Chapter 6

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(Ochako's POV)
I was in a bed when I woke up. I was in a room with white walls and an iron door.
  "What the hell is this?" I was wearing a hospital gown. Was I in a psychic ward or something? I got up and I saw a glass window with Eraserhead and All Might behind it. In the top corner there was a security camera. Next to the window was a table and a microphone. I sat down at the table and stared into window. The lights above me flickered.
  "Ochako Uraraka, Quirk: Zero Gravity," Eraserhead was reading off of a stiff piece of paper.
  "Tell me where Izuku is," I demanded.
  "First, you need to tell us-"
  "TELL ME NOW BITCH!" The table slightly lifted up off the ground.
  "Young Uraraka, we would like you to know that Midoriya is fine. He is currently unconscious," All Might said.
  "Uraraka's not my name anymore. It's just Ochako. I won't be giving you any information,"
  "Even if it means we stop treating Midoriya?" Eraserhead threatened. Stop treating Izuku? But he was impaled with a God damn knife!
  "You won't do that. A heroes job is to help people, isn't it? You won't purposely let someone die, would you?" I laughed. I knew that they wouldn't do it. They wouldn't let my sweet Izuku die. Eraserhead got up and left the room. It was just me and All Might now. "Well, you finally caught me. What are you gonna do now, All Might?" I grinned.
  "We'll turn you into the police. You'll stay there until you pay all your time. You murdered 23 people yesterday alone,"
  "Actually, you're wrong. It was 24 people," Eraserhead walked back in with his class. "Oh, you gonna try to punish me with stupidity?" Katsuki walked up to the mic on the other side of the window.
  "What the hell did you do to make Deku a villain?" He asked. I tried to hold it in, but it was to much. I burst out laughing, almost crying.
  "Katsuki! You're truly that idiotic?! It was you!" I laughed even harder. "I did nothing but save him from dying! This is you're doing!"
  "What the hell are you talking about?!" He screamed.
  "Swan dive off a roof, he said. Hope for better in your next life, he said! Do those words sound familiar?! Do they?!" At this point, I was mostly upset.
  "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MAKE HIM KILL PEOPLE?!" Katsuki's loud annoying voice echoed in the small room.
  "Oh, no no no. That's all my love's doing. I help him, that's all. My turn," I inhaled. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU ASSUME HE WAS QUIRKLESS?!"
  "TOUCH HIM, I'LL BREAK OUTTA HERE MYSELF AND KILL YOU!" The air filled with that sweet lavender scent again. I held my breath and saw the backdoor open. Midnight was standing in the doorway. Chance! I charged at the Pro.
  "Relax, darling! It will be over soon!" She tried to reassure me I was safe, but I didn't want to hear it. She tried to block herself, but I was faster. I hit the back off her neck and she fell on the ground. Eraserhead and his class rushed out of the room with All Might not far behind. The lights in the long hallway started to flash red as I looked at every sign to try and find the room the were holding Izuku. From the corner of my eye, I saw that bitch's spiky blonde hair. I turned around and started to try and follow him. I lost track of him and had no leads of where Izuku was. I heard the sound of shoes running across the tile floor. I was going to get caught and that would be it. They probably wouldn't let me see Izuku anymore so yeah. A cold gust of wind made me shiver. Wind? Wasn't I indoors?
  "We don't have all day, Ochako. Come on," I looked up and I saw Kurogiri!
  "You came for us! We have to get Izuku!"
  "Don't worry, Izuku is already back at the base," I stood up and walked into the portal. But before I did, I saw Katsuki trying to run up to me. I stuck up the middle finger and stuck my tongue out when Kurogiri yanked me in.
  "Finally. God damn. You didn't give up any info, did you?" Shigaraki asked.
  "Wow, I finally get back and you ask that first? No, I didn't. Now, where's Izuku?" He pointed to a room and I went in. Turns out Kurogiri took the whole damn medical set up. The monitor beeped slowly. He was asleep and had bandages all around his stomach. "I'm sorry, Izuku. I'm sorry,"

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