Billy I'm okay"

"No you're not!" He shouted, standing to his feet "look at what he did to you Kali!" He gestured at her face "if he had landed just one more hit as hard as the one that caused you to hit your head then you would've died Kali! Do you understand that?! You could've died!" He was shouting at her as tears streamed down his face. He dropped to his knees and held his head in his hands, it broke Kali's heart to see him this upset. She slowly climbed onto the floor next to him as she pulled his head into her chest, "you could've died" he kept sobbing "shh it's okay" tears were now streaming down Kali's face as she tried to reassure him but he just kept sobbing and saying "you could've died" as she held him.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now