Chapter 13

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(Izuku POV)

She took my hand and I lifted her up. One of the guards came into her room.

"Hey kid, boss wants you t-"

He stared us dead in the eyes. The room started to shake.

"Their traitors! Get the kid at all costs!"

Ochako and Toga charged at him and knocked him down. The girl buried her face into my suit's tie. I walked over and put my foot on the guard's chest.

"Dear, cover your ears for me, would you?"

The girl put her hands over her ears and closed her eyes tightly.

"Listen here. You're going to let us go freely with the child. And you won't give us a damn problem. Understood?"

"Like I would ever listen to a low life thug like you-"

Toga stabbed his throat. Watching the light leave his eyes was satisfying.

"There, Izuku. Now he won't be an issue!" Toga smiled.

"Very good, Toga. Now let's go. We need to get her to base."

We started running when I felt her squeeze my arm a bit tighter.

"My name... it's Eri."

"Eri. What a cute name."

I covered Eri's eyes as we all killed the guards. We saw multiple pro heroes. I think some of them might have been UA students, the school I wanted to go to. I think Ochako wanted to go there to, but when I entered her life, it threw her off track. I have a feeling of guilt every now and then of how innocent she could've been if it wasn't for me. No. It wasn't me. It was Katsuki.

"Izuku, there are heroes blocking our way out!" Ochako said.

"Then we'll have to kill them."

Toga looked so excited.

"Izuku-Kun! Can I do it?! Please please please?!"

"Go ahead, Toga."

She happily ran off with her blades in hand. Ochako hugged me as Toga went on her killing spree.

"What do we do afterwards? Do we keep her with us?"

I set Eri down and we both kneel to reach her height.

"I don't know. What would you want to do, Eri?"

"I... I don't know. Please, just no more needles."

"Well, if you stay with the LOV, we can assure you, no shots. If you want a different family, then we can put you up for adoption."

She slowly shuffled over. She put her hand on me and Ochako's face.

"I don't want to hurt anymore."

We smiled and I picked her up again. Toga waved to us and shouted:

"All clear!"

We walked over multiple dead bodies. At least they we have less people to deal with. Toga sipped on the tip of a syringe and turned into a pro hero who I think was called Rock Locke. We passed by other pro heroes.

"Go on ahead! I got these criminals and a kid!" Toga said disguised as Rock Locke.

"Thanks, Rock Locke. Get them to the police and the kid to safety."

It was Eraserhead. They were doing all this just to fight Kai? Did they even know about Eri in the first place?! We were so close to an exit when I saw something I shouldn't have seen.

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