Chapter 6: Getting the band back together

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It was my father

Those 4 words would be stuck in Billy's head for the rest of the day. His heart sank when he heard those words. He knew how it felt to be a victim of a fathers wrath but he was a man, despite what his dad said, and he couldn't understand what Kali had done to deserve all of this. Nobody deserved this. He stood holding her while she sobbed, his white T-shirt now stained with mascara and absolutely soaking wet but he didn't care. All he cared about was being there for Kali. Showing her that he can be trusted and he would do everything in his power to protect her.

The bell rang signalling the end of first period and Kali quickly pulled away and wiped her eyes when she saw that classroom doors open. She managed to escape Billy's hold and put her jacket back on before thanking him. He understood where the marks came from and he didn't question her any further but she knew the other kids wouldn't be as kind. She thanked Billy and kissed his cheek before turning on her heal and heading off to her next class.

After lunch she only had one class left and she got there extra early so she could sit next to Steve. She hadn't spoken to him since he ditched her at lunch but that was old news to Kali now, after last nights events, she just wanted to enjoy her best friends company. Her father didn't approve of the friendship they had and he certainly didn't understand that they were just friends.
She sat down in her usual spot and awaited Steve's arrival. Slowly all the other kids began to appear and take their seats, Tina had tried to sit next to her but instead sat in front. She kept turning round and talking to Kali about her party on Saturday, but Kali had tuned her out. She didn't want to hear about a party she couldn't go to, it pained her to know she couldn't go. She soon came back to reality when Tommy walked in, spouting some shit about her and Billy, all Kali could do was roll her eyes. She refused to add anymore fuel to the fire by talking back to him. Eventually Steve strolled through the door, he glanced over at Kali and quickly sat down next to her, apologising over and over again for ditching her the other day. Kali just shook her head and smiled "Steve it's fine, I get it" she didn't but that's beside the point. She didn't want to spend the whole time listening to Steve make promises about spending more time with her because she'd heard it all before and knew it was just bullshit.

The class itself was really boring, the teacher droned on and on about equations and fractions and Kali couldn't care less. She hated Math. It didn't take long for Tina to turn around and start talking about the party to Steve, she was moaning about the fact that she wanted a live band for part of the night but couldn't find anyone that she liked enough to play. "It's just so unfair" she whined "there are no decent bands in Hawkins"

"I know someone that could play for you" Steve chimed in and Tina suddenly shot up, resembling a meerkat, "who? Who?" She begged Steve to tell her and he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle "well Kali plays guitar, she's really good too, why don't you let her play?" Kali glared at him. She hadn't played in front of an audience since middle school, she usually just sat in her room and played by herself. "Oh my god! Please Kali can you play?! Pretty pretty please?" Kali looked over at Tina, rolling her eyes before letting out a sigh "sure, but I'll need to talk to my old band to see if they'd help out" she let out a fake smile as Tina thanked her. She then spent the final half an hour of the lesson telling her what time to be there and what kind of songs to play. Thankfully Tina enjoyed rock music which played right into Kali's wheelhouse.

The final bell rang and Kali walked towards her car, Tina walking right beside her explaining any other details she felt Kali needed to hear. As Kali reached her car, she could hear someone giggling quite loudly. She scanned the car park and found a cheerleader with her arms wrapped tightly around Billy, looking up at him while he shot her a wink and smoked his cigarette. Kali couldn't understand why it felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest, she didn't care if Billy was hooking up with anyone, fair play to him he's incredibly good looking and could get any girl he wanted and Kali had only ever seen him as a friend, but she couldn't ignore this nagging feeling she had.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now