Chapter 10

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(Bakugou POV)

I lay on my bed, worried about that green haired bitch that used to be my friend. I didn't know what the hell he was anymore. Sure, he was a villain, that much was obvious. But where was my Deku? The kind Deku? The Plus Ultra Deku? I wanted to be a hero so I could fight villains, but why did this have to be so hard? I check the clock on my phone. It's 10:47 pm. I throw on a coat and I put on my boots.

"Where the hell are you going?" Aizawa Sensei asked me as I was about to walk out the dorms.

"None of your damn business."

"Does this have something to do with this 'Izuku Midoriya' character?"

I pause. Deep down, I knew it was.

"Yeah. Now leave me alone."

"They seem to have it out for you. Be careful."

I nod and walk to a coffee shop while staring at my phone. I choose to ignore the fact that the floaty bitch said I'm the reason their villains. Probably for the best. I sigh as I approach the 10 story building. I take an elevator to the 6th floor and knock on the 13th door. A woman with green hair answers.


"Auntie Inko."

"Please go home, Katsuki. Whatever you need is probably at your Mom's house."

"No, Auntie. I need to talk to you."

"Katsuki, if this is about Izuku, it's not your fault he's a murderer."

"That's the thing, Auntie. I want to talk about Dek- Izuku."

She let me in. She made tea and we sat down at her dining room table with 4 seats. But usually only 1 of them would be occupied. We sat in silence for a bit.

"Auntie Inko, I-"

"Please, Katsuki. Let me go first."

I tensed up a bit. From the corner of my eye, I see something flash across the window, but that's the least of my troubles.

"Everyday, Izuku would come home saying 'Kacchan saved me from a big bully' or 'We played hero and villain'. I thought he was always going to be my sweet boy. But I guess I didn't give him enough attention to notice him becoming the way he is now."

Aunt Inko failed at trying not to cry in front of me. I was trying my best as well.

"Sometimes I wonder, how everything could've been different if I had checked in on him more often."

"Listen, Auntie, I didn't come here to make you cry. I came here because I wanted to see how you were doing."

She slowly gasped and raised her head.

"Aunt Inko, I know how hard it's been for me to grasp onto the fact that Izuku is a villain, so I can't imagine how it's been for you."

"It's been tough, Katsuki. I feel like I'm responsible. Maybe if I raised him differently, he would be better then what he is today. Every time I pass by someone, they whisper under their breathe 'That's Izuku's mom!' 'How could she raise such a savage?!'. I honestly don't care about me. I just want to see my kind hearted boy again."

"We both do."

We hugged and we both cried. We talked for a bit while longer. I finally said goodbye and started to make my way back to UA. A slight drizzle of rain was over me. While everyone opened their umbrellas, I just threw over my hood. 1:24 am. I get back and I hear Raccoon Eyes and Frog Girl talking about Floaty Bitch. I decide not to talk to them right now. It might not be the best time. I quietly shower and get ready for bed. As I finish brushing my teeth, I'm about to walk out the bathroom when in the reflection, I see a little green haired boy. Deku, maybe 4-5.

"How could you let this happen, Katsuki? How could you do this to me? And Mommy?"

I fall to my knees, muttering "I don't know, I don't know."

"Katsuki, you are a worthless piece of shit that almost killed my Izuku."

I glance up and I see Floaty Bitch. I stand up and punch the mirror. It shatters, glass and blood all over my hands. Raccoon Eyes and Frog Girl slam open the door. They take me to Raccoon Eyes' room and bandage my hands. Maybe I should talk to them after all.

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