Chapter 1

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(Ochako's POV)
The blood soaked into my white hoodie.
"God dammit! Izuku, do you have a spare hoodie?" I asked.
"What would you do without me, Ochako? We can steal from a nearby clothes shop," Izuku said.
"Why can't we just kill someone for a hoodie?!"
"Do you want to reek of blood?"Izuku glanced at me. I shrugged.
"I love the smell of blood, Izuku!" I squealed.
"Not when people are trying to hunt us down. Remember that we're wanted by the Pros," he sighed.
"Don't worry, sweets. We'll be fine on our own. We don't need anyone else besides each other," I threw my arms around him. He pulled me in closer.
"I know, Ochako. I know," we stood there and it felt like time froze. I almost didn't notice the red and blue lights flashing around us. Almost.
"FREEZE! YOU ARE SURROUNDED! IT ENDS HERE, MIDNIGHT MURDERERS!" An entire swarm of police were all around us. And so was that disgusting wannabe hero, All Might.
"Izuku dear, didn't they say that exact thing last time?"
"I believe so love. And yet, here we are, standing before you! Give up, All Might! You're getting too old for this! You can't keep chasing us! It's almost been a year and we still manage to slip through your fingers every damn time!" Izuku chuckled. His eyes grew brighter. With his quirk, he sent all of the police flying. All Might shielded himself from the blast. Most of the police were dead after being crushed by the rocks I floated into the air. All Might stood there all alone. He was thinking on what to do which gave us about 3.7 seconds to escape. Perfect amount of time. I grabbed Izuku's hand and we lifted off the ground.
"I can help you, young Midoriya! You too, young Uraraka!" All Might shouted after us.
"Haven't heard those names in awhile!" I called back. "But I'm afraid who you're looking for no longer around! Remember, you call us the Midnight Murderers! I find it quite fitting!" We watched as All Might's slowly faded away into the darkness. We landed a few minutes later and my stomach wanted to burst.
"Do you need anything, Ochako? Some mints or something?" Izuku comforted me. I puked in the corner as Izuku patted my back. I wiped my mouth with a napkin Izuku handed to me and drank some water. A figure walked out of the shadows.
"The Midnight Murderers. What a title," the person was a man with short blue hair and a collection of hands all around his body.
"Stay where you are, hero. I'll kill you if you take one step forward," Izuku clenched his fists.
"Now what makes you think I'm a hero? I'd love to ensure you that I am a villain,"

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